Practical ES6

Book Description

There's no doubt that the JavaScript ecosystem changes fast. Not only are new tools and frameworks introduced and developed at a rapid rate, the language itself has undergone big changes with the introduction of ES2015 (aka ES6). Understandably, many articles have been written complaining about how difficult it is to learn modern JavaScript development these days. We're aiming to minimize that confusion with this set of books on modern JavaScript. This book provides an introduction to many of the powerful new JavaScript language features that were introduced in ECMAScript 2015, as well as features introduced in ECMAScript 2016 and 2017. It also takes a look at the features planned for ECMAScript 2018 in this rapidly evolving language. It contains: New Keywords: let and const by Aurelio de Rosa Using Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet by Kyle Pennell New Array.* and Array.prototype.* Methods by Aurelio de Rosa New String Methods by Aurelio de Rosa New Number Methods by Aurelio de Rosa ES6 Arrow Functions: Fat and Concise Syntax in JavaScript by Kyle Pennell Symbols and Their Uses by Nilson Jacques How to Use Proxies by Craig Buckler Destructuring Assignment by Craig Buckler ES6 Generators and Iterators: a Developer' Guide by Byron Houwens Object-oriented JavaScript: A Deep Dive into ES6 Classes by Jeff Mott Understanding ES6 Modules by Craig Buckler An Overview of JavaScript Promises by Sandeep Panda JavaScript Decorators: What They Are and When to Use Them by Graham Cox Enhanced Object Literals by Craig Buckler Introduction to the Fetch API by Ludovico Fischer ES6 (ES2015) and Beyond: Understanding JavaScript Versioning by James Wright What's New in ES2017: Async Functions, Improved Objects, and More by Craig Buckler What's New in ES2018 by Craig Buckler This book is for all front-end developers who wish to improve their JavaScript skills. You'll need to be familiar with HTML and CSS and have a reasonable level of understanding of JavaScript in order to follow the discussion.

Practical Modern JavaScript

Book Description

To get the most out of modern JavaScript, you need learn the latest features of its parent specification, ECMAScript 6 (ES6). This book provides a highly practical look at ES6, without getting lost in the specification or its implementation details. Armed with practical examples, author Nicolas Bevacqua shows you new ways to deal with asynchronous flow control, declare objects or functions, and create proxies or unique sets, among many other features. The first title in Bevacqua’s Modular JavaScript series, Practical Modern JavaScript prepares JavaScript and Node.js developers for applied lessons in modular design, testing, and deployment in subsequent books. This book explains: How JavaScript and its standards development process have evolved Essential ES6 changes, including arrow functions, destructuring, let and const Class syntax for declaring object prototypes, and the new Symbol primitive How to handle flow control with Promises, iterators, generators, and async functions ES6 collection built-in types for creating object maps and unique sets How and when to use the new Proxy and Reflect built-ins Changes to Array, Math, numbers, strings, Unicode, and regular expressions, and other improvements since ES5

Simplifying JavaScript

Book Description

The best modern JavaScript is simple, readable, and predictable. Learn to write modern JavaScript not by memorizing a list of new syntax, but with practical examples of how syntax changes can make code more expressive. Starting from variable declarations that communicate intention clearly, see how modern principles can improve all parts of code. Incorporate ideas with curried functions, array methods, classes, and more to create code that does more with less while yielding fewer bugs. It's time to write JavaScript code that's clean and exprssive. Modern JavaScript is simpler and more predictable and readable than ever. Discover how to write better code with clear examples using principles that show how updated syntax can make code better with fewer bugs. Starting from the ground up, learn new syntax (or how to reuse older syntax) to transform code from clunky bug-susceptible scripts to clear and elegant programs that are easy to read and easy to extend. Create a foundation for readable code with simple variable declarations that reduce side effects and subtle bugs. Select collections with clear goals instead of defaulting to objects or arrays. See how to simplify iterations from complex loops to single line array methods. Master techniques for writing flexible and solid code ranging from high-order functions, to reusableclasses, to patterns for architecting large applications creating applications that will last while through rounds of refactoring and changing requirements. The best part is there's no need to read this book straight through. Jump around and incorporate new functionality at will. Most importantly, understand not just what the new syntax is, but when and how to use it. Start writing better code from the first page. What You Need: For the best experience, have the latest version of Node installed (at least version 7). You can test most examples in the console of Chrome or other modern web browser. If you'd like to run the tests, you'll also need to install the latest version of Node Package Manager (npm).

