Practices for Interim Storage of Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel

Book Description

This publication provides an introduction to the management of research reactor spent nuclear fuel (RRSNF). Five key areas are discussed: types of RRSNF, characterization data, wet storage considerations, dry storage considerations, and lessons learned and current practices. Information on internationally accepted standards as well as information on aspects such as drying treatment and surveillance programmes are presented, as well as suggestions for further optimization of effective and safe storage of RRSNF through the application of new approaches. The intended users of this publication include industry professionals at operating research reactors and at RRSNF storage facilities who need to identify the most suitable approach for interim storage of spent fuel.


Book Description

Following discharge from research reactors, spent nuclear fuel may be stored 'wet' in water pools or basins, or it may be stored 'dry' in various configurations including non-sealed or sealed containers until retrieved for ultimate disposition. Interim safe storage practices are based on avoiding degradation to the fuel that would impact functions related to safety. Recommended practices including environmental controls with technical bases, are outlined for wet storage and dry storage of aluminum-clad, aluminum-based research reactor fuel. For wet storage, water quality must be maintained to minimize corrosion degradation of aluminum fuel. For dry storage, vented canister storage of aluminum fuel readily provides a safe storage configuration. For sealed dry storage, drying must be performed so as to minimize water that would cause additional corrosion and hydrogen generation. Consideration must also be given to the potential for radiolytically-generated hydrogen from the bound water in the attendant oxyhydroxides on aluminum fuel from reactor operation for dry storage systems.

Research Reactor Spent Fuel Management: Options and Support to Decision Making

Book Description

This publication, resulting from an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP), provides information about available strategies for research reactor spent fuel management, and presents a decision methodology to assist those selecting among several options, to identify the preferred approach for their specific situation. The decision support tools were developed to consider not only the cost of the possible research reactor spent fuel management strategies, but also the non-economic factors that might influence their selection. Examples of the technologies that are currently used by some IAEA Member States are provided. Additionally, this publication provides information about the Excel based decision-support tools developed as part of this CRP, along with case studies and tutorials to assist users.


Book Description

Aluminum clad research reactor spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is currently being consolidated in wet storage basins (pools). Approximately 20 metric tons (heavy metal) of aluminum-based spent nuclear fuel (Al-SNF) is being consolidated for treatment, packaging, interim storage, and preparation for ultimate disposal in a geologic repository. The storage and disposal of Al-SNF are subject to requirements that provide for safety and acceptable radionuclide release. The options studied for interim storage of SNF include wet storage and dry storage. Two options have also been studied to develop the technical basis for the qualification and repository disposal of aluminum spent fuel. The two options studied include Direct Disposal and Melt-Dilute treatment. The implementation of these options present relative benefits and challenges. Both the Direct Disposal and the Melt-Dilute treatment options have been developed and their technical viability assessed. Adaptation of the melt-dilute technology for the treatment of spent fuel offers the benefits of converting the spent fuel into a proliferation resistant form and/or significantly reducing the volume of the spent fuel. A Mobile Melt-Dilute system concept has emerged to realize these benefits and a prototype system developed. The application of the melt-dilute technology for the treatment of legacy nuclear materials has been evaluated and also offers the promise for the safe disposal of these materials.

Storing Spent Fuel Until Transport to Reprocessing Or Disposal

Book Description

This publication identifies issues and challenges relevant to the development and implementation of options, policies, strategies and programmes for ensuring safe, secure, and effective storage of spent fuel until transport for reprocessing or disposal. The target audience of this publication includes policy and decision makers who need to be aware of the implicit risks and costs associated with decision timing for determining and implementing an end point for spent fuel management (such as reprocessing or disposal) to ensure the responsible and sustainable use of nuclear energy. The publication will assist those within the nuclear industry in communicating the importance of a clear, credible and sustainable spent fuel management strategy and will encourage decision makers to consider different approaches that may be useful in addressing the uncertainties resulting from an unknown storage duration and an undefined end point for spent fuel management.

Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Book Description

This publication is a revision by amendment of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-15 and provides recommendations and guidance on the storage of spent nuclear fuel. It covers all types of storage facility and all types of spent fuel from nuclear power plants and research reactors. It takes into consideration the longer storage periods beyond the original design lifetime of the storage facility that have become necessary owing to delays in the development of disposal facilities and the reduction in reprocessing activities. It also considers developments associated with nuclear fuel, such as higher enrichment, mixed oxide fuels and higher burnup. Guidance is provided on all stages in the lifetime of a spent fuel storage facility, from planning through siting and design to operation and decommissioning. The revision was undertaken by amending, adding and/or deleting specific paragraphs addressing recommendations and findings from studying the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.

Impact of Fuel Density on Performance and Economy of Research Reactors

Book Description

Research reactor fuel technology continues to evolve, driven in part by international efforts to develop high density fuels to enable the conversion of more reactors from highly enriched uranium (HEU) to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuels. These high density fuels may offer economic benefits for research reactors, despite being more expensive initially, because they offer the prospect of higher per-assembly burnup, thus reducing the number of assemblies that must be procured, and more flexibility in terms of spent fuel management compared to the currently qualified and commercially available LEU silicide fuels. Additionally, these new fuels may offer better performance characteristics. This publication provides a preliminary evaluation of the impacts on research reactor performance and fuel costs from using high density fuel. Several case studies are presented and compared to illustrate these impacts.

An International Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility

Book Description

As part of a long-standing collaboration on nuclear nonproliferation, the National Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences held a joint workshop in Moscow in 2003 on the scientific aspects of an international radioactive disposal site in Russia. The passage of Russian laws permitting the importation and storage of high-level radioactive material (primarily spent nuclear fuel from reactors) has engendered interest from a number of foreign governments, including the U.S., in exploring the possibility of transferring material to Russia on a temporary or permanent basis. The workshop focused on the environmental aspects of the general location and characteristics of a possible storage site, transportation to and within the site, containers for transportation and storage, inventory and accountability, audits and inspections, and handling technologies.