Prisoners of War in Contemporary Conflict

Book Description

"The International Committee of the Red Cross' release of its 2020 Commentary on the 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which updated the existing 1960 "Pictet Commentary," drew global attention to the international humanitarian law governing prisoners of war POWs. This book contributes to the dialogue with a collection of capita selecta identified by the contributors as meriting examination. Part I examines qualification for POW status from two angles. Four contributions deal with types and domains of warfare - proxy, fluid, maritime, and space. The remaining three take on issues regarding the status of detainees set forth in Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention, specifically combatants, civilians accompanying the force, and members of a levée en masse. Part II discusses the treatment to which POWs are entitled. Topics range from a broad survey of key issues regarding POW treatment in contemporary conflicts to narrow topics that have created confusion or proven challenging in practice. The book concludes with Part III's consideration of the historical relevance of, and perspectives on, the international law governing POWs"--

Prisoners of War in Contemporary Conflict

Book Description

"The International Committee of the Red Cross' release of its 2020 Commentary on the 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which updated the existing 1960 "Pictet Commentary," drew global attention to the international humanitarian law governing prisoners of war POWs. This book contributes to the dialogue with a collection of capita selecta identified by the contributors as meriting examination. Part I examines qualification for POW status from two angles. Four contributions deal with types and domains of warfare - proxy, fluid, maritime, and space. The remaining three take on issues regarding the status of detainees set forth in Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention, specifically combatants, civilians accompanying the force, and members of a levée en masse. Part II discusses the treatment to which POWs are entitled. Topics range from a broad survey of key issues regarding POW treatment in contemporary conflicts to narrow topics that have created confusion or proven challenging in practice. The book concludes with Part III's consideration of the historical relevance of, and perspectives on, the international law governing POWs"--

Prisoners of War in Contemporary Conflict

Book Description

"The International Committee of the Red Cross' release of its 2020 Commentary on the 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which updated the existing 1960 "Pictet Commentary," drew global attention to the international humanitarian law governing prisoners of war POWs. This book contributes to the dialogue with a collection of capita selecta identified by the contributors as meriting examination. Part I examines qualification for POW status from two angles. Four contributions deal with types and domains of warfare - proxy, fluid, maritime, and space. The remaining three take on issues regarding the status of detainees set forth in Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention, specifically combatants, civilians accompanying the force, and members of a levée en masse. Part II discusses the treatment to which POWs are entitled. Topics range from a broad survey of key issues regarding POW treatment in contemporary conflicts to narrow topics that have created confusion or proven challenging in practice. The book concludes with Part III's consideration of the historical relevance of, and perspectives on, the international law governing POWs"--

Prisoners in War

Book Description

The issue of prisoners in war is a highly timely topic that has received much attention from both scholars and practitioners since the start of the military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and the ensuing legal and political problems concerning detainees in those conflicts. This book analyses these contemporary problems and challenges against the background of their historical development. It provides a multidisciplinary yet highly coherent perspective on the historical trajectory of legal and ethical norms in this field by integrating the historical analysis of war with a study of the emergence of the modern legal regime of prisoners in war. In doing so, it provides the first comprehensive study of prisoners, detainees and internees in war, covering a broad range of both regular and irregular wars from the crusades to contemporary counterinsurgency campaigns. The book revolves around two major developments: First, there has been a continuous increase in the political relevance of prisoners in war, in particular since the emergence of POW camps in the nineteenth century. Secondly, and related, the growth in the legal regime pertaining to prisoners had contradictory consequences. Whilst it enhanced the protection of prisoners in regular conflicts, its state-centric bias tends to exclude combatants who do not fit the template of regular inter-state war. Detainees in the 'war on terror' embody both tendencies, the development of which, however, is by no means a novel phenomenon. This book is a project of the Oxford Leverhulme Programme on the Changing Character of War.

