Practica 3000 Palabras Griegas Más Comunes

Book Description

Practica 3000 Palabras Griegas Más ComunesUna excelente manera de sumergirse de lleno en el aprendizaje de la lengua, abreviado para practicar todos los días en el aprendizaje de frases griegas. Descubra nuevas palabras y sumérjase en otra cultura sin tener que trasladarse.Domina el idioma griego de una manera divertida, rápida y fácil! Aprender idiomas nunca ha sido tan fácil. Tus primeras 2500 palabras de aprender griego. Ordenados por orden alfabéticoInstruccionesTrate de aprender diez palabras por día; a medida que progresa, puede aumentar o disminuir el número de palabras que desea aprender y sentirse cómodo para hacerlo. Trate de no acelerar su aprendizaje, cada uno de nosotros tiene una fase de aprendizaje diferente."un viaje de mil millas comienza con un solo paso" - Lao Tzu

Practice 3000 Most Common Greek Words

Book Description

Practice 3000 Most Common Greek WordsAn excellent way to dive right into learning the language, short for practicing every day in learning Greek phrases! Discover new words and immerse yourself in another culture without having to relocate.Master the Greek Language in a fun, fast and easy way! Learning languages has never been easier. Your first 2500 words of Learning Greek. Arranged in alphabetical orderInstructionsTry to learn ten words per day; as you progress, you may increase or decrease the number of words you wish to learn and comfortable to do so. Try not to hasten your learning, each of us has a different learning phase."A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." - Lao Tzu

Prática 3000 Palavras Gregas Mais Comuns

Book Description

Prática 3000 Palavras Gregas Mais ComunsUma excelente maneira de mergulhar direto no aprendizado do idioma, curto para praticar todos os dias na aprendizagem de frases gregas! Descubra novas palavras e mergulhe em outra cultura sem ter que se mudar.Domine a língua grega de uma forma divertida, rápida e fácil! Aprender línguas nunca foi tão fácil. Suas primeiras 3000 palavras de Aprender Grego. Organizado em ordem alfabéticaInstruçõesTente aprender dez palavras por dia; à medida que progredir, poderá aumentar ou diminuir o número de palavras que deseja aprender e sentir-se à vontade para o fazer. Tente não apressar a sua aprendizagem, cada um de nós tem uma fase de aprendizagem "Uma longa viagem começa com um único passo " - Lao Tzu

Pratique 3000 Mots Grecs les Plus Courants

Book Description

Pratique 3000 Mots Grecs les Plus CourantsUne excellente façon de se plonger directement dans l'apprentissage de la langue, c'est-à-dire de pratiquer tous les jours l'apprentissage des phrases grecques ! Découvrez de nouveaux mots et plongez-vous dans une autre culture sans avoir à vous déplacer.Maîtrisez la langue grecque d'une manière amusante, rapide et facile ! L'apprentissage des langues n'a jamais été aussi facile. Vos 3000 premiers mots de Apprendre le grec. Classement par ordre alphabétiqueInstructionsEssayez d'apprendre dix mots par jour ; au fur et à mesure que vous progressez, vous pouvez augmenter ou diminuer le nombre de mots que vous souhaitez apprendre et être à l'aise de le faire. Essayez de ne pas accélérer votre apprentissage, chacun de nous a une phase d'apprentissage différente." Un voyage de milliers de kilomètres commence par un seul pas." - Lao-Tseu

RETRACTED BOOK: 151 Trading Strategies

Book Description

The book provides detailed descriptions, including more than 550 mathematical formulas, for more than 150 trading strategies across a host of asset classes and trading styles. These include stocks, options, fixed income, futures, ETFs, indexes, commodities, foreign exchange, convertibles, structured assets, volatility, real estate, distressed assets, cash, cryptocurrencies, weather, energy, inflation, global macro, infrastructure, and tax arbitrage. Some strategies are based on machine learning algorithms such as artificial neural networks, Bayes, and k-nearest neighbors. The book also includes source code for illustrating out-of-sample backtesting, around 2,000 bibliographic references, and more than 900 glossary, acronym and math definitions. The presentation is intended to be descriptive and pedagogical and of particular interest to finance practitioners, traders, researchers, academics, and business school and finance program students.


Book Description

Combining the best features of traditional and modern methods, Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek 3/e, provides a unique, bestselling course of instruction that allows students to read connected Greek narrative right from the begining and guides them to the point where they can begin reading complete classical texts. Carefully designed to hold students' interest, the course begins in Book I with a fictional narrative about an Attic farmer's family placed in a precise historical context (423-431 B.C.). This narrative, interwoven with tales from mythology and the Persian Wars, gradually gives way in Book II to adapted passages from Thucydides, Plato, and Herodotuc and ultimately to excerpts of the original Greek of Bacchylides, Thucudides, and Aristophanes' Acharnians. Essays on relevant aspects of ancient Greek culture and history are also woven throughout.

Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients

Book Description

This timely practical reference addresses the lack of Spanish-language resources for mental health professionals to use with their Latino clients. Geared toward both English- and Spanish-speaking practitioners in a variety of settings, this volume is designed to minimize misunderstandings between the clinician and client, and with that the possibility of inaccurate diagnosis and/or ineffective treatment. Coverage for each topic features a discussion of cultural considerations, guidelines for evidence-based best practices, a review of available findings, a treatment plan, plus clinical tools and client handouts, homework sheets, worksheets, and other materials. Chapters span a wide range of disorders and problems over the life-course, and include reproducible resources for: Assessing for race-based trauma. Using behavioral activation and cognitive interventions to treat depression among Latinos. Treating aggression, substance use, abuse, and dependence among Latino Adults. Treating behavioral problems among Latino adolescents. Treating anxiety among Latino children. Working with Latino couples. Restoring legal competency with Latinos. The Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients fills a glaring need in behavioral service delivery, offering health psychologists, social workers, clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, and other helping professionals culturally-relevant support for working with this under served population. The materials included here are an important step toward dismantling barriers to mental health care.

Spanish in the United States

Book Description

This collection of original papers presents current research on linguistic aspects of the Spanish used in the United States. The authors examine such topics as language maintenance and language shift, language choice, the bilingual's discourse patterns, varieties of Spanish used in the United States, and oral proficiency testing of bilingual speakers. In view of the fact that Hispanics constitute the largest linguistic minority in the United States, the pioneering work in the area of sociolinguistic issues in the U.S. Spanish presented here is of great importance.

Poetry and Ethics

Book Description

This book on the topic of ethics and poetry consists of contributions from different continents on the subject of applied ethics related to poetry. It allows for a comparison of the healing power of words from various religious, spiritual and philosophical traditions.

HIV and Social Interaction

Book Description

This volume explores the interaction between psychosocial considerations, social support and public attitudes in both individual and professional responses to HIV. The contributors explore the changing nature of relationships - on the personal level and with the caring professions and agencies - which the onset and//or disclosure of HIV sets in train.