Probabilistic Inference of Dark Matter Properties in Galaxy Clusters and the Cosmic Web

Book Description

"Mass tells spacetime how to curve, spacetime tells mass how to move". This famous quote by physicist John Archibald Wheeler succinctly summarizes General Relativity, the most successful theory that describes our universe at large scale. However, most of the mass that General Relativity describes, namely dark matter (DM), remains a mystery. We have solid evidence of the existence of DM from various observations, but we know little or nothing about the particle nature of DM and how DM particles interact with different particles. Completing this knowledge gap would improve or revolutionize our established cosmological model, the Lambda Cold-Dark Matter (CDM) model, and give directions to theories beyond the standard particle physics model.This work attempts to study DM by examining and extending existing modeling approaches of DM and its visible tracers in a probabilistic way. The single verified form of DM interaction is gravitational. Currently, the only way to infer the properties of DM is through visible tracers. Most of these indirect detections either have low signal-to-noise, sparse coverage, or missing variables. These limitations introduce additional modeling choices and uncertainties. A probabilistic approach allows us to propagate the uncertainties appropriately and marginalize any missing variables. There are two recurring types of visible tracers that my work uses. The first type of tracers are galaxies and observables in the overdense regions of DM. These tracers allow usto infer the macroscopic dynamical properties of DM distribution that we want to study. The second type of tracers, on the hand, are in the background, i.e. further away than the foreground dark matter, from us observers. The gravity of DM can bend spacetime such that the path of light traveling in the vicinity would also curve, leaving distortions in the galaxy images. The gravitational distortion of the images of the background galaxies is also known as gravitational lensing. In the introduction (first chapter) of this thesis, I will layout the technical history, terminology and the reasons behind choosing the various data sets and give an overview of the analysis methods for my thesis work. In chapter two, I will present the study based on the observational data of El Gordo, one of the most massive, most ancient, merging galaxy clusters. Under the extreme collision speeds during a merger of a galaxy cluster, it is more probable for DM particles in the cluster to manifest eects of self-interaction. Thus, if DM particles can interact with one another, some preliminary simulations have shown that large-scale spatial distribution of DM can show discrepancies from its galaxy-counterparts. This discrepancy is also known as the galaxy-DM offset, with a caveat. The long duration (millions of years) of a merger means that we cannot detect the direction of motions of the components directly to confirm the offset as a lag. My work on El Gordo was the first to show a quantitative method of estimating how likely the DM components of El Gordo are to be moving in a certain direction. This study was made possible by utilizing informative observables in various wavelengths, including a pair of radio shockwaves on the outer skirt of the cluster, enhanced X-ray emissivity and the decrement of the Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich effect for the infra-red observations. This comprehensive set of observables allowed us to formulate probabilistic constraints in our Monte Carlo simulation of El Gordo. Furthermore, the study also brought up several questions about the modeling choices for comparing the DM and the member-galaxy distributions of a cluster. For instance, do the DM maps and the galaxy maps have high enough resolution to show the delicate offset signal produced by the possible self-interaction of DM (SIDM)? To address my concerns from the study of El Gordo, I conducted a second investigation of galaxy clusters in a cosmological simulation, which is described in chapter 3. The dataset I chose was from the Illustris simulation. As this simulation assumes a Cold-Dark-Mattermodel (CDM) without requiring an SIDM model, any offset between DM and the member galaxies in a galaxy cluster provides an estimate of the variability of the galaxy-DM offset. My study shows that the variability in this setting is non-negligible compared to the small observed offsets, it is likely that random variation can account for the galaxy-DM offsets inobservations. The result weakens our belief that SIDM is the cause of the offsets. The fourth chapter of my dissertation builds on top of my previous experience with analyzing the weak lensing data for El Gordo. This time, I performed the weak lensing study for a dataset of a much larger spatial scale, such that, galaxy clusters look like parts of a homogeneous and isotropic DM web. At this scale, it is possible to compare the spatial distribution of DM to simulations to give competitive constraints on cosmological parameters. Using weak lensing signals for estimating cosmological parameters is also known as cosmic shear inference. While I used a parametric technique to estimate the mass of El Gordo in chapter 2, my work in chapter 4 introduces a new non-parametric model using a Gaussian Process. A Gaussian Process is a generalization of the multivariate normal distribution to higher dimensions. We can draw functional models from a Gaussian Process to describe our data. While the realizations are drawn from a multivariate normal distribution, we can specify the parameters and the functional structure of the covariance (kernel) matrix of the underlying distribution. This generative model gives us the ability to put probabilistic estimates of DM density in regions without any background galaxies. As I have built the lensing physics into the very core of the covariance kernel matrix, we can also simultaneously infer the several important lensing observables, such as shear and convergence, given some lensed galaxy shapes. More importantly, this technique relies on fewer assumptions about the photometric redshift than traditional cosmic shear analysis technique. This may reduce the bias towards a ducial cosmology and lead to interesting discoveries. However, this new technique is not without its challenges. Computationally, this technique requires an O(n3) runtime. Despite my best attempts to parallelize the computation, the algorithm takes longer for generating DM mass maps than traditional approaches. My work here marks the beginning of an alternative method for cosmic shear inference. Many promising approximation techniques have emerged to drastically speed up the runtime of doing inference with a Gaussian Process. Incorporating these approximations may make it possible to use this method to give tighter cosmological constraints from future sky surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. I conclude my work in Chapter 5 and discuss the implications of my work. This includes some future directions for analyzing DM by using simulations with different underlying DM models and real data.

