Probability in Banach Spaces 7

Book Description

The first international conference on Probability in Banach Spaces was held at Oberwolfach, West Germany, in 1975. It brought together European researchers who, under the inspiration of the Schwartz Seminar in Paris, were using probabi listic methods in the study of the geometry of Banach spaces, a rather small number of probabilists who were already studying classical limit laws on Banach spaces, and a larger number of probabilists, specialists in various aspects of the study of Gaussian processes, whose results and techniques were of interest to the members of the first two groups. This first conference was very fruitful. It fos tered a continuing relationship among 50 to 75 probabilists and analysts working on probability on infinite-dimensional spaces, the geometry of Banach spaces, and the use of random methods in harmonic analysis. Six more international conferences were held since the 1975 meeting. Two of the meetings were held at Tufts University, one at S¢nderborg, Denmark, and the others at Oberwolfach. This volume contains a selection of papers by the partici pants of the Seventh International Conference held at Oberwolfach, West Ger many, June 26-July 2, 1988. This exciting and provocative conference was at tended by more than 50 mathematicians from many countries. These papers demonstrate the range of interests of the conference participants. In addition to the ongoing study of classical and modern limit theorems in Banach spaces, a branching out has occurred among the members of this group.

Probability in Banach Spaces, 8: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference

Book Description

Probability limit theorems in infinite-dimensional spaces give conditions un der which convergence holds uniformly over an infinite class of sets or functions. Early results in this direction were the Glivenko-Cantelli, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Donsker theorems for empirical distribution functions. Already in these cases there is convergence in Banach spaces that are not only infinite-dimensional but nonsep arable. But the theory in such spaces developed slowly until the late 1970's. Meanwhile, work on probability in separable Banach spaces, in relation with the geometry of those spaces, began in the 1950's and developed strongly in the 1960's and 70's. We have in mind here also work on sample continuity and boundedness of Gaussian processes and random methods in harmonic analysis. By the mid-70's a substantial theory was in place, including sharp infinite-dimensional limit theorems under either metric entropy or geometric conditions. Then, modern empirical process theory began to develop, where the collection of half-lines in the line has been replaced by much more general collections of sets in and functions on multidimensional spaces. Many of the main ideas from probability in separable Banach spaces turned out to have one or more useful analogues for empirical processes. Tightness became "asymptotic equicontinuity. " Metric entropy remained useful but also was adapted to metric entropy with bracketing, random entropies, and Kolchinskii-Pollard entropy. Even norms themselves were in some situations replaced by measurable majorants, to which the well-developed separable theory then carried over straightforwardly.

Probability in Banach Spaces

Book Description

Isoperimetric, measure concentration and random process techniques appear at the basis of the modern understanding of Probability in Banach spaces. Based on these tools, the book presents a complete treatment of the main aspects of Probability in Banach spaces (integrability and limit theorems for vector valued random variables, boundedness and continuity of random processes) and of some of their links to Geometry of Banach spaces (via the type and cotype properties). Its purpose is to present some of the main aspects of this theory, from the foundations to the most important achievements. The main features of the investigation are the systematic use of isoperimetry and concentration of measure and abstract random process techniques (entropy and majorizing measures). Examples of these probabilistic tools and ideas to classical Banach space theory are further developed.

Probability in Banach Spaces, 9

Book Description

The papers contained in this volume are an indication of the topics th discussed and the interests of the participants of The 9 International Conference on Probability in Banach Spaces, held at Sandjberg, Denmark, August 16-21, 1993. A glance at the table of contents indicates the broad range of topics covered at this conference. What defines research in this field is not so much the topics considered but the generality of the ques tions that are asked. The goal is to examine the behavior of large classes of stochastic processes and to describe it in terms of a few simple prop erties that the processes share. The reward of research like this is that occasionally one can gain deep insight, even about familiar processes, by stripping away details, that in hindsight turn out to be extraneous. A good understanding about the disciplines involved in this field can be obtained from the recent book, Probability in Banach Spaces, Springer-Verlag, by M. Ledoux and M. Thlagrand. On page 5, of this book, there is a list of previous conferences in probability in Banach spaces, including the other eight international conferences. One can see that research in this field over the last twenty years has contributed significantly to knowledge in probability and has had important applications in many other branches of mathematics, most notably in statistics and functional analysis.

Probability in Banach Spaces V

Book Description

Introduction to Banach Spaces: Analysis and Probability

Book Description

This second volume of a two-volume overview focuses on the applications of Banach spaces and recent developments in the field.