Practical/Laboratory Manual Chemistry Class XI based on NCERT guidelines by Dr. S. C. Rastogi & Er. Meera Goyal

Book Description

An Excellent Book in Accordance with the latest syllabus for Class-11 Prescribed by CBSE/NCERT and Adopted by Various State Education Boards. (A) Basic Laboratory Techniques – 1. To cut a glass tube or glass rod, 2. To bend the glass rod at an angle, 3. To draw a glass jet from a glass tube, 4. To bore a cork and fit a glass tube into it. (B) Characterisation and Purification of Chemical Substances- 1. To determine the melting point of the given unknown organic compound and its identification (simple laboratory technique), 2. To determine the boiling point of a given liquid when available in small quantity (simple laboratory method), 3. To prepare crystals of pure potash alum [K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O] from the given impure sample, 4. To prepare the pure crystals of copper sulphate from the given crude sample, 5. To prepare pure crystals of benzoic acid from a given impure sample. (C) Measurement of pH Values 1. To determine the pH value of vegetable juices, fruit juices, tap water and washing soda by using universal pH paper, 2. To determine and compare the pH values of solutions of strong acid (HCI) and weak acid (CH3COOH) of same concentration, 3. To study the pH change in the titration of strong base Vs. strong acid by using universal indicator paper, 4. To study the pH change by common ion (CH3COO– ion) in case of weak acid (CH3COOH), 5. To determine the change in pH value of weak base (NH4OH) in presence of a common ion (NH4+), (D) Chemical Equilibrium 1. To study the shift in equilibrium between ferric ions and thiocyanate ions by changing the concentrations of either of the ions, 2. To study the shift in equilibrium between [Co(H2O)6]2+ and Cl– ions by changing the concentrations of either of the ions, (E) Quantitative Analysis 1. To prepare M/10 oxalic acid solution by direct weighing method, 2.To prepare M/10 solution of sodium carbonate by direct weighing method, 3.To determine the strength of given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating it against N/10 or M/20 solution of oxalic acid, 4.To determine the strength of a given solution of hydrochloric acid by titrating it against a standard N/10 or M/20 sodium carbonate solution, (F) Qualitative Analysis 1. Analysis of Anions, 2. Analysis of Cations (G) Detection of Elements in Organic Compounds 1.To detect the presence of nitrogen, sulphur and halogens in a given organic compound by Lassaigne’s test, 2. To detect the presence of nitrogen, sulphur and halogens in the given organic compound sample number .......... by Lassaigne’s test INVESTIGATORY PROJECTS (A) Checking of Bacterial Contamination in Water 1.To check the bacterial contamination in drinking water by testing sulphide ions (B) Methods of Water Purification 1.To purify water from suspended impurities by using sedimentation, 2. To purify water by boiling, 3.To purify water by distillation method, 4.To purify water by reverse osmosis technique. 5.To purify water by GAC method, 6.To purify water by bleach treatment, 7.To purify water by oxidising agent, 8.To purify water by ozone treatment method. (C) Water Analysis 1. To test the hardness of different water samples. (D) Foaming Capacity of Various Soaps 1.To compare the foaming capacity of different washing soaps, 2.To study the effect of addition of sodium carbonate on foaming capacity of washing soap (E) Tea Analysis 1. To study the acidity of different samples of tea leaves (tea) by using pH paper (F) Analysis of Fruits and Vegetable Juices 1. To analyse the fruit and vegetable juices for the constituent present in them (G) Rate of Evaporation 1. To study the rate of evaporation of different liquids (H) Effect of Acids and Bases on Tensile Strength of Fibres 1.To compare the tensile strength of natural fibres and synthetic fibres, 2.To study the effect of acids and bases on tensile strength of different fibres. Log & Antilog Table

