Postman Pat to the Rescue

Book Description

Postman Pat likes to help a friend in need. So when Ted Glen hurts his ankle escaping from Major Forbes' prize bull, it's up to Pat to save the day]

Postman Pat to the Rescue

Book Description

Postman Pat to the Rescue

Book Description

As Postman Pat makes his rounds one day, his truck gets stuck in the mud, he helps round up some loose sheep and has to run from a dangerous bull, and is able to help a farmer who falls while the two of them are escaping.

Postman Pat to the Rescue

Book Description

Postman Pat

Book Description

Postman Pat's Thirsty Day

Book Description

Postman Pat Follows a Trail

Book Description

One of Britain's best-loved characters, Postman Pat, is back again with another adventure. Pat and Jess follow a piece of string with no end all over Greendale. At last it leads them to Tom and Katy's kite stuck up a tree, and they have to find a way to get it down.

Postman Pat and the Giant Snowball

Book Description

Winter has arrived, and the whole of Greendale has been carpeted in thick snow. While out snowboarding, Julian and the other children decide to make a giant snowball. It gets bigger and bigger until suddenly it rolls out of control. Postman Pat rushes to the rescue.

Postman Pat's Wild West Rescue

Book Description

Julian and his friends are playing cowboys, but when they are in the field pretending to round up the sheep the gate is accidentally left open and one escapes. Enter Cowboy Pat to the rescue - will he be able to stake out Greendale and catch the missing sheep?

Postman Pat Takes Flight

Book Description

The Major's off for a trip in his hot air balloon. It looks like Pat is hitching a ride