Price and Wage Flexibility in Hong Kong SAR

Book Description

The paper assesses the price and wage flexibility in Hong Kong SAR. At the aggregate level, it compares Hong Kong SAR with the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore by examining the three commonly used macroeconomic relationships among inflation, unemployment, wage growth, and output fluctuations. At the industry level, the paper compares the distributions of labor earnings and price growth in Hong Kong SAR and the United States. It further estimates a model of wage formation under downward nominal wage rigidity to compare the extent of wage rigidity in Hong Kong SAR and the United States. Overall, the comparisons show that broadly speaking, price and wage adjustments are more flexible in Hong Kong SAR than other economies.

People's Republic of China-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Book Description

This Selected Issues paper analyzes Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) banks’ exposure to nonbanking businesses in Mainland China. Hong Kong SAR banks are generally less exposed to riskier Mainland businesses. Despite that, a sharp deterioration in the balance sheet of Mainland businesses, as well as a sharper-than-expected downturn in the Mainland economy could negatively affect Hong Kong SAR banks, raising debt at risk well above suggested estimates. As Hong Kong SAR banks generally have sizable buffers against downside risks, the best approach to such a scenario is vigilance, including maintaining high origination and underwriting standards.

People’s Republic of China-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Book Description

This Selected Issues paper examines medium-term fiscal prospects and policy recommendations for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR). Hong Kong SAR’s fiscal framework has worked well over the last 20 years but challenges have emerged that will strain the fiscal position in the medium to long term. Consequently, while fiscal space is ample currently, it could become gradually constrained over time. The fiscal rule should be implemented flexibly and revenue mobilization needs to be considered down the road. On the expenditure side, containment will be hard, given rapid aging and still high inequality. The challenge will be to maintain investment and boost land supply while increasing social spending to guarantee that those who need support are effectively protected.

Uncertainties and Risk Assessment in Trade Relations

Book Description

Country’s affairs are greatly impacted by shifts in government; thus, the availability of research on current happenings within governmental policy and relations is imperative to keep citizens informed. Uncertainties and Risk Assessment in Trade Relations presents an innovative examination of the ambiguities of foreign importing and exporting and its impact on governmental aspects such as global relations and financial stability. Featuring coverage on a range of topics including border adjustment, tax reforms, and liquidity regulation, this publication is targeted towards academicians, researchers, and students interested in the recent happenings and opinions of international trade.

The Impact of Introducing a Minimum Wage on Business Cycle Volatility

Book Description

We study the impact of a minimum wage on business cycle volatility, depending upon its coverage and adjustment mechanism. As with other small open economies, Hong Kong SAR is vulnerable to external shocks, with its exchange rate regime precluding active monetary policy. Adjustment to past shocks has relied on flexible domestic prices. We find that a minimum wage affecting 20 percent of employees would amplify output volatility by 0.2 percent to 9.2 percent, and employment volatility by ?1.2 percent to 7.8 percent. A fixed wage or indexation to consumption price inflation increases volatility most. Indexation to wage inflation or unit labor cost growth is preferable, largely preserving labor market flexibility.

The Evolution of Central Banking and Monetary Policy in the Asia-Pacific

Book Description

This book of case studies is a significant contribution to monetary macroeconomics in which country-specific experience and issues in inflation and monetary policy are reviewed and analysed in an historical context. In doing so, the key ideas and views

IMF Research Bulletin, Summer 2017

Book Description

The Summer 2017 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin highlights new research such as recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes. The Research Summaries are “Structural Reform Packages, Sequencing, and the Informal Economy (by Zsuzsa Munkacsi and Magnus Saxegaard) and “A Broken Social Contract, Not High Inequality Led to the Arab Spring” (by Shantayanan Devarajan and Elena Ianchovichina). The Q&A section features “Seven Questions on Fintech” (by Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli). The Bulletin also includes information on recommended titles from IMF Publications and the latest articles from the IMF Economic Review.

People’s Republic of China—Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: 2022 Article IV Consultation Discussions-Press Release; and Staff Report

Book Description

Hong Kong SAR’s economy is recovering strongly as ample policy space has allowed the enaction of swift and bold policy responses to address the unprecedented crisis emanating from multiple shocks, including notably the pandemic. But the recovery remains uneven, with private consumption lagging, owing, in part, to a zero- COVID tolerance approach. The financial sector has remained resilient supported by significant buffers, strong institutional frameworks, and a well-functioning Linked Exchange Rate System (LERS). Increasing financial linkages with Mainland China bring both opportunities and challenges for growth and financial stability.