Post-Marxist Theory

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Poststructuralist Marxism, or post-Marxism, is a theoretical viewpoint that elaborates and revises the work of Louis Althusser and Michel Foucault. Unlike traditional Marxism, which emphasizes the priority of class struggle and the common humanity of oppressed groups, post-Marxism reveals the sexual, racial, class, and ethnic divisions of modern Western society. This book surveys the different versions of post-Marxist theory: the economic theory of Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff, the historical methodology of Michel Foucault, the political theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, the feminism of Judith Butler, the materialist philosophy of Pierre Macherey, and the cultural studies of Tony Bennett and John Frow. Providing a coherent framework for these otherwise quite divergent theorists, Philip Goldstein outlines the history of Marxist philosophical or theoretical views and explains how they all count as post-Marxist.

Post-Marxism After Althusser

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Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism

Book Description

In the past two decades, Marxism has enjoyed a revitalization as a research program and a growth in its audience. This renaissance is connected to the revival of anti-capitalist contestation since the Seattle protests in 1999 and the impact of the global economic and financial crisis in 2007–8. It intersects with the emergence of Post-Marxism since the 1980s represented by thinkers such as Jürgen Habermas, Chantal Mouffe, Ranajit Guha and Alain Badiou. This handbook explores the development of Marxism and Post-Marxism, setting them in dialogue against a truly global backdrop. Transcending the disciplinary boundaries between philosophy, economics, politics and history, an international range of expert contributors guide the reader through the main varieties and preoccupations of Marxism and Post-Marxism. Through a series of framing and illustrative essays, readers will explore these traditions, starting from Marx and Engels themselves, through the thinkers of the Second and Third Internationals (Rosa Luxemburg, Lenin and Trotsky, among others), the Tricontinental, and Subaltern and Post-Colonial Studies, to more contemporary figures such as Huey Newton, Fredric Jameson, Judith Butler, Immanuel Wallerstein and Samir Amin. The Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism will be of interest to scholars and researchers of philosophy, cultural studies and theory, sociology, political economics and several areas of political science, including political theory, Marxism, political ideologies and critical theory.

Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory

Book Description

The writings of the French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser and his associates have figured prominently in the development of contemporary social theory. The Althusserian school of Structural Marxism is a startlingly original synthesis of Marxism and Modernism, which has produced a large body of work that extends across the human sciences and the humanities to engage a wide variety of cultures, theoretical problems, and political issues. Despite the fact that Althusser himself is widely recognized as a major figure, the breadth, coherence, and achievements of Structural Marxism as a whole have gone largely unrecognized. In this, the most systematic and wide-ranging assessment of Structural Marxism in any language, Resch provides a comprehensive and thematic introduction to the work of Althusser, Nicos Poulantzas, Pierre Macherey, Etienne Balibar, Emmanuel Terray, Terry Eagleton, G�ran Therborn, Ren�e Balibar, Perry Anderson, Pierre-Philippe Rey, Michel P�chaux, Guy Bois, and others. Resch's sympathetic and critical study demonstrates the enormous significance of Althusser's modernist renewal of Marxist social theory and its ongoing challenge to post-Marxist movements such as postmodernism and neo-liberalism.

Marx Through Post-Structuralism

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A distinct and original post-structuralist approach to Marx, allowing him to be read in a new light.

