Primary Productivity and Biogeochemical Cycles in the Sea

Book Description

Biological processes in the oceans play a crucial role in regulating the fluxes of many important elements such as carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, phosphorus, and silicon. As we come to the end of the 20th century, oceanographers have increasingly focussed on how these elements are cycled within the ocean, the interdependencies of these cycles, and the effect of the cycle on the composition of the earth's atmosphere and climate. Many techniques and tools have been developed or adapted over the past decade to help in this effort. These include satellite sensors of upper ocean phytoplankton distributions, flow cytometry, molecular biological probes, sophisticated moored and shipboard instrumentation, and vastly increased numerical modeling capabilities. This volume is the result of the 37th Brookhaven Symposium in Biology, in which a wide spectrum of oceanographers, chemists, biologists, and modelers discussed the progress in understanding the role of primary producers in biogeochemical cycles. The symposium is dedicated to Dr. Richard W. Eppley, an intellectual giant in biological oceanography, who inspired a generation of scientists to delve into problems of understanding biogeochemical cycles in the sea. We gratefully acknowledge support from the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Electric Power Research Institute, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Special thanks to Claire Lamberti for her help in producing this volume.

Primary Productivity and Biogeochemical Cycles in the Sea

Book Description

Biological processes in the oceans play a crucial role in regulating the fluxes of many important elements such as carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, phosphorus, and silicon. As we come to the end of the 20th century, oceanographers have increasingly focussed on how these elements are cycled within the ocean, the interdependencies of these cycles, and the effect of the cycle on the composition of the earth's atmosphere and climate. Many techniques and tools have been developed or adapted over the past decade to help in this effort. These include satellite sensors of upper ocean phytoplankton distributions, flow cytometry, molecular biological probes, sophisticated moored and shipboard instrumentation, and vastly increased numerical modeling capabilities. This volume is the result of the 37th Brookhaven Symposium in Biology, in which a wide spectrum of oceanographers, chemists, biologists, and modelers discussed the progress in understanding the role of primary producers in biogeochemical cycles. The symposium is dedicated to Dr. Richard W. Eppley, an intellectual giant in biological oceanography, who inspired a generation of scientists to delve into problems of understanding biogeochemical cycles in the sea. We gratefully acknowledge support from the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Electric Power Research Institute, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Special thanks to Claire Lamberti for her help in producing this volume.

Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea

Book Description

Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea reference examines how photosynthesis evolved on Earth and how phytoplankton evolved through time – ultimately to permit the evolution of complex life, including human beings. The first of its kind, this book provides thorough coverage of key topics, with contributions by leading experts in biophysics, evolutionary biology, micropaleontology, marine ecology, and biogeochemistry.This exciting new book is of interest not only to students and researchers in marine science, but also to evolutionary biologists and ecologists interested in understanding the origins and diversification of life. Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea offers these students and researchers an understanding of the molecular evolution, phylogeny, fossil record, and environmental processes that collectively permits us to comprehend the rise of phytoplankton and their impact on Earth's ecology and biogeochemistry. It is certain to become the first and best word on this exhilarating topic. Discusses the evolution of phytoplankton in the world's oceans as the first living organisms and the first and basic producers in the earths food chain Includes the latest developments in the evolution and ecology of marine phytoplankton specifically with additional information on marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles The only book to consider of the evolution of phytoplankton and its role in molecular evolution, biogeochemistry, paleontology, and oceanographic aspects Written at a level suitable for related reading use in courses on the Evolution of the Biosphere, Ecological and Biological oceanography and marine biology, and Biodiversity

Primary Productivity and Biogeochemical Carbon Cycling in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Arctic Ocean

Book Description

The Arctic Ocean has undergone unprecedented changes in sea ice extent and thickness in recent years, including record-setting sea ice minimums in 2007 and 2012. These changes are predicted to affect Arctic marine primary productivity (the photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide by tiny algae called phytoplankton) because the timing and intensity of the summer phytoplankton bloom are strongly controlled by the dynamics of sea ice and water column stabilization. Satellite-based estimates indicate that primary production in ice-free waters has increased dramatically over the last few decades as a result of the increases in open water and length of the growing season associated with the thinning ice cover. In addition, climate models predict that the Arctic will experience greater and more rapid warming than other areas of the planet over the next century, suggesting that these changes may become even more prevalent in the future. The thinning sea ice has already had a dramatic impact on regional biogeochemistry: in 2011, we observed one of the most massive phytoplankton blooms ever recorded under the sea ice in the Chukchi Sea, an area traditionally thought of as too dark and too cold for massive blooms to occur. In the Chukchi, melt-ponds on the ice surface have proliferated to an extent that, in combination with the thinning ice cover, light penetration through the ice to surface waters is now sufficient for net photosynthesis to occur. The bloom we witnessed in 2011 extended for over 100 km into the> 1 m thick ice pack, and was characterized by extraordinarily high diatom biomass and rates of production. These changes represent a marked shift in our conception of Arctic marine ecosystems and have potential global-scale implications due to feedbacks relating to sea ice albedo, global atmospheric and ocean circulation patterns, and natural greenhouse gas exchanges between the atmosphere and ocean. Chapter 1 presents an overall introduction to the Arctic and discusses the causes and consequences of this changing seasonal cycle of productivity. Chapter 2 presents results from field work performed in the Beaufort Sea in the summer of 2008 exploring the spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton photosynthesis in the ice-associated region of the flaw-lead polynya (area of perennially open water that rings the Arctic Ocean between land-fast ice and the central Arctic ice pack; it can be used somewhat as an analog for future open-water and ice-edged based productivity). Continuing with this theme of exploring primary productivity and biogeochemical cycles in the changing Arctic, Chapter 3 details the results from photophysiological experiments performed during the summer of 2010-2011 that highlight the unique features allowing Arctic phytoplankton to reach high levels of biomass in the extreme environment under the ice. In Chapter 4, I present data from recent 1-D modeling efforts that utilize the light and nutrient-controlled responses of phytoplankton growing under the ice to explore the consequences and implications of this shifting bloom cycle on regional biogeochemical processes.

