Potentials for forestry and political drivers in integrated rural development policy

Book Description

Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem regionalisierten und sektorübergreifenden Steuerungsansatz von Regional Governance und der Einbeziehung der Forstwirtschaft als Politiksektor. Am Beispiel der integrierten ländlichen Entwicklung klärt sie einerseits die Frage nach forstwirtschaftlichen Potentialen in Regional Governance-Initiativen und analysiert andererseits allgemeine politische Kräfte, die Regional Governance bestimmen. Es wird gezeigt, dass im Rahmen von Regional Governance-Initiativen konventionelle und innovative Potentiale für die Forstwirtschaft bestehen. Diese können jedoch aufgrund unterschiedlicher Informationsstände, verschiedener Kapazitäten sowie unterschiedlicher Anreizwirkungen nicht von allen Akteursgruppen gleichermaßen realisiert werden. Die vorgefundenen politischen Determinanten von Regional Governance umfassen die Konkurrenz zwischen Regional Governance-Institutionen und demokratisch legitimierten Institutionen, die Strategie höherer politischer Ebenen zur Erlangung von Einfluss auf Regionalpolitik, sowie die Prägung von Regional Governance durch die Interessen von starken Akteuren und deren Koalitionen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird gezeigt, dass der sektorübergreifende Anspruch von Regional Governance aufgrund sektoraler Interessenlagen sowohl in der Formulierung als auch im regionalen Vollzug nicht erfüllt wird und sich lediglich punktuelle Integrationserfolge auf Projektebene erreichen lassen. Diese Ergebnisse lassen sich durch zweierlei Machtstrategien erklären: Einerseits das Bemühen übergeordneter politischer Ebenen, ihren Einfluss auf Regionalpolitik auszuweiten und andererseits die Strategie von konkurrierenden Politiksektoren, ihren Einflussbereich zu verteidigen bzw. zu Lasten anderer Sektoren auszudehnen.

International Forest Policies in Indonesia: International Influences, Power Changes and Domestic Responses in REDD+, One Map and Forest Certification Politics

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The political contention that considers forests to be mere economic assets to achieve state welfare has slowly changed into a more conservative view since the Ninth World Forestry Congress in Mexico in 1985 rightly acknowledged that there has been severe tropical forest destruction and environmental deterioration around the globe.

Forests and Rural Development

Book Description

This book provides an overview of the complex challenges and opportunities related to forest-based rural development in the tropics and subtropics. Applying a socio-ecological perspective, the book traces the changing paradigms of forestry in rural development throughout history, summarizes the major aspects of the rural development challenge in forest areas and documents innovative approaches in fields such as land utilization, technology and organizational development, rural advisory services, financing mechanisms, participative planning and forest governance. It brings together scholars and practitioners dealing with the topics from various theoretical and practical angles. Calling for an approach that carefully balances market forces with government intervention, the book shows that forests in rural areas have the potential to provide a solid foundation for a green global economy.

The context of deforestation and forest degradation in Bolivia

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Bolivia’s forest resources are of global importance, its main forest areas are located in subtropical and tropical regions. There is severe deforestation going on in the lowlands at a rate of approximately 200,000 ha per year, whilst forest degradation mostly concerns montane forests. Cattle ranching is the most important direct driver of deforestation, followed by mechanized agriculture at medium- and large-scale level, mainly for the production of soy bean, and finally small-scale agriculture. Underlying causes of deforestation include, among others, the opening of the agricultural economy to international markets and the weakness of institutions in charge of controlling land use. From 2006 on, under the government of Evo Morales, Bolivia adopted an official position against the marketization of nature and in defense of the rights of mother earth. In consequence to its rejection of REDD, Bolivia developed an alternative proposal called “Joint Mechanism of Mitigation and Adaptation for Integrated and Sustainable Management of Forests and Mother Earth”. This proposal was also promoted in international negotiations on climate change. It focuses on local experiences for a sustainable and integrated management of natural resources and fosters land use planning at different levels of governance. Our analysis suggests that there is still a lack of concrete approaches to mitigate the direct threats to forests; moreover, the control of illegal deforestation is still insufficient. We also note that in parallel to policies of nature conservation, there is a contradicting political agenda being implemented promoting the expansion of the agricultural frontier. Only the future will show if the vision of “Living Well in Harmony with Mother Earth” will really lead to effective measures to combat the loss and the degradation of the immense richness of Bolivian forest.

Forestry for Sustainable Rural Development

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Describes how woodland communities in Asia use community forestry to raise incomes and protect the environment. Looks at access and rights to forest products and land, community-based organizations, and the role of NGOs and research institutions.

Participatory Forest Management in a New Age

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The UN's International Initiative of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) has enabled wide comparative research on forestry in global climate change. In this book, an international team of authors who are deeply committed to this initiative provide the first comprehensive account of the mutual influence of deforestation and climate change in various areas throughout the countries of Asia. The authors also report on the policies and programs embarked on by local governments and inhabitants to maintain sustainable forest usage and their implications for fair trade, biological diversity, and environmental preservation.

Biomass and Agriculture Sustainability, Markets and Policies

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The 21st century could see the switch from the fossil fuel to the biological based economy. Papers presented in this conference proceedings explore the questions involved.

Forestry In Development Planning

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This book explores some of the relationship between forestry and rural development focusing on lessons that the overall experience in rural development might have for social forestry. It examines a single social forestry project to see how it would look from a rural development perspective.

Development Cooperation Policy in Forestry from an Analytical Perspective

Book Description

Any reader eager to gain a comprehensive insight into forest development policy, praxis and reality shouldn’t miss this excellent publication. Hard to find a comparable reading where the author is digging as deep into Forest Development Policy. The author discovered numerous highly relevant theories as well as inspiring cases about forests and people from around the world, focusing on ‘change’ rather than ‘development’ and on the role of various actors in creating or preventing ‘change’. The exciting results uncover reality and lead to inspiring discussions on concepts of development cooperation. All individual theoretical arguments and empirical proofs are well based and shed light into the political process of Forest Development Policy. The book is an essential contribution to scholarly debate and research on forestry in the South, and its relations to development cooperation, for both, readers with theoretical and practice related interests.