Fundamenta Iuris. Terminología, Principios e Interpretatio

Book Description

El presente volumen recoge un conjunto de trabajos sobre una temática sugerente, relevante y de permanente vigencia, dado que atañe a los fundamentos de uno de los pilares más sólidos en que se cimenta la Europa de los pueblos y de los ciudadanos, así como de la Comunidad Iberoamericana. Eso sí, partiendo del más preciado patrimonio común, su Historia, y, en particular, el legado jurídico que tuvo como referente el Derecho romano, base de la cultura jurídica de la mayor parte del Mundo Occidental. Todo jurista está llamado a asumir el compromiso de recrear un estudio e investigación propios del siglo XXI, que vengan a dar respuesta a lo que el momento actual demanda, y no perder el tren de la Historia. Por fortuna, sin duda, somos herederos del rico patrimonio que comporta la experiencia jurídica de la antigua Roma, de la que constituimos sólo un paso más de su largo devenir. Quienes colaboran en esta obra así lo entienden, y sirvan como prueba sus aportaciones.

The Balance between Worker Protection and Employer Powers

Book Description

This book analyses the most important problems and challenges of the current labour market from the point of view of the balance between the parties of the employment contract. The contributions here are related to various pressing topics, including, for example, the future of work and worker protection on an international level against the strengthening of employers’ powers. In addition, the nature and limits of employers’ power, non-competition contractual clauses and workers’ rights in the face of new communication and information technologies are also discussed. The contributors are drawn from several countries, such as Portugal, Spain, Bolivia, Italy, México and Switzerland. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal experts, human resources experts, economist, judges, academia, and staff from companies and trade unions, and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (12), English (4) and Portuguese (5).

'Rule of Reason': Ensayos Teóricos sobre Racionalidad y Razonabilidad en el Derecho Público

Book Description

Investigating the principle of reasona-bleness in the legal world requires—if the task is to be taken seriously—to take a journey directly to the roots of the concept of law and to the ultimate paradigms that inform its knowledge, just to find the beginning of a different and maybe harder path, heading to the idea of reason. The essays presented in this book do not aim to complete such journeys, but just to take some modest steps into them. Many con-cepts are thereby found, many more are left to be investigated. Meanwhile, between rationality and reasonableness, theory and practice, science and prudence, episteme and phronesis, a global need emerges: that to keep addressing the core of the ‘Rule of Reason’ in the law.

Bioethical Decision Making and Argumentation

Book Description

This book clarifies the meaning of the most important and pervasive concepts and tools in bioethical argumentation (principles, values, dignity, rights, duties, deliberation, prudence) and assesses the methodological suitability of the main methods for clinical decision-making and argumentation. The first part of the book is devoted to the most developed or promising approaches regarding bioethical argumentation, namely those based on principles, values and human rights. The authors then continue to deal with the contributions and shortcomings of these approaches and suggest further developments by means of substantive and procedural elements and concepts from practical philosophy, normative systems theory, theory of action, human rights and legal argumentation. Furthermore, new models of biomedical and health care decision-making, which overcome the aforementioned criticism and stress the relevance of the argumentative responsibility, are included.

A Three-Dimensional Theory of Law

Book Description

What this book intends to do is to study three-dimensionalism (the distinction values-norms-facts) not in what could be called its historical dimension, but in its substantive aspect, as a “form” that, when applied to different legal themes, would add a “material content” to the three-dimensional theory. We can point out, as a study plan, the distinction between “three” perspectives: Those of the legal norm, of the legal order, and the legal relationship. Three-dimensionalism also appears in this work when one analyzes the “three” phases of the life of the law: The formation, the interpretation, and the application; and in the distinction between the “three” characteristics of the legal order: Fullness, coherence, and unity—the theory of legal validity, intended as legitimacy, as validity strictly speaking, or as effectiveness.

