Les mouvements de terrain et leur prévention

Book Description

Dans la première partie de l'ouvrage, on trouvera une présentation des phénomènes, de leurs mécanismes, de leurs effets, et leur répartition géographique, à l'aide d'exemples. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la lutte entreprise pour atténuer les risques que font courir les mouvements de terrain, par des actions de prévention et de prédiction, de protection, et par la mise en oeuvre de programmes plus ou moins ambitieux et coordonnés.

Landslides: Evaluation and Stabilization/Glissement de Terrain: Evaluation et Stabilisation, Set of 2 Volumes

Book Description

These volumes comprise the Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Landslides, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from June 28 to July 2, 2004. Information on the latest developments in Landslide Studies is presented by invited lecture reports, specialized panel contributions and over two hundred and forty technical papers, grouped in the following themes: - Mapping and geological models in landslide hazard assessment, - Advances in rock and mine slopes design, - Field instrumentation and laboratory investigations, - Pre-failure mechanics of landslides in soil and rock, - Mechanisms of slow active landslides, - Post-failure mechanics of landslides, - Stabilization methods and risk reduction measures. A wealth of the latest information on all aspects of landslide hazard, encompassing geological modelling and soil and rock mechanics, landslide processes, causes and effects, and damage avoidance and limitation strategies.

Glissements de terrain

Book Description

ICOLD Dam Decommissioning - Guidelines

Book Description

Dam decommissioning or dam removal has been increasingly common since the past decade. The reason for considering dam removal may have to do with the safety of dams, high repair costs, high operating and maintenance costs, or effects on fish passage and water quality. However, the decision to remove a dam must be based on careful evaluation of the alternatives to address the specific problem at each dam. The ICOLD Committee for decommissioning dams was established in 2005 to develop information that can be used by ICOLD members to respond to questions about the dismantling of dams and to provide a forum for the exchange of information . This ICOLD Bulletin is not intended as a design guide, but as a guide to the decision making process, consultation and regulatory approvals, design and construction issues, sediment management and performance monitoring. The primary aim of these Dam decommissioning guidelines is to provide dam owners, dam engineers and other professionals with the information needed to guide decision making when considering dam dismantling as a project alternative. They are not meant to be used as a design guide, but as a guide to highlighting the points of interest. The guidelines in this ICOLD Bulletin apply only to flood defense structures and not to fall dams.


Book Description