Precious Metal

Book Description

Decibel magazine is regarded as the best extreme music magazine around. Precious Metal gathers pieces from Decibel's most popular feature, the monthly “Hall of Fame” which documents the making of landmark metal albums via candid, hilarious, and fascinating interviews with every participating band member. Decibel's editor-in-chief Albert Mudrian, has selected and expanded the best of these features, creating a definitive collection of stories behind the greatest extreme metal albums of all time.

Working with Precious Metal Clay

Book Description

Decribes a technique for creating jewelry and objects using precious metal clay, a compound composed of platinum, gold or silver, water, and an organic binder. The water and binder burn away during firing, leaving pure metal behind.

Ashanti Gold

Book Description

The Story of Silver

Book Description

"This is the story of silver's transformation from soft money during the nineteenth century to hard asset today, and how manipulations of the white metal by American president Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1930s and by the richest man in the world, Texas oil baron Nelson Bunker Hunt, during the 1970s altered the course of American and world history. FDR pumped up the price of silver to help jump start the U.S. economy during the Great Depression, but this move weakened China, which was then on the silver standard, and facilitated Japan's rise to power before World War II. Bunker Hunt went on a silver-buying spree during the 1970s to protect himself against inflation and triggered a financial crisis that left him bankrupt. Silver has been the preferred shelter against government defaults, political instability, and inflation for most people in the world because it is cheaper than gold. The white metal has been the place to hide when conventional investments sour, but it has also seduced sophisticated investors throughout the ages like a siren. This book explains how powerful figures, up to and including Warren Buffett, have come under silver's thrall, and how its history guides economic and political decisions in the twenty-first century"--Publisher's description

Working in Precious Metals

Book Description

Atlas of Economic Mineral Deposits

Book Description

reader who wishes to study economic mineral deposits. I have in mind that it they do include references to the source material. Full bibliographies are in could be the basic descriptive part of a university course on the subject. many cases unnecessary because of the monumental work of Ridge (Ridge, Many teachers of economic and mining geology prefer to lecture on the 1972 and 1976). formative geological processes and origin of mineral deposits, and most of The Scope, Purpose and Layout of the Book Terminology. This is a persistent problem in geology. What I have tried to the existing textbooks do likewise. The Atlas is intended to be a compen Air, sea, surface water and soil support life, from which comes our food; the dium of descriptive material on which a more analytical series of lectures, or do is use a consistent, and internationally acceptable set of terms, making as much use as possible of the recent attempts by international organizations to fossil remains of life, that is: coal, oil and gas, together with solar and course of reading, could be based.

Recovery and Refining of Precious Metals

Book Description

This book is the product of 50+ years of hands-on physiochemical work with both ferrous and nonferrous metals and with the metallurgy of refining, extracting, and casting. Its purpose is to cover the various methods of recovery and refining of precious metals. Both primary sources (placer gold, black sand, and ores) and secondary sources (scrap jewelry, electronic scrap, old films, buffings, spent plating and stripping solutions, catalytic automobile converters, and old eyeglass frames) are covered. The information contained in this volume is very basic and is intended for hands-on application and use. It is for nonchemist and chemist alike. I will not discuss the mathematical formulas for the various chemical reactions that take place-I leave them to the reader who wants to increase his working knowledge and understanding of chemistry. There are many courses offered in chemistry and extractive metallurgy, as well as a number of books available for self-study. The purpose of this book is to teach you how to perform various extractive, refining, and testing operations on precious metals (in various forms and states), with a resulting end product. You will learn how to perform operations in assaying and extraction, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, testing, classifying, and concentration-some of a purely mechanical nature, some of a chemical nature.

The Most Precious Metal

Book Description

The most precious metal during a crisis is silver, but not because of its role as a monetary metal. Silver is nature's finest germ killer. The result is that silver improves lives. It can save your life or prevent significant hardship simply by eliminating pathogens in the right place at the right time. The newest silver technology comes in the form of structured silver water, which is the most effective form of silver ever. It is changing the way we think of preventive medicine and is already changing lives around the world.