Practical/Laboratory Manual Chemistry Class - XI

Book Description

1.Basic Laboratory Techniques 1.To cut a glass tube or glass rod, 2.To bend the glass rod at an angle, 3.To draw a glass jet from a glass tube 4.To bore a cork and fit a glass tube into it Viva-Voce 2.Characterisation and Purification of Chemical Substances 1.To determine the melting point of the given unknown organic compound and its identification (simple laboratory technique) Viva-Voce 2.To determine the boiling point of a given liquid when available in small quantity (simple laboratory method) Viva-Voce 3.To prepare crystals of pure potash alum [K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O] from the given impure sample 4.To prepare the pure crystals of copper sulphate from the given crude sample 5.To prepare pure crystals of benzoic acid from a given impure sample Viva-Voce 3.Measurement of pH Values 1.To determine the pH value of vegetable juices, fruit juices, tap water and washing soda by using universal pH paper 2.To determine and compare the pH values of solutions of strong acid (HCI) and weak acid (CH3COOH) of same concentration 3.To study the pH change in the titration of strong base Vs. strong acid by using universal indicator paper 4.To study the pH change by common ion (CH3COO– ion) in case of weak acid (CH3COOH) 5.To determine the change in pH value of weak base (NH4OH) in presence of a common ion (NH4+) Viva-Voce 4.Chemical Equilibrium 1 To study the shift in equilibrium between ferric ions and thiocyanate ions by changing the concentrations of either of the ions 2.To study the shift in equilibrium between [Co(H2O)6]2+ and Cl– ions by changing the concentrations of either of the ions Viva-Voce 5. Quantitative Analysis 1.To prepare M/10 oxalic acid solution by direct weighing method 2.To prepare M/10 solution of sodium carbonate by direct weighing method 3.To determine the strength of given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating it against N/10 or M/20 solution of oxalic acid 4.To determine the strength of a given solution of hydrochloric acid by titrating it against a standard N/10 or M/20 sodium carbonate solution Viva-Voce 6.Qualitative Analysis Analysis of Anions Analysis of Cations Viva-Voce 7.Detection of Elements in Organic Compounds 1.To detect the presence of nitrogen, sulphur and halogens in a given organic compound by Lassaigne’s test 2.To detect the presence of nitrogen, sulphur and halogens in the given organic compound sample number .......... by Lassaigne’s test Viva-Voce INVESTIGATORY PROJECTS 1.Checking of Bacterial Contamination in Water 1.To check the bacterial contamination in drinking water by testing sulphide ions Viva-Voce 2. Methods of Water Purification 1.To purify water from suspended impurities by using sedimentation 2. To purify water by boiling 3. o purify water by distillation method 4. To purify water by reverse osmosis technique 5. To purify water by GAC method 6. To purify water by bleach treatment 7. To purify water by oxidising agent 8. To purify water by ozone treatment method Viva-Voce 3. Water Analysis 1.To test the hardness of different water samples Viva-Voce 4. Foaming Capacity of Various Soaps 1 .To compare the foaming capacity of different washing soaps 2. To study the effect of addition of sodium carbonate on foaming capacity of washing soap Viva-Voce 5. Tea Analysis 1.To study the acidity of different samples of tea leaves (tea) by using pH paper Viva-Voce 6.Analysis of Fruits and Vegetable Juices 1. To analysis the fruit and vegetable juices for the constituent present in them Viva-Voce 7. Rate of Evaporation 1. To study the rate of evaporation of different liquids lViva-Voce 8. Effect of Acids and Bases on Tensile Strength of Fibres 1.To compare the tensile strength of natural fibres and synthetic fibres 2.To study the effect of acids and bases on tensile strength of different fibres Viva-Voce

Practical/Laboratory Manual Biology Class XI based on NCERT guidelines by Dr. Sunita Bhagia & Megha Bansal

Book Description

An Excellent Book in Accordance with the latest syllabus for Class-11 Prescribed by CBSE/NCERT and Adopted by Various State Education Boards Introduction : (1. Necessary equipments, chemicals and other things for practical work, 2. General Instructions for practical work, 3. Special Instructions for practical note-book, Drawing and Recording, 4. Special Instructions for spotting.) EXPERIMENTS 1. To study and describe the flowering plant belonging to family (one from each of the families) (a) Solanaceae(b)Fabaceae(c)Liliaceae. 2.To prepare temporary slide of transverse section of dicot/monocot stem/dicot/ monocot root. 3. To study osmosis by potato-osmometer. 4. To study of plasmolysis in epidermal peel of Tradescantial or Rhoeo leaf. 5. To study the distribution of stomata on the upper and lower surface of a leaf. 6.To compare the rate of transpiration in upper and lower surface of the leaf. 7. To test the presence of sugars (Glucose, Sucrose and Starch), proteins and fats and to detect their presence in suitable plant and animal materials. 8. To study the separation of plant pigments by paper chromatography. 9. To study the rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue and germinating seeds. 10A.To test presence of urea in urine. 10B. To test presence of sugar in urine. 10C. To detect presence of albumin in urine. 10D.To test urine for presence of bile salt. SPOTTING 1. Study of compound microscope. 2. To study the plant specimen and identification with reasons : Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, Mushroom, Yeast, Liverwort, Moss, Fern, Pine, One Monocotyledonous plant, One dicotyledonous plant and one Lichen. 3. Study of animal specimens 1. Amoeba 2. Hydra 3.Fasciola Hepatica (Liver fluke) 4. Ascaris Lumbricoides 5. Hirudinaria Granulosa 6. Pheretima Posthuma 7. Palaemon 8. Bombyx Mori 9. Apis Indica (Honeybee)10. Pila Globasa (Snail) 11. Asterias (Starfish) 12. Scoliodon (Dogfish/Shark) 13.Labeo Rohita (Rohu) 14. Rana Tigrina (Frog) 15. Hemidactylus (Lizard) 16. Columba Livia (Pigeon) 17. Orytolagus Cuniculus(Rabbit). 4A.To study the plant tissues—Palisade cells, Guard cells, Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Xylem and Phloem through prepared slide. 4B.To study the animal tissue squamous epithelium, muscles fibres through prepared slide. 4C. To study mammalian blood smear by temporary/permanent slide. 5. Study of mitosis in root tip of onion. 6. Study of different modification in root, stem and leaves. 7. To study and identify different types of inflorescence (Racemose and Cymose). 8. To study imbition in seed/raisins. 9. To demonstrate that anaerobic respiration take place in the absence of air. 10. To study human skeleton and joints. 11. To study the external features of cockroach with help of model or chart

