Privateers & Pirates 1730–1830

Book Description

Following the pirate scourge of the early 18th century, many sea captains took to privateering as a means of making money. A form of nationally sponsored piracy, it reached its peak during the American Revolution (1763-1776), when the fledgling American navy had to rely on privateers to disrupt British shipping between England and the rebellious colonies. Following peace in 1815, many former privateers turned to piracy, spawning the last great piratical wave, which would last for a decade. The world of these privateers and latter-day pirates comes vividly to life in this detailed exploration of their ships, crews, ports and battle tactics.

Pirates 1660–1730

Book Description

This book gives an accurate picture of the pirates who sailed in the waters of the Caribbean and off the American coastline during the 'golden age' of piracy between 1660 and 1730. It traces the origins of piratical activity in the 16th century and examines the Boucaneer (Buccaneer) culture in Jamaica and Hispaniola. It details what drove individuals to a life of piracy, how they dressed, their weaponry, the ships they used and the codes by which they operated. Whether viewed as villains or victims the Pirates were a major threat to shipping and commerce in the western Atlantic for more than 70 years. Elite 67, 69 and 74 are also available in a single volume special edition as 'Pirates'.


Book Description

This book combines Elite 67- 'Pirates 1660-1730', Elite 69- 'Buccaneers 1620-1700' and Elite 74- 'Privateers and Pirates 1730-1830'. Text by Angus Konstam, plates by Angus McBride. This book tells, in beautifully illustrated detail, the full story of piracy from its origins in the 16th century to the last great piratical wave in the early 19th century. It explores the lives of well-known buccaneers who carried out their raids under the protection of the English crown and the privateers that were relied on by the American Navy during the American Revolution to disrupt British shipping between England and the rebellious colonies. Other subjects covered include the ships, weaponry used, codes of behaviour and the lives of the colourful characters that roamed the high seas searching for plunder.

Buccaneers 1620–1700

Book Description

Before the era of great pirates in the early 18th century, there was an even more bloodthirsty phase of attacks in the Caribbean known as the 'Buccaneering Era'. For over 50 years, English, French and Dutch buccaneers launched a series of devastating attacks on Spanish towns, ports and shipping. Well-known buccaneers such as Captain Henry Morgan carried out their raids under the protection of the English crown, and in 1692, the French even used buccaneers to help its army capture the great Spanish city of Cartagena!

Pirates 1660–1730

Book Description

This book gives an accurate picture of the pirates who sailed in the waters of the Caribbean and off the American coastline during the 'golden age' of piracy between 1660 and 1730. It traces the origins of piratical activity in the 16th century and examines the Boucaneer (Buccaneer) culture in Jamaica and Hispaniola. It details what drove individuals to a life of piracy, how they dressed, their weaponry, the ships they used and the codes by which they operated. Whether viewed as villains or victims the Pirates were a major threat to shipping and commerce in the western Atlantic for more than 70 years. Elite 67, 69 and 74 are also available in a single volume special edition as 'Pirates'.


Book Description

This book describes the life of a pirate in the early 18th century, the 'Golden Age of Piracy'. It charts the way these men (and a few women) were recruited, how they operated, what they looked like and what prospects their lives held. In the process the book strips away many of the myths associated with piracy to reveal the harsh realities of those who lived beyond the normal bounds of society. Written by pirate expert Angus Konstam, the book draws on decades of research into the subject, and pulls together information from a myriad of sources including official reports, contemporary newspaper reports, trial proceedings and court testimony last words on the scaffold, letters and diaries as well as archaeological evidence and relevant objects and artefacts from museum collections on both sides of the Atlantic. A must have for fans of the classic pirate stories or warfare in the early 18th century.

Pirates and Privateers in the 18th Century

Book Description

Pirates and Privateers tells the fascinating story of the buccaneers who were the scourge of merchants in the 18th Century. It examines their lifestyle, looking at how the sinking of the Spanish treasure fleet in a storm off the coast of Florida led to a pirates gold rush; how the Kings Pardon was a desperate gamble which paid off and considers the role of individual island governors, such as Woodes Rogers in the Bahamas, in bringing piracy under control.The book also looks at how piracy has been a popular topic in print, plays, songs and now films, making thieves and murderers into swash-buckling heroes. It also considers the whole question of buried treasure and gives a lively account of many of the pirates who dominated the so-called Golden Age of Piracy.

Pirates 1660–1730

Book Description

This book gives an accurate picture of the pirates who sailed in the waters of the Caribbean and off the American coastline during the 'golden age' of piracy between 1660 and 1730. It traces the origins of piratical activity in the 16th century and examines the Boucaneer (Buccaneer) culture in Jamaica and Hispaniola. It details what drove individuals to a life of piracy, how they dressed, their weaponry, the ships they used and the codes by which they operated. Whether viewed as villains or victims the Pirates were a major threat to shipping and commerce in the western Atlantic for more than 70 years.

Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560–1605

Book Description

The swashbuckling English sea captains of the Elizabethan era were a particular breed of adventurer, combining maritime and military skill with a seemingly insatiable appetite for Spanish treasure. Angus Konstam describes these characters, including such well-known sea dogs as Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh, John Hawkins and Martin Frobisher. For about 40 years they fought a private war with the Spanish, and while their success in defeating the Spanish Armada is well known, this book also covers their exploits in the New World.