Climate and Land Surface Changes in Hydrology

Book Description

Focuses on field-based and modelling studies addressing the sensitivity of hydrological and hydrometeorological fluxes of the coupled landatmosphere system to climate and land-use change at local, regional and global scales. The volume includes significant model-based studies evaluating methodologies and impacts of using climate and weather prediction data including downscaling and uncertainty analyses. Hydrological sensitivity and impacts due to spatial and temporal land-use and land-cover variability are reported for a wide variety of environmental settings. Observational and model-based investigations assess the significance of land cover and hydrological dynamics for the development of land surface heat fluxes and regional climate. Several empirical hydroclimatological studies, some from remote and data-scarce regions, and others using long-term multi-variable time series data or Earth Observations to evaluate temporal and spatial variability in precipitation, evapotranspiration and hydrological predictions, are included. The International Association of Hydrological Sciences is the world's premier member-based organization promoting the study and practice of Hydrology. Our books are authored, edited and produced at the highest level of quality, with the most current and thorough research. Our publications and our work advance the science and the professional practice of Hydrology in a variety of Science and Engineering fields around the world.

Forests, Climate, and Hydrology

Book Description

This book representing the research efforts of a dozen hydrologists and climatologists from around the world, grew out of the strongly felt need in the scientific community for an objetive and quantitative assessment of the effects of deforestation or reforestation on climate and hydrology and the regional extent of these effects. Of particular note in this volume, considerable attention is directed to improvements in experimental method and the collection of necessary data and in the application of computer models of atmospheric circulation for the simulation of climate effects of vegetation change.

Regional Hydrological Response to Climate Change

Book Description

1. Predicting the Hydrological Effects of Climate Change.- Section I Sensitivity of the Global Hydrosphere Section Summary.- 2. An Introduction to Global Water Dynamics.- 3. Modelling the Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle: Upscaling Processes and Downscaling Weather Data.- 4. Trends in Historical Steamflow Records.- Section II Regional Implications of Global Warming Section Summary.- 5. Hydrology of Northern North America under Global Warming.- 6. Current Evidence on the Likely Impact of Global Warming on Hydrological Regimes in Europe.- 7. The Impact of Climatic Warming on Hydrological Regimes in China: An Overview.- Section III Precipitation Change and Variability Section Summary.- 8. The Influence of Topography, Season and Circulation on Spatial Patterns of Daily Precipitation.- 9. Use of Artificial Neural Networks in Precipitation Forecasting.- 10. Generation of Sequences of Air Temperature and Precipitation for Estimation of the Hydrological Cycle in Changing Climatic Conditions in Poland.- 11. Some Aspects of Climatic Fluctuation at Four Stations on the Tibetan Plateau during the Last 40 Years.- 12. The Influences of the North Atlantic Oscillation, the El Niño/Southern Oscillation and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on Winter Precipitation in Ireland.- Section IV Impacts on Snow, Ice and Meltwaters Section Summary.- 13. Runoff Formation and Discharge Modelling of a Glacierized Basin in the Tianshan Mountains.- 14. Impact of Future Climate Change on Glacier Runoff and the Possibilities for Artificially Increasing Melt Water Runoff in the Aral Sea Basin.- 15. Glaciers and Snowcover in Central Asia as Indicators of Climate Change in the Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere System.- 16. Global Warming and the Trend toward Dryness in the Frigid High Mountains and Plateau of Western China.- Section V The Water Balance and Changing Regional Resources Section Summary.- 17. A Method to Assess the Effects of Climatic Warming on the Water Balance of Mountainous Regions.- 18. Sensitivity Analyses for the Impact of Global Warming on Water Resources in Wales.- 19. Potential Hydrological Responses to Climate Change in Australia.- 20. Dynamics of Stage Fluctuation in Yangzhouyongcuo Lake, Tibetan Plateau.- 21. Derivation of Surface Temperature, Albedo, and Radiative Fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau Based on Satellite Measurement.- 22. Climatic Warming and its Impact on the Water Resources of the Yalong River, China.- 23. The Probable Impact of Global Change on the Water Resources of Patagonia, Argentina.- 24. Long Term Trends in the Water Balance of Central Japan.- Conclusions.- 25. The Impact of Global Warming on Regional Hydrology and Future Research Priorities.