Post Marxism

Book Description

"Post Marxism," a key title in the "Political Science" series, explores the evolution and critiques of Marxist theory, offering a deep understanding of modern political thought. 1-Post-Marxism-Introduces Post-Marxism, differentiating it from classical Marxism and setting the stage for further exploration. 2-Freudo-Marxism-Examines the fusion of Freudian psychoanalysis with Marxist theory and its impact on political strategies. 3-Posthegemony-Analyzes posthegemony, questioning traditional concepts of political leadership and dominance. 4-Hegemony and Socialist Strategy-Focuses on Laclau and Mouffe’s work on hegemony and its role in post-Marxist socialist strategies. 5-Radical Democracy-Explores radical democracy's influence on political discourse beyond Marxism. 6-Post-politics-Discusses post-politics, where political struggles are replaced by technocratic approaches. 7-Essex School of Discourse Analysis-Highlights the Essex School’s contributions to discourse analysis within post-Marxist theory. 8-Neo-Marxism-Covers the revival of Marxism in modern contexts, with key critiques and adaptations. 9-21st-Century Communist Theorists-Profiles leading contemporary communist theorists who challenge traditional Marxist ideas. 10-Outline of Marxism-Reviews fundamental Marxist concepts, essential for understanding post-Marxist critiques. 11-Outline of Critical Theory-Explains the development of critical theory and its influence on post-Marxism. 12-Post-Structuralism-Explores post-structuralism’s critique of structuralism and Marxism, reshaping political discourse. 13-Slavoj Žižek-Analyzes Žižek’s contributions to post-Marxism, focusing on his approach to ideology and critique. 14-Antonio Negri-Examines Negri’s revolutionary ideas, particularly his concepts of the multitude and Empire. 15-Michael Hardt-Discusses Hardt’s role in shaping post-Marxist thought, especially through his work with Negri. 16-Ernesto Laclau-Focuses on Laclau’s theories on populism and discourse, central to post-Marxist strategies. 17-Chantal Mouffe-Explores Mouffe’s ideas on radical democracy and their implications for post-Marxism. 18-Empire (Hardt and Negri Book)-Reviews key concepts from Hardt and Negri's "Empire" and their significance in political theory. 19-Jason Barker-Covers Barker’s insights into post-Marxism and his interpretations of key theoretical debates. 20-Alberto Toscano-Discusses Toscano’s critiques and theoretical contributions to the post-Marxism debate. 21-Kiarina Kordela-Highlights Kordela’s work on the intersections of Marxism, psychoanalysis, and political theory. "Post Marxism" is an essential resource for scholars and enthusiasts, offering deep insights into the evolution of Marxist thought and providing tools for critically engaging with modern political theory. Its comprehensive analysis makes it a must-read for those serious about understanding the shifts in Marxist and post-Marxist theory.

From Marxism to Post-Marxism?

Book Description

A comprehensive history of the development of Marxist theory and the parameters of 21st-century politics In this pithy and panoramic work - both stimulating for the specialist and the accessible to the general reader - one of the world's leading social theorists, Gran Therborn, traces the trajectory of Marxism in the twentieth century and anticipates its legacy for radical thought in the twenty-first.

For Marx

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A milestone in the development of post-war Marxist thought.

Encountering Althusser

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French philosopher Louis Pierre Althusser (1918 -1990) helped define the politico-theoretical conjuncture of pre- and post-1968. Today, there is a recrudescence of interest in his thought, especially in light of his later work, published in English as Philosophy of the Encounter (Verso, 2006). This has led to renewed debates on the reformulation of conflicting notions of materialism, on the event as both philosophical concept and political construction, and on the nature of politics and the political. These original essays by leading scholars aim to provide a new assessment of Althusser's thought, especially in relation to contemporary debates. Organized in four sections that represent the main currents in Althusser's scholarship, the book discusses materialism and the different formulations of the relationship between politics and philosophy, Althusser's interpretations of political thinkers (including Machiavelli, Deleuze and Gramsci), the resources he provides to critique political economy and politics in post-Marxist thought, and the theorization of ideology and politics. Encountering Althusser is a groundbreaking resource that highlights Althusser's continuing relevance to contemporary radical thought.

Althusser and His Contemporaries

Book Description

Althusser and His Contemporaries alters and expands understanding of Louis Althusser and French philosophy of the 1960s and 1970s. Thousands of pages of previously unpublished work from different periods of Althusser's career have been made available in French since his death in 1990. Based on meticulous study of the philosopher's posthumous publications, as well as his unpublished manuscripts, lecture notes, letters, and marginalia, Warren Montag provides a thoroughgoing reevaluation of Althusser's philosophical project. Montag shows that the theorist was intensely engaged with the work of his contemporaries, particularly Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, and Lacan. Examining Althusser's philosophy as a series of encounters with his peers' thought, Montag contends that Althusser's major philosophical confrontations revolved around three themes: structure, subject, and beginnings and endings. Reading Althusser reading his contemporaries, Montag sheds new light on structuralism, poststructuralism, and the extraordinary moment of French thought in the 1960s and 1970s.