Positive Revenge

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100% guaranteed. This Success Resurrecting Program called, “Positive Revenge,” is helping you to help yourself: • Turn the negative things people did toward you to hurt you into positive things for you that helps you and them. • The best revenge is not negative revenge. • The best revenge is positive revenge. • Learn Dr. AJ Rolls’ Scientific Systematic and Formulated Success Resurrecting Formula for Positive Revenge. • Get a second chance in life. This Success Resurrecting Program, “Positive Revenge,” is one of the foremost effective program’s to help you help yourself: • Forgive yourself. • Forgive a person or people. • Heal your memory about the things that happened to you that haunts you in your memory. Once you work this Success Resurrecting Program now, this Success Resurrecting Program is working for you, now.

Positive Revenge or Negative Revenge

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REVENGER Someone hurt you, someone did your wrong, someone lied on you, someone persecuted you, someone has betrayed you, stole from you, sabotage you, cheated on you or turned your family and friends against you. The normal response is: anger, hatred, hostility, depression and seclusion. Most of all you want negative revenge. Negative revenge has always been known to the human race. Negative revenge hurts people in a bad way. Negative revenge is poison and nobody hurt yourself. Negative revenge is negative energy. Great News Now Dr. AJ Rolls has provided you an alternative for negative revenge and hurting people in a bad way. Dr. AJ Rolls has founded and created: POSITIVE REVENGE With positive revenge, you hurt them in a positive way that is beneficial and healthy for you and them. God says vengeance is mine. If people can get to God to that point, then you are justified in getting your positive revenge. There are two types of revenge: Negative Revenge and Positive Revenge This book is educating you about both.

Positive Revenge

Book Description

100% guaranteed. This Success Resurrecting Program called, “Positive Revenge,” is helping you to help yourself: • Turn the negative things people did toward you, into positive things for you, that helps you and them. • The best revenge is not negative revenge. • The best revenge is positive revenge. • Learn Dr. AJ Rolls’ Scientific Systematic and Formulated Success Resurrecting Formula for Positive Revenge. This Success Resurrecting Program, “Positive Revenge,” is one of the foremost effective program’s to help you help yourself: • Forgive yourself. • Forgive a person or people. • Heal your memory about the hurtful things that happened to you that haunts you in your memory. Once you work this Success Resurrecting Program now, this Success Resurrecting Program is working for you, now.

Positive Revenge

Book Description

100% guaranteed. This Success Resurrecting Program called, "Positive Revenge," is helping you to help yourself: - Turn the negative things people did toward you, into positive things for you, that helps you and them. - The best revenge is not negative revenge. - The best revenge is positive revenge. - Learn Dr. AJ Rolls' Scientific Systematic and Formulated Success Resurrecting Formula for Positive Revenge. This Success Resurrecting Program, "Positive Revenge," is one of the foremost effective program's to help you help yourself: - Forgive yourself. - Forgive a person or people. - Heal your memory about the hurtful things that happened to you that haunts you in your memory. Once you work this Success Resurrecting Program now, this Success Resurrecting Program is working for you, now.

The Power of Positive Revenge

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Beyond Revenge

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Why is revenge such a pervasive and destructive problem? How can we create a future in which revenge is less common and forgiveness is more common? Psychologist Michael McCullough argues that the key to a more forgiving, less vengeful world is to understand the evolutionary forces that gave rise to these intimately human instincts and the social forces that activate them in human minds today. Drawing on exciting breakthroughs from the social and biological sciences, McCullough dispenses surprising and practical advice for making the world a more forgiving place. Michael E. McCullough (Miami, Florida), an internationally recognized expert on forgiveness and revenge, is a professor of psychology at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, where he directs the Laboratory for Social and Clinical Psychology.

