Prison Hostage

Book Description

Gripping first-person account. Three inmates seized control of the school-library complex and took prison employees hostage. It ended in death for several of the hostages and two of the inmates. At the time, the author was a correctional educator, and in his final year of education and training as a criminologist.

Jerry's Riot

Book Description

Details the clash between a former Alcatraz inmate, Jerry Myles, and a reform warden. This inside look at a prison riot chronicles the lives of the men involved in it and the consequences that followed.

God's Hostage

Book Description

In 1993, Andrew Brunson was asked to travel to Turkey, the largest unevangelized country in the world, to serve as a missionary. Though hesitant because of the daunting and dangerous task that lay ahead, Andrew and his wife, Norine, believed this was God's plan for them. What followed was a string of threats and attacks, but also successes in starting new churches in a place where many people had never met a Christian. As their work with refugees from Syria, including Kurds, gained attention and suspicion, Andrew and Norine acknowledged the threat but accepted the risk, determining to stay unless God told them to leave. In 2016, they were arrested. Though the State eventually released Norine, who remained in Turkey, Andrew was imprisoned. Accused of being a spy and being among the plotters of the attempted coup, he became a political pawn whose story soon became known around the world. God's Hostage is the incredible true story of his imprisonment, his brokenness, and his eventual freedom. Anyone with a heart for missions, especially to the Muslim world, will love this tension-laden and faith-laced book.

Siege in Lucasville

Book Description

This work has been ten years in the making. The physical and emotional trauma inflicted during the time between April 11 and April 21, 1993 has left many scars. While most of the physical scars have long since faded, it is the emotional scars that have lingered. After 11 days of brutal captivity, two weeks of hospitalization, months of physical healing and therapy, seventeen post-riot trials, two strokes, a lay-off, and transfer to another agency, Larry Dotson is ready--ready to tell the story that has yet to be told, and ready to take the next step in the healing process. This book will not tell the complete story of the Lucasville riot. No single book can, because every hostage, staff member, inmate rioter, non-rioting inmate, their respective families, and all those assigned to SOCF during the riot, has a story to tell. No, this book will only tell the story of one of the hostages...Larry Dotson. Larry was working in an area in which he was not originally assigned, but because of the large number of staff "call offs" he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Following a severe beating while attempting to rescue a fellow staff member, Larry was brutally beaten and held hostage by two violent and rival gangs that put aside their differences and put forth a unified front in defiance of the prison administration...the administration that Larry represented. In the pages that follow, are the details that until now have been reserved for the administrators, investigators, lawyers, and juries. It is a story that all those who find themselves in a position of advocating budget cut backs, staff reductions, and a moderation of security, need to read and absorb. In 1993, Ohio ranked a pathetic last in inmate to correction officer ratio. Liberal federal court orders strengthened inmate's rights while compromising the safety and security of those who were responsible for carrying out the decisions. Those court orders, along with public apathy, budgetary, legislative, and executive shell games ignited the fuse that resulted in the longest and third most bloody prison riot in U.S. history. In 2003, Ohio finds itself sinking into the bowels of history, returning to the conditions that existed in 1993.

Eleven Days in Hell

Book Description

Annotation "The 1974 Fred Gomez Carrasco prison siege at Huntsville, TX.".


Book Description

The Inspiration for the New Podcast Featuring Jason Rezaian. “544 Days” is a Spotify original podcast, produced by Gimlet, Crooked Media and A24. The dramatic memoir of the journalist who was held hostage in a high-security prison in Tehran for eighteen months and whose release—which almost didn’t happen—became a part of the Iran nuclear deal In July 2014, Washington Post Tehran bureau chief Jason Rezaian was arrested by Iranian police, accused of spying for America. The charges were absurd. Rezaian’s reporting was a mix of human interest stories and political analysis. He had even served as a guide for Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown. Initially, Rezaian thought the whole thing was a terrible misunderstanding, but soon realized that it was much more dire as it became an eighteen-month prison stint with impossibly high diplomatic stakes. While in prison, Rezaian had tireless advocates working on his behalf. His brother lobbied political heavyweights including John Kerry and Barack Obama and started a social media campaign—#FreeJason—while Jason’s wife navigated the red tape of the Iranian security apparatus, all while the courts used Rezaian as a bargaining chip in negotiations for the Iran nuclear deal. In Prisoner, Rezaian writes of his exhausting interrogations and farcical trial. He also reflects on his idyllic childhood in Northern California and his bond with his Iranian father, a rug merchant; how his teacher Christopher Hitchens inspired him to pursue journalism; and his life-changing decision to move to Tehran, where his career took off and he met his wife. Written with wit, humor, and grace, Prisoner brings to life a fascinating, maddening culture in all its complexity. “An important story. Harrowing, and suspenseful, yes—but it’s also a deep dive into a complex and egregiously misunderstood country with two very different faces. There is no better time to know more about Iran—and Jason Rezaian has seen both of those faces.” — Anthony Bourdain “Jason paid a deep price in defense of journalism and his story proves that not everyone who defends freedom carries a gun, some carry a pen.” —John F. Kerry, 68th Secretary of State

Descent Into Madness

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Book Description

The definitive history of America’s most notorious jail and the violent rise of New York City’s law-and-order movement Captives combines a thrilling account of Rikers Island’s descent into infamy with a dramatic retelling of the last seventy years of New York politics from the vantage point of the city’s jails. It is the story of a crowded field of contending powers—city bureaucrats and unions, black power activists and guards, crooked cops and elected leaders—struggling for power and influence, a tale culminating in mass incarceration and the triumph of neoliberalism. It is a riveting chronicle of how the Rikers Island of today—and the social order it represents—came to be. Conjuring sweeping cinematic vistas, Captives records how the tempo of history was set by bloody and bruising clashes between guards and prisoners, between rank and filers and union bosses, between reformers and reactionaries, and between police officers and virtually everyone else. Written by a one-time Rikers prisoner, Captives draws on extensive archival research, decades of journalism, interviews, prisoner testimonials, and firsthand experience to deliver an urgent intervention into our national discussion about the future of mass incarceration and the call to abolish prisons. The contentious debate about the future of the Rikers Island penal colony rolls onward, and Captives is a must-read for anyone interested in the island and what it represents.


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