Competent Contestation

Book Description

"In April of 1974, during the sixth special session of the United Nations General Assembly,a coalition of 134 developing states introduced the Declaration for the Establishment of a NewInternational Order (NIEO). This agenda aimed to renegotiate the terms of international trade andlaw, fiscal policy, and development aid. The NIEO's proponents were unable to secure a moreequitable international economic order. Instead, key industrialized states in the North won keybattles in public international law and accorded unprecedented protection to internationalinvestment that dismantled the NIEO's primary drive of granting developing states' absolutesovereignty over their natural resources. Scholars studying the NIEO posit that that the agendachallenged the very foundations of the postwar liberal order. More recent literature also attributesthe failure of the NIEO to the success of the neoliberal agenda of the 1980s. This thesis asks, onwhat grounds did the NIEO challenge the postwar liberal order and what specifically links theNIEO to global neoliberalism?Careful primary text analysis of UN archival documents reveals that the NIEO recast thefundamental norm of sovereign equality by designing an international nationalization lawframework, by seeking the establishment of a UN Special Fund, and by aiming for the expansionof a generalized system of preferences for developing countries. Thus, a central claim of this thesisis that the NIEO contested the legal and economic foundations of the postwar order. Furtheranalysis of foreign policy communiqués and policy responses from the industrialized Global Northsuggests that developed countries countered the NIEO with a strategy of policy reformulation. Byemploying process-tracing, I chart how specific NIEO principles were reformulated by the Northto secure policy outcomes antithetical to the NIEO's original mission. These policy reformulationssubsequently facilitated the rise of global neoliberalism in the decades to come.Finally, by drawing from Antje Wiener's theory of contestation and practice theory'snotion of competency, I advance the concept of "competent contestation" to capture the theoreticalsignificance of the NIEO. In doing so, I suggest that contestation can be spatially, procedurally,and relationally competent"--

The Objectives of the New International Economic Order

Book Description

The Objectives of the New International Economic Order focuses on the role of the New International Economic Order (NIEO) in the resolution of issues in world economy, international trade, economic policies, trade relations, and business practices. The manuscript first offers information on the objectives of the NIEO in historical and global perspectives, as well as the political relevance of the NIEO, historical factors in the emergence of the NIEO, and contrary perceptions and vicious circles. The book also takes a look at the objectives of the NIEO regarding issues in world economy. Concern.

The New International Economic Order

Book Description

In the face of the continuing economic gap between the industrialized and the developing countries, the Third World began to demand a reorganization of the international economic system—its mechanisms, organizations, purposes—that would make the system responsive to the needs of all of its members. The United Nations’ Sixth Special Session in 1974

Legal Aspects of the New International Economic Order

Book Description

Legal Aspects of the New International Economic Order draws together the results of discussions from the 58th Conference of the International law Association held in Manila in September 1978. Many there, including a number of contributors to this insightful book, felt that proposals for the establishment of a new international economic order bristled with complex legal issues, which merited the serious attention of lawyers. Moved by the conviction that these proposals aimed at restructuring international economic relations and effective a global redistribution of wealth and power, presented a challenge to legal creativity, the Conference adopted a resolution urging the International Law Association to undertake a study of the Legal Aspects of a New International Economic Order. Legal Aspects of the New International Economic Order draws together the papers that came from that study, to offer a fascinating and powerful examination of the legal challenges thrown up by the establishment of this new order.