Book Description
"This will be a much-needed fourth edition of our successful Preceptor's Handbook for Pharmacists, Third Edition. It will significantly update all of the existing chapters, and expand content to address current challenges and issues impacting preceptors, including material on the onboarding process, wellness and resiliency, misconduct and inappropriate behaviors, teaching across diverse student populations, and ethics. In the years since the third edition was published, fundamental changes have occurred that make a new edition of this book necessary. ACPE has updated its requirements for experiential education once, and is in the process of updating them for a second time now, to be published in July 2015. In addition to ACPE's changes, the practice of pharmacy has changed since 2014, both in terms of the pharmacist's role and practice environments. By addressing these changes, and the preceptor's direct role in shaping new pharmacists for the future, we will be able to offer a book that is even more valuable than the previous edition"--