A Theory of Legal Sentences

Book Description

Legal statements are, according to the authors, the most basic elements of the law. Nevertheless they must be considered not only as the pieces of a puzzle, but also as the components of a dynamic and highly complex reality: the law of contemporary society. The book presents an analysis of the different types of legal statements (mandatory rules, principles, power-conferring rules, definitions, permissions, values and the rule of recognition) from a threeefold perspective, that is, considering their logical structure, their function in legal reasoning as reasons for action, and their connections with the interests and power relationships among the individuals and the social groups. The result is conceived as a first step in the building of a general theory of law designed not as an isolated discourse but as a decisive element for the dynamization of the legal culture.

Fundamentals of Legal Argumentation

Book Description

This book is an updated and revised edition of Fundamentals of Legal Argumentation published in 1999. It discusses new developments that have taken place in the past 15 years in research of legal argumentation, legal justification and legal interpretation, as well as the implications of these new developments for the theory of legal argumentation. Almost every chapter has been revised and updated, and the chapters include discussions of recent studies, major additions on topical issues, new perspectives, and new developments in several theoretical areas. Examples of these additions are discussions of recent developments in such areas as Habermas' theory, MacCormick's theory, Alexy's theory, Artificial Intelligence and law, and the pragma-dialectical theory of legal argumentation. Furthermore it provides an extensive and systematic overview of approaches and studies of legal argumentation in the context of legal justification in various legal systems and countries that have been important for the development of research of legal argumentation. The book contains a discussion of influential theories that conceive the law and legal justification as argumentative activity. From different disciplinary and theoretical angles it addresses such topics as the institutional characteristics of the law and the relation between general standards for moral discussions and legal standards such as the Rule of Law. It discusses patterns of legal justification in the context of different types of problems in the application of the law and it describes rules for rational legal discussions. The combination of the sound basis of the first edition and the discussions of new developments make this new edition an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of the various theoretical influences which have informed the study of legal argumentation. It discusses salient backgrounds to this field as well as major approaches and trends in the contemporary research. It surveys the relevant theoretical factors both from various continental law traditions and common law countries.

Comparative Law for Spanish–English Speaking Lawyers

Book Description

Comparative Law for Spanish–English Speaking Lawyers provides practitioners and students of law, in a variety of English- and Spanish- speaking countries, with the information and skills needed to successfully undertake competent comparative legal research and communicate with local counsel and clients in a second language. Written with the purpose of helping lawyers develop the practical skills essential for success in today’s increasingly international legal market, this book aims to arm its readers with the tools needed to translate unfamiliar legal terms and contextualize the legal concepts and practices used in foreign legal systems. Comparative Law for Spanish–English Speaking Lawyers / Derecho comparado para abogados anglo- e hispanoparlantes, escrita en inglés y español, persigue potenciar las habilidades lingüísticas y los conocimientos de derecho comparado de sus lectores. Con este propósito, términos y conceptos jurídicos esenciales son explicados al hilo del análisis riguroso y transversal de selectas jurisdicciones hispano- y angloparlantes. El libro pretende con ello que abogados, estudiantes de derecho y traductores puedan trabajar en una segunda lengua con solvencia y consciencia de las diferencias jurídicas y culturales que afectan a las relaciones con abogados y clientes extranjeros. La obra se complementa con ejercicios individuales y en grupo que permiten a los lectores reflexionar sobre estas divergencias.

Reasonableness and interpretation

Book Description

The 2002 issue of the Yearbook concerns the notion of reasonableness in philosohical, legal and economic domains. After going back over the main definition of the concept of reasonable in greek philosophy, the analysis carried out in this volume deals with the role played by the notion of reasonableness in practical philosophy and namely according to hermeneutical view of it. With regard to legal field, the notion of reasonableness is a core notion in constitutional law and it assumes specific meanings in private, criminal, international, and administrative law. Reasonableness turns out to be crucial with regard to many topics, such as interpretation of rights, balancing of fundamental rights, and interpretation of standards.