The Present Truth

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Synopsis of the Present Truth..

Book Description

A classic study of Christian doctrine, this book explores topics such as the nature of Christ, salvation, and the return of Christ. Originally published in the 19th century, it remains a cornerstone of religious thought. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Present Truth Lifestyle

Book Description

This is a seminal study with strong Apostolic messaging, yet its flowing style allows for easy assimilation of biblical truths, and provides accurate insights for the cerebral believer, who like Daniel and his companions, are usually the target of the world system. In this book various methodologies are outlined through which, spiritual Babylon seeks to entice the brightest and best of every Godly generation, to acculturize, rob of spiritual identity and manipulate to promote world kingdom ends. But thanks be to God, there is still a generation in the earth spiritually alert enough to operate within the world system, yet deploy their talents and giftings to bring honour and glory to God. Those with the Daniel mindset will decode dreams and visions and interpret judgements written on the kingdoms of this world in this season. God is still raising up an Apostolic and Prophetic generation, which would feast on heavenly manna, and consecrate themselves to spiritual and intellectual purity to accomplish God's Kingdom purposes....

National Sunday Law...Conspiracy or Present Truth

Book Description

The book of Malachi 3:1 presents words that tells of "My messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me." Here, Jesus was working with His church that would prepare them to recognize His coming when He should be born of a virgin. Malachi received this vital truth from the Lord hundreds of years prior, longer than America had begun forming as a nation. Malachi faithfully shared the burden of truth the Lord had given him, saying: I have loved you... Yet ye say, wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? Saith the Lord of host: yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau, and laid his...heritage waste. Whereas Edom saith [Esau's descendants] We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the Lord of host, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and The people against whom the Lord hath indignation for ever. (Malachi 1:1-4) This reveals the hatred Heaven harbors for all that is wicked. Esau clung to his wicked ways while Jacob manifested a life, allowing his Father in heaven to bring him up in the admonition of the Lord. Heaven works in the atmosphere of truth. Truth applied to the heart cuts deep. This is necessary for "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it" (Jeremiah 17:9). It can truthfully be said that Jesus knew the heart of Peter, also that of Judas. Each did precisely what was said of them. This is our reality. Only our Father in heaven knows what wickedness is lurking in our heart, as it waits for an opportunity to do or say what we adamantly deny, that which is definitely possible. Personal relationships take time to establish. It is no different with the one-on-one Jesus desires to have with those who have experienced wickedness lurking in a heart, professing great righteousness. Each of these articles found in this book covers topics that are meant for spiritual growth in learning the truth as it is in Jesus.

One The Present Truth: Spirit Matrix

Book Description

1. The phenomenon "One: the Present Truth-Spirit Matrix" is claimed to be the Holy Spirit's dossier. It is an ethereal tsunami that challenges what was once Christian reasoning. Another realm becomes articulated. It is a behind-the-scenes of man's salvation, the covert missions, light challenging darkness's cunning. This viewpoint is of an alternate stratus, a colossal exposure from a spirit messenger's influence, the writings principle, a "no holds barred" approach. 2. One-spirit matrix addresses most all the spirit answers I've ever doubted. As a Christian, this is now the most important book that I own other than my dusted-off Bible. It explains so many biblical enigmas; it is a miracle that so much is covered. After years of not buying into religious illogic, I quit hopping churches. I was accused of backsliding. This book revived my interest and trust in God and the Bible again. It does not confuse incidents. It actually reveals deceptions being promulgated. I again am a professing Christian. The matrix mainly applies logic and reason. 3.As a seminarian, I find this work most intriguing; thing is, I believe most all of it. There is more sense made here than in my "take it by faith" studies. All my secret doubts have vaporized. I would love to learn more; I've basked in rereading this dossier several times. I have it highlighted like my Bible. It demands your complete consideration. This clarifies meanings of so many events. It is as though a veil has been rent in two. I now see Jesus in everything. There is no more a quest for meaning; it all makes sense now. The bullets on the back cover a fraction. There is so much more deciphered. 4. I am a PK, after having read this dossier; I lay awake rethinking my life's conditioned beliefs. I'm perturbed actually; there is no reason our institutions couldn't have discovered these realities. I now realize that I am a royal priest in training. Reality has landed, I am already seeing changes on so many levels. The Bible is now a grand cinema wherein I see and understand God's master plan with Paul's clarity. The spirit wars revealed are too mammoth to have been missed by possibly every denomination. We have been blinded. Either these truths have been recklessly missed, or we are being misled intentionally, which I now suspect the latter. 5. "The present truth" exposes deep mysteries of covert missions given to both Adams. They both died for their bride's sake; they truly had parallel missions. The reader is privileged to have an eagle's view of the Bible from a spirit's vantage point. This spirit's reveal is unlike any other than the Bible. The reader is suddenly swept into a spirit dimension where men are pieces in a chess-type match. This alternate reality reveals men being manipulated by darkness's "interference." You become initiated into a matrix knowledge zone. Had our ministers taught us these truths, I believe the planet would be different.