Ocean Biogeochemistry

Book Description

Oceans account for 50% of the anthropogenic CO2 released into the atmosphere. During the past 15 years an international programme, the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), has been studying the ocean carbon cycle to quantify and model the biological and physical processes whereby CO2 is pumped from the ocean's surface to the depths of the ocean, where it can remain for hundreds of years. This project is one of the largest multi-disciplinary studies of the oceans ever carried out and this book synthesises the results. It covers all aspects of the topic ranging from air-sea exchange with CO2, the role of physical mixing, the uptake of CO2 by marine algae, the fluxes of carbon and nitrogen through the marine food chain to the subsequent export of carbon to the depths of the ocean. Special emphasis is laid on predicting future climatic change.

Interactions of C, N, P and S Biogeochemical Cycles and Global Change

Book Description

This book is a natural extension of the SCOPE (Scientific Committee of Problems on the Environment) volumes on the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) biogeochemical cycles and their interactions (Likens, 1981; Bolin and Cook, 1983). Substantial progress in the knowledge of these cycles has been made since publication of those volumes. In particular, the nature and extent of biological and inorganic interactions between these cycles have been identified, positive and negative feedbacks recognized and the relationship between the cycles and global environmental change preliminarily elucidated. In March 1991, a NATO Advanced Research Workshop was held for one week in Melreux, Belgium to reexamine the biogeochemical cycles of C, N, P and S on a variety of time and space scales from a holistic point of view. This book is the result of that workshop. The biogeochemical cycles of C, N, P and S are intimately tied to each other through biological productivity and subsequently to problems of global environmental change. These problems may be the most challenging facing humanity in the 21 st century. In the broadest sense, "global change" encompasses both changes to the status of the large, globally connected atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial environments (e. g. tropospheric temperature increase) and change occurring as the result of nearly simultaneous local changes in many regions of the world (e. g. eutrophication).

Primary Productivity in the Sea

Book Description

Primary productivity in the sea accounts for ~30% of the total global annual production. Holistic understanding of the factors determining marine productivity requires detailed knowl edge of algal physiology and of hydrodynamics. Traditionally studies of aquatic primary productivity have heen conducted hy workers in two major schools: experimental laboratory biology, and empirical field ecology. Here an attempt was made .to hring together people from both schools to share information and con cepts; each author was charged with reviewing his field of exoer tise. The scope of the Symposium is broad, which we feel is its strength. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Depart ment of Energy, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, including the NMFS Northeast Fisheries Center and the MESA New York Bight Project. Thanks are due to Mrs. Margaret Dienes, with out whose editorial skills this volume could not have been pro duced, and to Mrs. Helen Kondratuk as Symposium Coordinator. Finally, we wish to record our indebtedness to Dr. Alexander Hollaender for his tireless efforts and valuable advice in sup porting all aspects of this Symposium.

Marine Photosynthesis

Book Description

Marine Photosynthesis

Principles of Biology

Book Description

The Principles of Biology sequence (BI 211, 212 and 213) introduces biology as a scientific discipline for students planning to major in biology and other science disciplines. Laboratories and classroom activities introduce techniques used to study biological processes and provide opportunities for students to develop their ability to conduct research.

Biogeochemical Cycling and Sediment Ecology

Book Description

Oceanographic discontinuities (e. g. frontal systems, upwelling areas, ice edges) are often areas of enhanced biological productivity. Considerable research on the physics and biology of the physical boundaries defining these discontinues has been accomplished (see [I D. The interface between water and sediment is the largest physical boundary in the ocean, but has not received a proportionate degree of attention. The purpose of the Nato Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) was to focus on soft-sediment systems by identifying deficiencies in our knowledge of these systems and defining key issues in the management of coastal sedimentary habitats. Marine sediments play important roles in the marine ecosystem and the biosphere. They provide food and habitat for many marine organisms, some of which are commercially important. More importantly from a global perspective, marine sediments also provide "ecosystem goods and services" [2J. Organic matter from primary production in the water column and contaminants scavenged by particles accumulate in sediments where their fate is determined by sediment processes such as bioturbation and biogeochemical cycling. Nutrients are regenerated and contaminants degraded in sediments. Under some conditions, carbon accumulates in coastal and shelf sediments and may by removed from the carbon cycle for millions of years, having a potentially significant impact on global climate change. Sediments also protect coasts. The economic value of services provided by coastal areas has recently been estimated to be on the order of $12,568 9 10 y" [3J, far in excess of the global GNP.