Practical/Laboratory Manual Physics Class XI based on NCERT guidelines by Dr. J. P. Goel & Er. Meera Goyal

Book Description

SECTION : A EXPERIMENTS 1.Measurement of Length 1.To measure the diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body by using a vernier callipers, 2. To measure the dimensions of a given regular body of known mass, using vernier callipers and hence find its density, 3. To measure the internal diameter and depth of a given cylindrical vessel (say calorimeter/beaker) by using vernier callipers and hence find its internal volume (i.e., capacity) Viva-voce 2. Screw Gauge/Micrometer 4.To determine the diameter of a given wire using a screw gauge and find its volume, 5. To find the thickness of a given sheet with the help of screw gauge, 6.To measure the volume of an irregular lamina by using a screw gauge Viva-voce 3. Spherometer 7.To measure the radius of curvature of a given spherical surface (convex lens) by using a spherometer Viva-voce 4.Mass and Weight 8.To determine the mass of two different objects using a beam balance Viva-voce 5.Parallelogram Law of Vectors 9.To find the weight of a given body using parallelogram law of vectors Viva-voce 6.Simple Pendulum (Measurement of Time) 10.Using a simple pendulum, plot L–T and L–T2 graphs. Hence find the effective length of a second's pendulum, using appropriate graphs Viva-voce 7. Friction 11.To study the relationship between force of limiting friction and normal reaction and to find the coefficient of friction between a block and a horizontal surface, Viva-voce 8. Motion of a Body Along an Inclined Plane 12. To find the downward force along an inclined plane, acting on a roller due to gravitational pull of the earth and study its relationship with the angle of inclination by plotting graph between force and sin Viva-voce SECTION : B EXPERIMENTS 1.Elasticity 1.To determine the Young's modulus of elasticity of the material of the wire, using Searle's apparatus Viva-voce 2.Spring Constant 2.To find the spring constant of a helical spring by plotting load-extension graph Viva-voce 3. Boyle's Gas Law 3.To study the variation in volume with pressure for a sample of air constant temperature by plotting graphs between P and V and between P and 1/V 18 Viva-voce 4. Surface Tension 4.To determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method Viva-voce 5.Viscosity 5.To determine the co-effective of viscosity of given liquid by measuring the terminal velocity of a given spherical body in it Viva-voce 6.Newton's Law of Cooling 6.To study the relationship between temperature of a hot body and time by plotting a cooling curv Viva-voce 7.Vibrations of Strings 7. To study the relation between frequency and length for a given wire under constant tension using a sonometer Viva-voce 8.To study the relation between the length of a given wire and tension for constant frequency using sonometer Viva-voce 8.Vibrations of Air Columns 9.To find the velocity of sound in air at room temperature using a resonance tube by two resonance position Viva-voce 9.Specific Heat 10.To determine specific heat of a given solid by the method of mixture 11.To determine the specific heat of a given liquid by method of mixture Viva-voce SECTION : A ACTIVITIES 1.To make a paper scale of given least count e.g., 0.2 cm, 0.5 cm and use it to measure the length of a given object. 2.To determine the mass of a given body using a metre scale and by applying principle of moments. Viva-voce 3.To plot a graph for a given set of data using proper choice of scales and error bars. Viva-voce 4.To measure the force of limiting friction for rolling of a roller on horizontal plane. Viva-voce 5.To study the variation in the range of a jet of water with angle of projection. Viva-voce 6.To study the conservation of energy of a ball rolling down on inclined plane (using a double inclined plane). Viva-voce 7. To study dissipation of energy of a simple pendulum by plotting a graph between square of amplitude and time. Viva-voce SECTION : B ACTIVITIES 1.To observe the change of the state and plot a cooling curve for molten wax. Viva-voce 2.To observe and explain the effect of heating on a bimetallic strip. Viva-voce 3.To note the change in level of liquid in a container on heating and interprect the observations. Viva-voce 4.To study the effect of detergent in surface tension by observing capillary rise. Viva-voce 5.To study the factors affecting the rate of loss of heat of a liquid. Viva-voce 6.To study the effect of load on depression of a suitably clamped meter scale loaded (i) at itsend (ii) in the middle. Viva-voce 7.To observe the decrease in pressure with the increase in velocity of the fluid. Viva-voce APPENDIX Some Important Tables of Physical Constants Log-Antilog and other Tables

Chemistry Lab Manual Class XI | follows the latest CBSE syllabus and other State Board following the CBSE Curriculam.

Book Description

With the NEP 2020 and expansion of research and knowledge has changed the face of education to a great extent. In the Modern times, education is not just constricted top the lecture method but also includes a practical knowledge of certain subjects. This way of education helps a student to grasp the basic concepts and principles. Thus, trying to break the stereotype that subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology means studying lengthy formulas, complex structures, and handling complicated instruments, we are trying to make education easy, fun, and enjoyable.


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A text book on Chemistry

Practical Chemistry Labs

Book Description

Grade level: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, e, i, s, t.