Privatised Law Reform: A History of Patent Law through Private Legislation, 1620-1907

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In the history of British patent law, the role of Parliament is often side-lined. This is largely due to the raft of failed or timid attempts at patent law reform. Yet there was another way of seeking change. By the end of the nineteenth century, private legislation had become a mechanism or testing ground for more general law reforms. The evolution of the law had essentially been privatised and was handled in the committee rooms in Westminster. This is known in relation to many great industrial movements such as the creating of railways, canals and roads, or political movements such as the powers and duties of local authorities, but it has thus far been largely ignored in the development of patent law. This book addresses this shortfall and examines how private legislation played an important role in the birth of modern patent law.

The Privatization of Health Care Reform

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Markets, not politics, are driving health care reform in America today. Inventive entrepreneurs have transformed medicine over the past ten years, and no end to this period of rapid change is in sight. Consumer anxieties over managed care are mounting, and medical costs are again soaring. Meanwhile, the federal government remains mostly on the health policy sidelines, as it has since the collapse of the Clinton administration's campaign for health care reform. This book addresses the changes that the market has wrought- and the challenges this transformation poses for courts and regulators. The law that governs the medical marketplace is an incomplete, overlapping patchwork, conceived mainly without medical care specifically in mind. The ensuing confusion and incoherence are a central theme of this book. Fragmentation of health care lawmaking has foreclosed coordinated, system-wide policy responses, and lack of national consensus on many of the central questions in health care policy has translated into legal contradiction and bitter controversy. Written by leading commentators on American health law and policy, this book examines the widely-perceived failings of managed care and the law's relationship to them. Some of the contributors treat law as a cause of trouble; others emphasize the law's potential and limits as a corrective tool when the market disappoints. The first two chapters present contrasting overviews of how the doctrines and decision-makers that constitute health law work together, for better or worse, to constrain the medical marketplace. The next six chapters address particular market developments and regulatory dilemmas. These include the power of state versus federal government in the health sphere, conflict between insureres and patients and providers over medical need, financial rewards to physicians for frugal practice, the role of antitrust law in the organization of health care provision and financing, the future of public hospitals, and the place of investor-owned versus non-profit institutions. Acknowledging the health sphere's complexities, the authors seek remedies that fit this country's legal, political, and cultural constraints and can contribute to reasoned regulatory goverance. Within limits they believe a measure of rationality is possible.

Legal Aspects of Privatisation

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The main aims of this thesis are as follows:(a) To present a comprehensive analysis of the concept of privatisation its origins and limits, (b) To identify the legal and institutional framework for privatisation in different European countries from a comparative perspective; (c) To define and analyse particularly legal issues which arise during the privatisation transactions: e.g. labour law, competition law etc.; (d) To evaluate which features of the successful legal and organisational framework of privatisation have been successful so as to provide guidelines for those individuals and organisations participating in the privatisation exercises.This work found out that there is no simple, internationally applicable recipe for privatisation; various legal methods and techniques can be used to privatise state owned enterprises. Because each country has different circumstances, it is impossible to provide a unique model for privatisation; each country needs to design its own model according to its circumstances.Privatisation is an essential but insufficient element for structural economic reform in the economy and society. Privatisation is not a panacea, it is not the solution to every economic and administrative problem; selling an enterprise to the private sector does not mean an end to all problems. Also privatisation is not an overnight process or a magic touch; it will be a lengthy process. Furthermore, a decision that something can be privatised does not mean that it should be privatised.In that context, privatisation is not good or bad; it is an economic and social instrument. If it is well designed it may bring substantial benefits to the economy and society.In many countries, many state owned enterprises, particularly the ones which are financially weak, have still not been privatised. This finding revealed that the privatisation process will be in the political and economic agenda for at least few more decades.

Privatisation and the Creation of a Market-Based Legal System

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This Volume aims to provide an analysis of problems and challenges relating to the creation of a legal infrastructure that meets the needs and capabilities of emerging market economies in the light of the privatisation process.

Private Law in the 21st Century

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This book brings together a wide range of contributors from across the common law world to identify and debate the principal moral and systemic challenges facing private law in the remaining part of the twenty-first century. The various contributions identify serious problems relating to complexity and overload, threats to research and education, the law's unintelligibility, the unsatisfactory nature of the law reform process and a general lack of public engagement. They consider the respective future roles of statutes, codes, and judge-made law (in the form of both common law and equitable rules). They consider how best to organise the private law system internally, and how to co-ordinate it externally with other public and economic systems (human rights, regulation, insurance markets and social security frameworks). They address the challenges for private law presented by new forms of technology, and by modern demands for the protection of new and intangible forms of moral interest, such as interests in privacy, 'vindication' and 'personal choice'. They also engage with the critical contemporary debates about access to, and the privatisation of, civil justice. The work is designed as a source of inspiration and reference for private lawyers, as well as legislators, policy-makers and students.

The Privatization of Health Care Reform

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A transformation in American health care delivery and financing is taking place, led by the private sector. This transformation presents legal and regulatory questions that have received little scholarly attention. These issues receive critical attention in this work.

Reforming Business-related Laws to Promote Private Sector Development

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An appropriate legal and regulatory framework is essential for good government and progress in any country and essential in any private sector development programme. This study describes legal reform programmes in African countries, including an evaluation of such programmes in the post-independence era in civil and common law countries.

The Creation of the Rule of Law and the Legitimacy of Property Rights

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"How does the lack of legitimacy of property rights affect the dynamics of the creation of the rule of law? The authors investigate the demand for the rule of law in post-Communist economies after privatization under the assumption that theft is possible, that those who have "stolen" assets cannot be fully protected under a change in the legal regime towards rule of law, and that the number of agents with control rights over assets is large. They show that a demand for broadly beneficial legal reform may not emerge because the expectation of weak legal institutions increases the expected relative return to stripping assets, and strippers may gain from a weak and corrupt state. The outcome can be inefficient even from the narrow perspective of the asset-strippers."

The Privatization Challenge

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analisa os aspectos legais e institucionais e apresenta uma lista com a legislação sobre privatização em 112 paises.

China's Legal Reforms and Their Political Limits

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Presents new insights into recent changes in China's legal framework in areas crucial to the modernisation process. Topics include law reform to accommodate foreign interests and convert China to a market economy, the judicial system and its treatment of human rights issues, the introduction of non-tariff barriers for foreign companies, and the current privatisation process.