Prisoners of War

Book Description

The Enemy in Our Hands

Book Description

Revelations of abuse at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison and the U.S. detention camp at Guantánamo Bay had repercussions extending beyond the worldwide media scandal that ensued. The controversy surrounding photos and descriptions of inhumane treatment of enemy prisoners of war, or EPWs, from the war on terror marked a watershed momentin the study of modern warfare and the treatment of prisoners of war. Amid allegations of human rights violations and war crimes, one question stands out among the rest: Was the treatment of America's most recent prisoners of war an isolated event or part of a troubling and complex issue that is deeply rooted in our nation's military history?Military expert Robert C. Doyle's The Enemy in Our Hands: America's Treatment of Prisoners of War from the Revolution to the War on Terror draws from diverse sources to answer this question. Historical as well as timely in its content, this work examines America's major wars and past conflicts -- among them, the American Revolution, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and Vietnam -- to provide understanding of the UnitedStates' treatment of military and civilian prisoners. The Enemy in Our Hands offers a new perspective of U.S. military history on the subject of EPWs and suggests that the tactics employed to manage prisoners of war are unique and disparate from one conflict tothe next. In addition to other vital information, Doyle provides a cultural analysis and exploration of U.S. adherence to international standards of conduct, including the 1929 Geneva Convention in each war. Although wars are not won or lost on the basis of how EPWs are treated, the treatment of prisoners is one of the measures by which history's conquerors are judged.

Unravelling Unlawful Confinement in Contemporary Armed Conflicts

Book Description

International humanitarian law protects against unlawful confinement only in international armed conflict. And yet most of unlawful detentions arise as governments and armed groups resort to violence in over 65% of armed conflicts today that are not of an international character. Where do we draw the line and how can international law better serve our right to liberty in contemporary armed conflicts? A captivating and brutally honest book that sheds the light on the plight of millions across nations.

Prisoners of War

Book Description

America's current War on Terror is causing a readjustment of centuries of POW policies. Prisoners of war are once again in the news as America and Western Europe grapple with a new, faceless enemy and the rules of war and the torture of POWs are open to reconsideration. Until very recently, there has been astonishingly little written on the subject of prisoners of war. Yet, to understand the present, it is critical to look back over history. To that end, Arnold Krammer examines the fate of war prisoners from Biblical and Medieval times through the halting evolution of international law to the current reshuffling of the rules. The issue of prisoners of war is of more immediate concern now than ever before and an examination of the history of their treatment and current status may well influence foreign policy. The fate of war prisoners through history has been cruel and haphazard. The lives of captives hung by a thread. Execution, enslavement, torture, or being held for ransom were equally likely. International agreements developed haltingly through the 19th and 20th centuries to culminate in the Geneva Accords of 1929. America's current War on Terror is causing a readjustment of centuries of POW policies. Prisoners of war are once again in the news as America and Western Europe grapple with a new, faceless enemy and the rules of war and the torture of POWs are open to reconsideration. Until very recently, there has been astonishingly little written on the subject of prisoners of war. Yet, to understand the present, it is critical to look back over history. To that end, Arnold Krammer examines the fate of war prisoners from Biblical and Medieval times through the halting evolution of international law to the current reshuffling of the rules. Since biblical times, war captives have been considered property and counted as booty to be enslaved or killed. Americans were interested in generals and weapons and battles, but not the fate of prisoners of war. The Second World War, when 90,000 Americans fell into enemy hands, began to change that. Concern for our POWs in Germany and Japan, and close contact with enemy camps in America began to change our attitudes. However, it was the Vietnam War, media-driven and polarizing, that caused the American public to truly reevaluate the plight of its sons and brothers, heroic and clearly loyal, as they fell into the hands of an inscrutable and apparently unyielding distant enemy. More recently, during the first Gulf War of 1991 and the current War on Terrorism, the issue of prisoners of war has moved to center stage, involving the clash of ideologies, politics, and expediency. Since 9/11, the rights and safety of prisoners of war caught up in the War on Terror have been debated in Congress and adjudicated on by former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales whose conclusions were protested by numerous organizations. The issue of prisoners of war is of more immediate concern now than ever before, and an examination of the history of their treatment and current status may well influence foreign policy.