Vegetation, Water, Humans and the Climate

Book Description

A state-of-the-art overview of the influence of terrestrial vegetation and soils within the Earth system. The text deals especially with interactions between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere via the hydrological cycle and their interlinkage with anthropogenic activities. Measurements gathered in integrated field experiments in the Sahel, the Amazon, North America and South-east Asia confirm the importance of these interactions. Observations are complemented by modelling studies, including regional models that simulate flows and transport in river catchments, coupled land-cover and regional climate systems, and Earth-system and global circulation models. Water, nutrient and sediment fluxes in river basins are also discussed and are shown to be highly impacted and regulated by humans through land use, pollution and river engineering. Finally, the book discusses environmental vulnerability and methodologies for assessing the risks associated with regional and global climatic and environmental variability and change. The results reported in this book are based on the research work of many individual scientists and teams around the world associated with the objectives of the IGBP-BAHC and WCRP-GEWEX international research programmes.

Landscape Dynamics, Soils and Hydrological Processes in Varied Climates

Book Description

The book presents the processes governing the dynamics of landscapes, soils and sediments, water and energy under different climatic regions using studies conducted in varied climatic zones including arid, semi-arid, humid and wet regions. The spatiotemporal availability of the processes and fluxes and their linkage to the environment, land, soil and water management are presented at various scales. Spatial scales including laboratory, field, watershed, river basin and regions are represented. The effect of tillage operations and land management on soil physical characteristics and soil moisture is discussed. The book has 35 chapters in seven sections: 1) Landscape and Land Cover Dynamics, 2) Rainfall-Runoff Processes, 3) Floods and Hydrological Processes 4) Groundwater Flow and Aquifer Management, 5) Sediment Dynamics and Soil Management, 6) Climate change impact on vegetation, sediment and water dynamics, and 7) Water and Watershed Management.

Climate and the Hydrological Cycle

Book Description

An in-depth overview of the role of the hydrological cycle within the climate system, including climate change impacts on hydrological reserves and fluxes, and the controls of terrestrial hydrology on regional and global climatology. Table of contents : 1. The Role of the Hydrological Cycle in the Climate System 2. Evaporation 3. Physics of Evaporation and Atmospheric Boundary Layers Over Land 4. Precipitation Physics and Rainfall Observation 5. Land Surface Hydrology 6. Land Surface Schemes and Climate Models 7. Arctic and Snow Hydrology 8. Dynamics of Glaciers, Ice Sheets and Global Sea Level 9. Feedback Mechanisms : Precipitation and Soil Moisture 10. Feedback Mechanisms : Land Use, Hydrology and Carbon 11. Palaeohydrology : An Introduction 12. Groundwater Palaeohydrology 13. Global Warming and the Acceleration of the Hydrological Cycle 14. Climate Change and Hydrological Impact Studies 15. Remote Sensing for Hydrological Studies

The Regional Impacts of Climate Change

Book Description

Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Climatic Change: Implications for the Hydrological Cycle and for Water Management

Book Description

year simulations in order to separate noise in the system from the climate change signal. Several contributing papers focused on case studies using Regional Climate Models (RCMs) linked to hydrological models, applied to the analysis of runoff under conditions of convective activity and extreme precipitation, in regions of complex topography, or stakeholder-driven investigations such as water runoff simulations in Quebec undertaken for a major utility. Thorough analyses of GCM results for the Century were reported at the Workshop, in order to illustrate the improvements in model results which have taken place in recent years, and the increasing confidence with which the models can be used for projecting climatic change in coming decades. However, there is still much room for improvement; there is also a need to address more fully the manner in which climate and impacts models (e. g. , hydrological models) can be linked, in terms of consistency and the overlap between different scales, the underlying physical assumptions, and the parameterizations used. Session 2 was devoted to the two extremes of water resources, namely floods and droughts, the focus here being to identify the climate change component in river floods. These have significant economic implications, as was shown by several scientists from Western and Central Europe. Many long time series have been studied worldwide with the aim of detection of nonstationarities, yet there is no conclusive evidence of climate-related changes in flow records, in general.