Dark Matter And Cosmic Web Story (Second Edition)

Book Description

The concepts of dark matter and the cosmic web are some of the most significant developments in cosmology in the past century. They have decisively changed the classical cosmological paradigm, which was first elaborated upon during the first half of the 20th century but ran into serious problems in the second half. Today, they are integral parts of modern cosmology, which explains everything from the Big Bang to inflation to the large-scale structure of the Universe.Dark Matter and Cosmic Web Story describes the contributions that led to a paradigm shift from the Eastern point of view. It describes the problems with the classical view, the attempts to solve them, the difficulties encountered by those solutions, and the conferences where the merits of the new concepts were debated. Amidst the science, the story of scientific work in a small country occupied by the Soviet Union and the tumultuous events that led to its breakup are detailed as well.The development of cosmology has often treated as a West-East conflict between the American school led by Jim Peebles in Princeton and the Soviet team led by Yakov Zeldovich in Moscow. Actually, the development of ideas was broader, and a certain role played the Tartu team. The Tartu cosmology school was founded by Ernst Öpik and has its own traditions and attitude to science. In the new edition of the book the interplay between three cosmology schools is written in more detail. The recent development of dark matter and cosmic web studies is described, as well as the evolution of global properties of the cosmic web.This book is accompanied by a website which contains additional material: copies of the originals of some crucial papers, astronomical movies, and movies which showcase the private life of the author. In this second edition, two chapters on the statistical description of the cosmic web and its development were added, as well as chapter on the sociology of science. To keep the length of this book reasonable, a lot of reorganisation of the text has been done as well.

Dark Matter And Cosmic Web Story

Book Description

The concepts of dark matter and the cosmic web are some of the most significant developments in cosmology in the past century. They have decisively changed the classical cosmological paradigm, which was first elaborated upon during the first half of the 20th century but ran into serious problems in the second half. Today, they are integral parts of modern cosmology, which explains everything from the Big Bang to inflation to the large scale structure of the Universe.Dark Matter and Cosmic Web Story describes the contributions that led to a paradigm shift from the Eastern point of view. It describes the problems with the classical view, the attempts to solve them, the difficulties encountered by those solutions, and the conferences where the merits of the new concepts were debated. Amidst the science, the story of scientific work in a small country occupied by the Soviet Union and the tumultuous events that led to its breakup are detailed as well.This book is accompanied by a website which contains additional material: copies of the originals of some crucial papers, astronomical movies, and movies which showcase the private life of the author.

In Search of Dark Matter

Book Description

Written for the educated non-scientist and scientist alike, it spans a variety of scientific disciplines, from observational astronomy to particle physics. Concepts that the reader will encounter along the way are at the cutting edge of scientific research. However the themes are explained in such a way that no prior understanding of science beyond a high school education is necessary.

The Mystery of Dark Matter

Book Description

Get ready to embark on the exciting search for dark matter—the invisible mass that dominates our universe. This popular science book explains why this mysterious dark matter has been incorporated into the standard model of the universe and how scientists are able to “observe” the invisible. The book starts with the early indications of the existence of dark matter, including the strange cohesion of galaxy clusters, before moving on to modern observations like cosmic background radiation. Along the way, you will learn about the direct and indirect methods being used by researchers to track down dark matter and whatever is behind this strange phenomenon. The Mystery of Dark Matter will appeal to general readers who wish to understand what scientists actually know about dark matter, along with the methods they use to help crack the mystery. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Das Rätsel Dunkle Materie by Wolfgang Kapferer, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland in 2018.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Precision Cosmology with Galaxy Cluster Surveys

Book Description

The acceleration of the universe, which is often attributed to "dark energy, " has posed one of the main challenges to fundamental physics. Galaxy clusters provide one of the most sensitive probes of dark energy because their abundance reflects the growth rate of large-scale structure and the expansion rate of the universe. Several large galaxy cluster surveys will soon provide tremendous statistical power to constrain the properties of dark energy; however, the constraining power of these surveys will be determined by how well systematic errors are controlled. Of these systematic errors, the dominant one comes from inferring cluster masses using observable signals of clusters, the so-called "observable--mass distribution." This thesis focuses on extracting dark energy information from forthcoming large galaxy cluster surveys, including how we maximize the cosmological information, how we control important systematics, and how precisely we need to calibrate theoretical models. We study how multi-wavelength follow-up observations can improve cluster mass calibration in optical surveys. We also investigate the impact of theoretical uncertainties in calibrating the spatial distributions of galaxy clusters on dark energy constraints. In addition, we explore how the formation history of galaxy clusters impacts the self-calibration of cluster mass. In addition, we use N-body simulations to develop a new statistical sample of cluster-size halos in order to further understand the observable--mass distribution. We study the completeness of subhalos in our cluster sample by comparing them with the satellite galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We also study how subhalo selections impact the inferred correlation between formation time and optical mass tracers, including cluster richness and velocity dispersion.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Book Description