The Revenge of the Real

Book Description

The future of politics after the pandemic COVID-19 exposed the pre-existing conditions of the current global crisis. Many Western states failed to protect their populations, while others were able to suppress the virus only with sweeping social restrictions. In contrast, many Asian countries were able to make much more precise interventions. Everywhere, lockdown transformed everyday life, introducing an epidemiological view of society based on sensing, modeling, and filtering. What lessons are to be learned? The Revenge of the Real envisions a new positive biopolitics that recognizes that governance is literally a matter of life and death. We are grappling with multiple interconnected dilemmas—climate change, pandemics, the tensions between the individual and society—all of which have to be addressed on a planetary scale. Even when separated, we are still enmeshed. Can the world govern itself differently? What models and philosophies are needed? Bratton argues that instead of thinking of biotechnologies as something imposed on society, we must see them as essential to a politics of infrastructure, knowledge, and direct intervention. In this way, we can build a society based on a new rationality of inclusion, care, and prevention.


Book Description

The revenge motif appears in a number of arenas and in different cultures. We need to be mindful of its existence in order to discover how common it is. We can then learn to recognize when destructive revenge spirals are developing. By extension, we thus gain a basis for stopping these spirals successfully before they have gone too far. We can also learn what function revenge plays and has played in various contexts. A short overview of revenge as a motif in literature, film, culture, religion, and at work is therefore given as an introduction to our study of revenge.

Recovery is My Best Revenge

Book Description

What is it like to live with dissociative identity disorder? How does the brain respond to chronic, extreme trauma? Is recovery possible from such suffering? In this combined first and second volumes of her collected essays, Carolyn Spring writes candidly from a number of perspectives about her experiences of living with trauma-related dissociation, and her journey of recovery over ten years. Topics covered include such as shame, denial, child sexual abuse, the complex meanings of 'madness' and the multi-layered subjective experience of a dissociative mind. It is a series of standalone chapters or essays which build on one another to provide not only a unique insight into trauma, attachment and dissociation, but also the long and arduous - but ultimately fulfilling - recovery journey. REVIEWS "A powerful, insightful read. Carolyn's honest, brave, intelligent and poetically written essays about living with and recovering from DID are a real gift. I read it from cover to cover, and then began all over again." "Superbly helpful. This book is excellent both as a resource for professionals and a helpful aid to accompany those recovering from trauma, from someone who has pieced their life back together. It's been one of the most helpful books for myself as someone recovering with DID to see so much of my confusion mirrored and explained and then reassured with options and working strategies." "Inspires hope. Beautifully and intelligently written, giving hope and optimism for the future for all trauma survivors, and a must read for therapists." "Inspiring. This book was both interesting and inspirational in both content and subject matter. Having heard the author teach, I can vouch for her eloquence as much in writing now as in her spoken word. Her message is one to be spread. Her experiences and journey of self-awareness and acceptance give others hope and therapists a unique insight into trauma work." "Beautiful. Such poignancy and elegantly written, an inspiration to recovery, its journey and what that can look like. Thank you - it's great to feel connected and seen." "Excellent. This is an amazing account and glimpse into the world of someone who suffers with dissociative identity disorder as a result of extreme childhood trauma and the recovery process. Excellently written, poignant, challenging at times. Wonderful insight into the therapeutic process from the client's perspective. I have gained so much from reading this. Highly recommended."

Success Is the Best Revenge

Book Description

A spellbinding, psychological and raw drama you won’t be able to put down. Sara Matthews is middle-aged, broke, and facing a divorce she doesn’t want. She feels like she’s lost her compass in life. What’s more, she has many secrets that she keeps from the world at large—the molestation that marred her childhood and a mother who is now a ghost and who haunts Sara only to berate her. Now she must begin the difficult work of starting her life over. Sara travels to London to work with her business partner, Thomas Hunter, and soon she finds herself involved in a new relationship. But all too quickly, she starts making decisions that lead her down dangerous a path, one that could cost her more than she has to give. Only time will tell whether she’ll be able to escape the danger. Heartbreaking yet hopeful, this novel traces the journey of a middle-aged woman who breaks free from years of abuse only to enter into another life-threatening relationship. Based on true events This book has won the International Impact Book Awards.