Power, Publicity, and the Abuse of Libel Law

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America prides itself on its freedom of expression, and it has a reputation for tightly restricted libel law. Indeed, a study of more than 600 media-related suits in the 1980s found that ninety percent were won by the media or thrown out of court before even going to trial. Even a case ending in summary judgment can cost the victorious defendant $25,000 or more, and the bill for a full trial can easily pass $100,000. The volume of libel suits has not diminished and many defendants settle out of court simply to avoid crippling costs. Clearly, writes Donald Gillmor, we are suffering a major crisis in libel law. In Power, Publicity, and the Abuse of Libel Law, Gillmor takes a revealing look at the state of libel law and offers a compelling agenda for change. He begins with a disturbing review of the abuses of libel in our times, examining both famous and little known cases. Wayne Newton, for example, won an initial $22.7 million jury award against NBC for an unflattering story--even though he went on to get a Nevada casino license, a $19 million loan, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and was made grand marshal of an Independence Day parade in Washington, DC. "It was not clear," Gillmor writes, "for what NBC was being punished; the network obviously hadn't damaged Newton's reputation." Even tiny papers suffer crippling lawsuits. One 1,300-circulation publication was sued for $20 million; even though the case was dismissed, the defense cost $20,000. Such actions, Gillmor writes, dampen the fire of a free press. Lively journalism has always been an American tradition--if anything, the press was far more reckless in the days of the framers of the constitution; they often suffered its barbs even as they sought to protect it. Today it is almost impossible for the state to prosecute for seditious libel or criticism of government. But civil libel law, Gillmor shows, has taken its place in punishing verbal attacks on government officials, in spite of decisions intended to protect free speech and press (notably New York Times v. Sullivan). He proposes radical structural changes in the law to make it impossible for policymakers and celebrities to sue for libel. At the same time, he appeals to editors to ensure that those they wrong will have opportunities to respond in the media. As Justice Louis Brandeis wrote long ago, the remedy to wrongs in the press "is more speech, not enforced silence." "Libel laws have become complicated almost beyond human comprehension," Gillmor writes. "The result is a profusion of libel suits, in which the only clear winners generally are libel lawyers." This provocative and revealing book illuminates a path out of the confusion and toward a safer environment for our cherished birthright, freedom of speech and press.

Holding the Media Accountable

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* Real world studies of accountability in broadcast news, cable TV, newspapers and other media

Scrambling for Protection

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In our age of media revolutions, Patrick M. Garry offers guidelines for constitutionally redefining the press, and maintains that the First Amendment press clause must broaden the scope of its freedoms to include the communication activities of a much larger public.

The Law of Public Communication

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The Law of Public Communication provides an overview of media law that includes the most current legal developments today. It explains the laws affecting the daily work of writers, broadcasters, advertisers, cable operators, Internet service providers, public relations practitioners, photographers, bloggers, and other public communicators. Authors Kent R. Middleton, William E. Lee, and Daxton R. Stewart take students through the basic legal principles and methods of analysis that allow students to study and keep abreast of the rapidly changing field of public communication. By providing statutes and cases in a cohesive manner that is understandable, even to students studying law for the first time, the authors ensure that students will acquire a firm grasp of the legal issues affecting the media. This 2017 Update brings the Ninth Edition up to date with the most recent cases and examples affecting media professionals and public communicators.

After the Czars and Commissars

Book Description

From Czarism and Bolshevism to the current post-communist era, the media in Central Asia has been tightly constrained. Though the governments in the region assert that a free press is permitted to operate, research has shown this to be untrue. In all five former Soviet republics of Central Asia, the media has been controlled, suppressed, punished, and often outlawed. This enlightening collection of essays investigates the reasons why these countries have failed to develop independent and sustainable press systems. It documents the complex relationship between the press and governance, nation-building, national identity, and public policy. In this book, scholars explore the numerous and broad-reaching implications of media control in a variety of contexts, touching on topics such as Internet regulation and censorship, press rights abuses, professional journalism standards and self-censorship, media ownership, ethnic newspapers, blogging, Western broadcasting into the region, and coverage of terrorism.

The Legal Theory of Ethical Positivism

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The Legal Theory of Ethical Positivism re-establishes some of the dogmas of classical legal positivism regarding the separation of legizlation and adjudication and the feasibility of institutionalizing the morally neutral application of rules as an ideal capable of significant realization. This is supplemented by an analysis of the formal similarities of the morally and legally adjudicative points of view which offers the prospects of attributing a degree of moral authority to positivistic rule application in particular cases. These theories are worked through in their application to specific problem areas, particularly freedom of communication.

Popular Culture and Law

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What are the consequences when law's stories and images migrate from the courtroom to the court of public opinion and from movie, television and computer screens back to electronic monitors inside the courtroom itself? What happens when lawyers and public relations experts market notorious legal cases and controversial policy issues as if they were just another commodity? What is the appropriate relationship between law and digital culture in virtual worlds on the Internet? In addressing these cutting edge issues, the essays in this volume shed new light on the current status and future fate of law, truth and justice in our time.

Lost Rights

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From Justice Department officials seizing people's homes based on mere rumors to the IRS and its master plan to prohibit the nation's self-employed from working for themselves to the perpetrators of the Waco siege, government officials are tearing the Bill of Rights to pieces. Today's citizen is now more likely than ever to violate some unknown law or regulation and be placed at the mercy of an administrator or politician hungering for publicity. Unfortunately, the only way many government agencies can measure their "public service" is by the number of citizens they harass, hinder, restrain, or jail. James Bovard's Lost Rights provides a highly entertaining analysis of the bloated excess of government and the plight of contemporary Americans beaten into submission by a horrible parody of the Founding Fathers' dream.

Constitutional Law for a Changing America

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In Constitutional Law for a Changing America: Rights, Liberties, and Justice, bestselling authors Lee Epstein, Kevin T. McGuire, and Thomas G. Walker show students how political factors influence judicial decisions and shape the development of constitutional law. The Twelfth Edition, updated with additional material such as recent court rulings, more than 500 supplemental cases, and greater coverage of freedom of expression, will facilitate a deeper understanding of how the U.S. Constitution protects civil rights and liberties. Included with this title: LMS Cartridge: Import this title′s instructor resources into your school′s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don′t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Select the Resources tab on this page to learn more.