This book brings together reviews from leading international authorities on the developments in the study of dark matter and dark energy, as seen from both their cosmological and particle physics side. Studying the physical and astrophysical properties of the dark components of our Universe is a crucial step towards the ultimate goal of unveiling their nature. The work developed from a doctoral school sponsored by the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation. The book starts with a concise introduction to the standard cosmological model, as well as with a presentation of the theory of linear perturbations around a homogeneous and isotropic background. It covers the particle physics and cosmological aspects of dark matter and (dynamical) dark energy, including a discussion of how modified theories of gravity could provide a possible candidate for dark energy. A detailed presentation is also given of the possible ways of testing the theory in terms of cosmic microwave background, galaxy redshift surveys and weak gravitational lensing observations. Included is a chapter reviewing extensively the direct and indirect methods of detection of the hypothetical dark matter particles. Also included is a self-contained introduction to the techniques and most important results of numerical (e.g. N-body) simulations in cosmology. " This volume will be useful to researchers, PhD and graduate students in Astrophysics, Cosmology Physics and Mathematics, who are interested in cosmology, dark matter and dark energy.

Progress in Dark Matter Research

Book Description

It is generally believed that most of the matter in the universe is dark, i.e. cannot be detected from the light which it emits (or fails to emit). Its presence is inferred indirectly from the motions of astronomical objects, specifically stellar, galactic, and galaxy cluster/supercluster observations. It is also required in order to enable gravity to amplify the small fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background enough to form the large-scale structures that we see in the universe today. For each of the stellar, galactic, and galaxy cluster/supercluster observations the basic principle is that if we measure velocities in some region, then there has to be enough mass there for gravity to stop all the objects flying apart. Dark matter has important consequences for the evolution of the Universe and the structure within it. According to general relativity, the Universe must conform to one of three possible types: open, flat, or closed. The total amount of mass and energy in the universe determines which of the three possibilities applies to the Universe. In the case of an open Universe, the total mass and energy density (denoted by the Greek letter Omega) is less than unity. If the Universe is closed, Omega is greater than unity. For the case where Omega is exactly equal to one the Universe is "flat". This book details leading-edge research from around the globe.

Constraining Dark Matter Properties with Dwarf Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters

Book Description

Dark matter makes up the overwhelming majority of the matter in the Universe. Its complex structure and dynamics play an essential role in the evolution and formation of galaxies, stars, and ultimately, life itself. Although dark matter is a cornerstone of modern cosmology, the fundamental question of its identity remains unknown. Astrophysical studies have yielded many clues: it is likely an exotic new particle that is relatively massive, uncharged, stable to decays, and does not appear to obey any force other than gravity. Despite these hints, its exact particle identity remains elusive, and dark matter candidates abound.


Book Description

The concepts of dark matter and the cosmic web are some of the most significant developments in cosmology in the past century. They have decisively changed the classical cosmological paradigm, which was first elaborated upon during the first half of the 20th century but ran into serious problems in the second half. Today, they are integral parts of modern cosmology, which explains everything from the Big Bang to inflation to the large-scale structure of the Universe. Dark Matter and Cosmic Web Story describes the contributions that led to a paradigm shift from the Eastern point of view. It describes the problems with the classical view, the attempts to solve them, the difficulties encountered by those solutions, and the conferences where the merits of the new concepts were debated. Amidst the science, the story of scientific work in a small country occupied by the Soviet Union and the tumultuous events that led to its breakup are detailed as well. The development of cosmology has often treated as a West-East conflict between the American school led by Jim Peebles in Princeton and the Soviet team led by Yakov Zeldovich in Moscow. Actually, the development of ideas was broader, and a certain role played the Tartu team. The Tartu cosmology school was founded by Ernst Öpik and has its own traditions and attitude to science. In the new edition of the book the interplay between three cosmology schools is written in more detail. The recent development of dark matter and cosmic web studies is described, as well as the evolution of global properties of the cosmic web. This book is accompanied by a website which contains additional material: copies of the originals of some crucial papers, astronomical movies, and movies which showcase the private life of the author. The link is given below: https: // In this second edition, two chapters on the statistical description of the cosmic web and its development were added, as well as chapter on the sociology of science. To keep the length of this book reasonable, a lot of reorganisation of the text has been done as well.