Book Description
Considers H.R. 5710, to amend the Social Security Act to increase benefits for the aged, expand the class of eligible persons, revise aid to dependent children programs, expand Medicare coverage, revise programs for disabled persons to provide work incentives, expand child welfare provisions, and modify the tax status of the elderly. Along with other supplemental materials, contains HEW Actuarial Study No. 63, "Long-Range Cost Estimates for Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System, 1966," Jan. 1967 (p. 131-183), pt.1; Continuation of hearings on H.R. 5710, to amend the Social Security Act to increase benefits under the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance system and to improve the health insurance and public assistance programs, pt.2; Continuation of hearings on H.R. 5710, to amend the Social Security Act to increase benefits, pt. 3-4.