Present Truth in the Real World

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The Great Controversy

Book Description

A foundational text in the Seventh Day Adventist church, The Great Controversy is a vision White had of the great battle between Christ and Satan throughout the ages of the early and modern church. Although the book is not held with as high esteem in Protestant circles, it still is able to outline a way of impactful theological thinking.

A Search for Identity

Book Description

Der Autor geht auf Fragen ein, die jeden Adventisten interessieren (sollten): Wie kamen die Adventisten zu den Glaubensüberzeugungen, die sie heute vertreten? Wie haben sich die Lehrauffassungen im Laufe der Jahre verändert? Würden die adventistischen Pioniere alle 27 Glaubenspunkte unterschreiben wollen, die heute von der Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten als verbindlich anerkannt werden? George Knight bezweifelt das. Er legt in wohltuender Offenheit die unterschiedlichen Strömungen innerhalb der Adventgeschichte dar und verdeutlicht, dass Adventgläubige nicht aufhören dürfen, Suchende und Lernende zu sein. So aufwühlend dies klingen mag, so beruhigend wird der Leser feststellen können: An allen untersuchten Beispielen wird erkennbar, wie wunderbar Gott die Adventgemeinde geführt hat. - How did Adventists come to believe what they believe? How have those beliefs changed over the years? With compelling candor George Knight captures the ebb and flow of the doctrinal currents within Adventism, including controversies over the shut door, the law in Galatians at the 1888 General Conference, the Trinity, pantheism, Fundamentalism, the nature of Christ, and inspiration. The Adventist Church was founded by independent thinkers who would have disagreed with several of the church's current 27 fundamental beliefs. But over the years strength arose out of contention, and consensus out of debate. From William Miller to Desmond Ford, Knight catalogues the colorful personalities who shaped the discussion, and shows how God has led Adventism into a broader and deeper understanding of His eternal truth. - A Word to the Reader, A Note From the Author, List of Abbreviations, Chapter 1: The Dynamic Nature of "Present Truth", Present Truth: Fluid Rather Than Static, The Avoidance of Creedal Rigidity, The Pathway of Progressive Understanding, Chapter 2: Adventism Wasn't Born in a Vacuum, The Theological Roots of Adventism, Millennial Visions, Chapter 3: The Millerite Theological Foundation, Miller's Use of the Bible, Miller on the Second Advent, The First and Second Angels' Messages, The Seventh-Month Movement and the Great Disappointment, Chapter 4: What Is Adventist in Adventism? (1844-1885), The Centrality of the Shut Door and the Struggle for Identity, A People of "the Book", Moving Toward an Understanding of the Sanctuary, The Sabbath and the Third Angel's Message, The Final Doctrinal Pillar: Conditional, Immortality, Putting It All Together, Refining the First and Second Angels' Messages, Other Post-1850 Theological Refinements, Perspective, Chapter 5: What Is Christian in Adventism? (1886-1919), A Setting for Disagreement, Still a People of the Book? The Issue of Authority, Uplift Jesus: Righteousness by Faith and the Third Angel's Message, Uplift Jesus: The Trinity, Full Divinity of Jesus, and Personhood of the Holy Spirit, Uplift Jesus: A Two-Track Exploration Into the Human Nature of Christ, Perspective, Chapter 6: What Is Fundamentalist in Adventism? (1919-1950), A Polarizing Theological Context, Adventism Moves Toward a More Rigid Position on Inspiration, A People of the Book or a People of the Books?, A Revived Interest in Righteouness by Faith, The Crucial Role of M.L. Andreasen and His "Last Generation" Theology, Moves to Make Adventism Look More Christian, Perspective, Chapter 7: Adventism in Theological Tension (1950- ), Some Significant Developments, Track 1: The Search for Historic Adventism, Track 2: The Search for the Meaning of 1888, Track 3: The Search for Ellen White's Role and Authority, Track 4: The Search for a Theology of Inspiration Perspective, Chapter 8: What Does All This Mean?, Lessons on Polarization, Lessons on "Theological Rigor Mortis", Lessons on Theological Essentials, And What About the Advent?, Appendix: Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists, Index