Rediscovering JavaScript

Book Description

JavaScript is no longer to be feared or loathed - the world's most popular and ubiquitous language has evolved into a respectable language. Whether you're writing frontend applications or server side code, the phenomenal features from ES6 and beyond - like the rest operator, generators, destructuring, object literals, arrow functions, modern classes, promises, async, and metaprogramming capabilities - will get you excited and eager to program with JavaScript. You've found the right book to get started quickly and dive deep into the essence of modern JavaScript. Learn practical tips to apply the elegant parts of the language and the gotchas to avoid. JavaScript is a black swan that no one, including the author of the language, thought would become a popular and ubiquitous language. Not long ago, it was the most hated and feared language you could use to program the web. JavaScript ES6 and beyond has gone through a significant makeover. Troublesome features have been replaced with better, elegant, more reliable alternatives. This book includes many practical examples and exercises to help you learn in depth. It will not bore you with idiosyncrasies and arcane details intended for bad interview questions. Instead, it takes you into key features that you can readily use in your day-to-day projects. Whether you program the frontend or the server side, you can now write concise, elegant, and expressive JavaScript with newer features like default parameters, template literals, rest and spread operators, destructuring, arrow functions, and generators. Take it up a notch with features like infinite series, promises, async, and metaprogramming to create flexible, powerful, and extensible libraries. While the evolved features of the language will draw you in, the hundreds of examples in this book will pin the concepts down, for you to use on your projects. Take command of modern JavaScript and unlock your potential to create powerful applications. What You Need: To try out the examples in the book you will need a computer with Node.js, a text editor, and a browser like Chrome installed in it.

Understanding ECMAScript 6

Book Description

ECMAScript 6 represents the biggest update to the core of JavaScript in the history of the language. In Understanding ECMAScript 6, expert developer Nicholas C. Zakas provides a complete guide to the object types, syntax, and other exciting changes that ECMAScript 6 brings to JavaScript. Every chapter is packed with example code that works in any JavaScript environment so you’ll be able to see new features in action. You’ll learn: –How ECMAScript 6 class syntax relates to more familiar JavaScript concepts –What makes iterators and generators useful –How arrow functions differ from regular functions –Ways to store data with sets, maps, and more –The power of inheritance –How to improve asynchronous programming with promises –How modules change the way you organize code Whether you’re a web developer or a Node.js developer, you’ll find Understanding ECMAScript 6 indispensable on your journey from ECMAScript 5 to ECMAScript 6.

Easy Learning Design Patterns ES6+ Javascript

Book Description

Easy Learning Design Patterns JavaScript coding patterns and best practices. If you're an experienced developer looking to solve problems related to objects, functions, inheritance, and other language-specific categories, the abstractions and code templates in this guide are idea that includes practical advice for implementing each pattern discussed, along with several hands-on examples.ECMAScript 6 (ES6). This book provides a highly practical look at ES6, This book takes a user-friendly approach to covering ES6 Javascript design patterns. Its concise presentation means that in a short space of time, you will get a good introduction to various design patterns and actual application case examples.1. Strategy Pattern Principle 2. Strategy Pattern Case3. Composition Pattern Principle4. Composition Pattern Case5. Singleton Pattern Principle6. Singleton Pattern Case7. Template Pattern Principle8. Template Pattern Case9. Factory Pattern Principle10. Factory Pattern Case11. Builder Pattern Principle12. Builder Pattern Case13. Adapter Pattern Principle14. Adapter Pattern Case15. Facade Pattern Principle16. Facade Pattern Case17. Decorator Pattern Principle18. Decorator Pattern Case19. Shallow Clone Pattern Principle20. Clone Pattern Case21. Bridge Pattern Principle22. Bridge Pattern Case23. FlyWeight Pattern Principle24. FlyWeight Pattern Case25. Chain Pattern Principle26. Chain Pattern Case27. Command Pattern Principle28. Command Pattern Case29. Iterator Pattern Principle30. Iterator Pattern Case31. Mediator Pattern Principle32. Mediator Pattern Case33. Memento Pattern Principle34. Memento Pattern Case35. Observer Pattern Principle36. Observer Pattern Case37. Visitor Pattern Principle38. Visitor Pattern Case39. State Pattern Principle40. State Pattern Case41. Proxy Pattern Principle42. Proxy Pattern Case

