Negotiating And Navigating Global Health: Case Studies In Global Health Diplomacy

Book Description

Diplomacy is undergoing profound changes in the 21st century, and global health is one of the areas where this is most apparent. The negotiation processes that shape and manage the global policy environment for health are increasingly conducted not only between public health experts representing health ministries of nation states but include many other major players at the national level and in the global arena. These include philanthropists and public-private players. As health moves beyond its purely technical realm to become an ever more critical element in foreign policy, security policy, and trade agreements, new skills are needed to negotiate global regimes, international agreements and treaties, and to maintain relations with a wide range of actors.The intent of this book is to provide learning tools for today's broad group of “new health diplomats” in the landscape of this ever-shifting, complex technical and political arena. The case studies are told as the negotiations were experienced by individuals who participated in the various debates, dialogues, negotiations, or by experts who have studied them. This collection fills an important gap in both knowledge and practice providing insight on how negotiations on global health issues have transpired, the successes, challenges, failures, tools and frameworks for negotiation, mechanisms of policy coherence, ways to achieve global health objectives internationally, and how global health diplomacy used as a foreign policy tool can improve relations between nations.

President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

Book Description

President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief: Efforts to Align Programs with Partner Countries' HIV/AIDS Strategies and Promote Partner Country Ownership

President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

Book Description

PEPFAR's original authorization in 2003 established OGAC at State and gave OGAC primary responsibility for the oversight and coordination of all resources and international activities of the U.S. government to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic. OGAC also allocates appropriated funds to PEPFAR implementing agencies, particularly the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). CDC and USAID obligate the majority of PEPFAR funds for HIV treatment, care, and prevention activities through grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts with selected implementing partners, such as U.S.-based nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and partner-country governmental entities and NGOs.

President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

Book Description

In 2013, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) will mark nearly ten years of success with an extraordinary year of achievements. None of this would have been possible without the vision and leadership of President Bush, President Obama, and the bipartisan support of Congress. A decade ago AIDS was wiping out an entire generation in Africa; today, PEPFAR's efforts and those of its many partners have brought the world to a new era -- a time when new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths are on the steep decline, and an AIDS-free generation is both U.S. policy and a goal within our reach. Building off recent breakthroughs, which demonstrated the power of key evidence-based interventions to drive down the rate of new infections and save more lives, this book reflects lessons learned from almost ten years of experience in supporting countries to rapidly scale-up HIV prevention, treatment, and care services. It demonstrates the opportunity for the world to help move more countries toward and beyond the tipping point in their epidemics and put them on a path to achieving an AIDS-free generation. The U.S. commitment to the global AIDS response will remain strong, comprehensive, and driven by science -- and clearly outlines what PEPFAR is doing and will continue to do to help make an AIDS-free generation a reality.

Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

Book Description

"U.S. assistance through thePresident's Emergency Plan for AIDSRelief (PEPFAR) has helped providetreatment, care, and preventionservices overseas to millions affectedby HIV/AIDS. In 2008, Congressreauthorized PEPFAR with the TomLantos and Henry J. Hyde UnitedStates Global Leadership AgainstHIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and MalariaReauthorization Act of 2008 (2008Leadership Act). The act requires theDepartment of State's Office of theU.S. Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC)to report to Congress annually onPEPFAR performance. The U.S.Agency for International Development(USAID) and the Health and HumanServices (HHS) Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC) alsoreport on PEPFAR programperformance. Responding to legislativedirectives, GAO (1) described keyprocedures for planning and reportingon PEPFAR performance and (2)examined published PEPFARperformance plans and reports. GAOanalyzed performance managementdocuments and interviewed officials atOGAC, USAID, and CDC. "