Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st Century

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The Joint 6th Biennial SGA-SEG Meeting was held in Krakow in August 2001. This volume contains 274 extended abstracts, grouped thematically under 18 session titles covering topics such as lead-zinc deposits; metamorphism affecting mineral deposits; and the environmental aspects of mining.

Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge

Book Description

In June 1965, a small group of European economic geologists gathered in Heidelberg, Germany, at the invitation of Professor G. C. Amstutz and decided to establish the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) and to start a journal to be called Mineralium Deposita. The first issue of the journal came out in May 1966, and has now matured to a leading journal in economic geology The first Biennial SGA Meeting was held successfully in Nancy, France, in 1991, with subsequent meetings in Grenada (Spain; 1993), Prague (Czech Republic; 1995), Turku (Finland; 1997), London (United Kingdom; 1999), Krakov (Poland; 2001) and Athens (Greece; 2003). In 2002, th the SGA Council decided that its 8 Biennial Meeting in 2005 should be held in Beijing, China, making this the first Biennial Meeting to be convened outside - th rope. Significantly, 2005 also marks the 40 anniversary of the SGA. The decision to host this year’s premier meeting in Beijing reflects the Society’s successful transition from its traditional European focus to a truly global organization, with 24% of SGA members situated in North America, 13% in Australia and Oceania, and 5% in Asia. Over the last 27 years China has made dramatic progress towards political and economic reform, and opening the nation to the outside world. China’s rapid e- nomic development demands increasing amounts of minerals, fuels and materials, and this is currently a major driver for the global economic markets.

Subsea Mineral Resources

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Structural Control of Mineral Deposits

Book Description

"Structural Control” remains a crucial point that frequently lacks in any scientific and/or economic analysis of ore deposits, whatever their type and class. The case of lode deposits is exemplary, although also other deposits, like breccia pipe, stockwerk, massive sulphides, skarn, etc., can, surprisingly, be concerned. Several concepts like the gold-bearing shear zone have not proven valid during the last few decades in terms of our understanding of gold deposit and have been totally abandoned. Additionally, the relationships between magmatism, regional tectonic context, and mineralization remain uncertain and have been debated in several recent publications. This demonstrates that this issue is still relevant, and its solution may help in the distinction between intrusion-related and orogenic deposits. In this Special Issue, we particularly invite any case study of mineral deposits, in which it has been demonstrated that structural geology may have a significant role in the establishment of the deposit model of formation and/or on exploration and exploitation programs. Examples in which the structural model diverges from those described in the classical literature are particularly welcomed, including studies in which relationships with magmatism can be suspected and/or demonstrated. Indeed, all cases that illustrate concepts that differ from the classic ones and from theoretical models may represent significant contributions to this volume.

Mineralization and Sustainable Development in the West African Craton

Book Description

This Special Publication combines results obtained by interdisciplinary groups from numerous academic institutions working on Paleoproterozoic formations to decipher the origins of the main mineralization resources in the West African Craton (WAC) and their impacts on African economic development. Structural, geophysical, sedimentological, stratigraphical, geochemical, petrophysical and mineralogical analyses have been used to highlight the complexities involved in mineralization emplacement and its origin and evolution within the WAC. Fourteen articles contribute to new knowledge in mineral research. They show that the geodynamic evolution of the WAC is complex from one area to another: it involves subduction, collision and obduction during several deformation phases ranging from Birimian (2.3–2.0 Ga) to Pan-African (650–450 Ma) events. Various modelling techniques, when integrated, help in understanding the mechanisms of mineralization emplacement, some of which are still a matter of debate. The challenge for further studies is mitigation for sustainable development that can be appropriately used to minimize such damage.


Book Description

Geochemistry includes new contributions to the field of granite rocks geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and microstructure studies, geochemistry of radioactive isotopes, and geochronology. It contains detailed geochemical, mineralogical, petrological, sedimentological and geostructural studies from Europa, Asia, Africa, South America and Australia Chapters present geochemical exploration methods, isotopic studies, and macro- and microstructural analyses.