A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript

Book Description

JavaScript was written to give readers an accurate, concise examination of JavaScript objects and their supporting nuances, such as complex values, primitive values, scope, inheritance, the head object, and more. If you're an intermediate JavaScript developer and want to solidify your understanding of the language, or if you've only used JavaScript beneath the mantle of libraries such as jQuery or Prototype, this is the book for you. This updated and expanded second edition of Book provides a user-friendly introduction to the subject, Taking a clear structural framework, it guides the reader through the subject's core elements. A flowing writing style combines with the use of illustrations and diagrams throughout the text to ensure the reader understands even the most complex of concepts. This succinct and enlightening overview is a required reading for all those interested in the subject . We hope you find this book useful in shaping your future career & Business.

ES6 for Humans

Book Description

Learn ES6 best practices for code optimization and organization and walk through practical, common examples of how to implement complete components of your applications. While this book covers the basic concepts of modern JavaScript, it primarily focuses on the new syntax, data-types, functionalities, and everything else that's new in ES6, the latest standard of JavaScript. You'll examine how to use ES6 in functional programming and explore the new more modular and object-oriented approach to JavaScript. This book will help you sharpen and upgrade your JavaScript language skills so you to easily explore modern ES6 based frameworks or libraries such as ReactJS, ReactNative, Angular4 and Vue.js. ES6 for Humans is a complete guide to writing ES6 and will enable you to start taking advantage of this exciting new version of JavaScript. What You'll Learn Use all the new features added to JavaScript Compare ES5 and ES6 in varied situations Refresh your core JavaScript fundamentals Understand the modular and object-oriented approach to JavaScript Who this Book Is For Any Javascript developer who wants to fully understand and dive into the new features of ES6/ES2015. Developers with some background in programming, preferably in JavaScript. A basic understanding of coding concepts and exposure to object-oriented programming is expected.

JavaScript: Best Practice

Book Description

There's no doubt that the JavaScript ecosystem changes fast. Not only are new tools and frameworks introduced and developed at a rapid rate, the language itself has undergone big changes with the introduction of ES2015 (aka ES6). Understandably, many articles have been written complaining about how difficult it is to learn modern JavaScript development these days. We're aiming to minimize that confusion with this set of books on modern JavaScript. This book presents modern JavaScript best practice, utilizing the features now available in the language that enable you to write more powerful code that is clean, performant, maintainable, and resusable. It contains: The Anatomy of a Modern JavaScript Application by James Kolce Clean Code with ES6 Default Parameters & Property Shorthands by Moritz Kruger JavaScript Performance Optimization Tips: An Overview by Ivan CuriC JavaScript Design Patterns: The Singleton by Samier Saeed JavaScript Object Creation: Patterns and Best Practices by Jeff Mott Best Practices for Using Modern JavaScript Syntax by M. David Green Flow Control in Modern JS: Callbacks to Promises to Async/Await by Craig Buckler JavaScript's New Private Class Fields, and How to Use Them by Craig Buckler This book is for all front-end developers who wish to improve their JavaScript skills. You'll need to be familiar with HTML and CSS and have a reasonable level of understanding of JavaScript in order to follow the discussion.

Programming JavaScript Applications

Book Description

Take advantage of JavaScript’s power to build robust web-scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this practical book, experienced JavaScript developers will learn how to write flexible and resilient code that’s easier—yes, easier—to work with as your code base grows. JavaScript may be the most essential web programming language, but in the real world, JavaScript applications often break when you make changes. With this book, author Eric Elliott shows you how to add client- and server-side features to a large JavaScript application without negatively affecting the rest of your code. Examine the anatomy of a large-scale JavaScript application Build modern web apps with the capabilities of desktop applications Learn best practices for code organization, modularity, and reuse Separate your application into different layers of responsibility Build efficient, self-describing hypermedia APIs with Node.js Test, integrate, and deploy software updates in rapid cycles Control resource access with user authentication and authorization Expand your application’s reach through internationalization