Probing Quark-Gluon Plasma and Chiral Effects in Heavy-Ion Collisions: Measurements of Strangeness ($\Omega$ and $\phi$) Production and Identified Particle Correlation in Au+Au Collisions at STAR/RHIC

Book Description

Ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision produces an extremely hot and dense medium of de-confined quarks and gluons, which is called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The STAR detector at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) provides powerful experimental capabilities to probe the properties of this new form of matter, as well as novel quantum effects induced by the restoration of fundamental symmetry in qauntum-chromdynamics (QCD). Towards these goals, two research projects have been carried out at STAR/RHIC and will be presented in this thesis: 1) Measurement of mid-rapidity ($|y|0.5$) multi-strangenss particle ($\Omega$ and $\phi$) production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=14.5$ GeV; 2) A systematic search for chiral effects using identified particle correlation. Production mechanism for strange hadrons could be dramatically different in the presence of QGP compared to regular $pp$ collisions. Thus strangeness signal is used extensively in Beam Energy Scan I (BES-I) program at RHIC to map out the phase diagram of QCD matter. As a part of BES-I, gold nuclei are collided at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 14.5$ GeV and the productions of mid-rapidity $\Omega(sss)$ and $\phi(\bar{s}s)$ are measured for the collisions. The ratio of anti-omega ($\bar{\Omega}$) over omega ($\Omega^-$) is calculated and used to extract thermodynamics parameters ($\mu_B/T$ and $\mu_S/T$) of collision system via statistical model. Additionally, the transverse momentum ($p_T$) dependence of nuclear modification factor ($R_{cp}$) is measured for $\phi$ meson and the result shows similar feature to energies lower than 19.6 GeV. As a test of coalescence formation mechanism for strange hadrons, $\textrm{N}(\Omega^-+\bar{\Omega}^+)/2(\textrm{N}(\phi))$ as a function of $p_T$ is studied and the data from central collision is found to deviate from model calculation and higher energy ($\sqrt{s_{NN}}19.6$ GeV) results in $p_T$ range from $2.0-3.0$ GeV/c, which may imply a transition of created medium whose underlying dominant degrees of freedom change from quarks/gluons to hadrons as collision energy goes below 19.6 GeV. %whose underlying dominant degrees of freedom change from quarks/gluons to hadrons as... With excellent particle identification capability of STAR, a systematic search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) via measurements of $\gamma_{112}$ correlation and $\kappa_K$ parameter for identified particle pairs ($\pi\pi$, $pK$, $\pi K$, $pp$, $p\pi$) in Au+Au collisions has been conducted. The $\kappa_K$ results are compared to expectations from the \textit{A Multi-Phase Transport Model} (AMPT) simulations. Except $\pi\pi$ and $pp$ correlations, the CME signals from other particle pairs are consistent with background model. $\kappa_K$ from $\pi\pi$ shows higher values than background expectation, while the result for $pp$ is even lower than the background, which requires further investigation. %A study of $\gamma_{112}$ and $\delta$ correlations for $\Lambda p$ in Au+Au 27 GeV shows that in mid-central and mid-peripheral collisions, baryon numbers are separated across reaction plane, which is consistent with the Chiral Vortical Effect (CVE) expectation. To search for Chiral Vortical Effect (CVE), a measurement of $\gamma_{112}$ and $\delta$ correlations for $\Lambda p$ pairs in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=27$ GeV was carried out and the results show that the CVE induced baryon number separation may exist in mid-central and mid-peripheral collisions with little contamination from flowing resonance decay background. Future development of searches for the chirality effect in heavy ion collisions will also be discussed.

Study of Quark Gluon Plasma By Particle Correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions

Book Description

This thesis covers several important topics relevant to our understanding of quark-gluon plasma. It describes measurement of the third-order harmonic flow using two-particle correlations and isolation of flow and non-flow contributions to particle correlations in gold-gold collisions. The work also investigates long-range longitudinal correlations in small systems of deuteron-gold collisions. The former is related to the hydrodynamic transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma created in gold-gold collisions. The latter pertains to the question whether hydrodynamics is applicable to small systems, such as deuteron-gold collisions, and whether the quark-gluon plasma can be formed in those small-system collisions. The work presented in this thesis was conducted with the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where the center-of-mass energy of both collision systems was a factor of 100 larger than the rest mass of the colliding nuclei. The results contained in this thesis are highly relevant to our quest for deeper understanding of quantum chromodynamics. The results obtained challenge the interpretation of previous works from several other experiments on small systems, and provoke a fresh look at the physics of hydrodynamics and particle correlations pertinent to high energy nuclear collisions.

Strangeness Production and Strange V0 & Charged Hadron Correlation in Heavy-ion Collisions

Book Description

In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, experimental evidence indicates that a new form of matter with de-confined quarks and gluons named the Quark-Gluon Plasma(QGP) has been created. The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) provides a unique opportunity to study the QGP matter. Strange hadron production is believed to be sensitive to parton dynamics in heavy-ion collisions. In particular, the strange quark production rate and its subsequent evolution in the dense partonic medium depend on the beam energy and the net baryon density. The productions of K0s, [Lambda], [Xi], [Omega] at mid-rapidity from Au+Au collisions at the beam energies of 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, and 39GeV from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program are measured. We investigate the strangeness enhancement and ratios of anti-baryon to baryon yields as a function of beam energy at RHIC. Nuclear modification factors and ratios of baryon to meson yields are also studied. Implications on collision dynamics due to the increase in the baryon chemical potential at low beam energy and constraints on chemical freeze-out parameters will also be discussed in this thesis. Parity-odd domains are theorized to form inside the QGP and to cause electric charge separation with respect to the reaction plane in the relativistic heavy-ion collisions via the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME). Such charge separation has been studied at RHIC and LHC via the difference in two particle correlation between the opposite charge and same charge hadrons. The [Lambda](Lambda) and K0s particles are charge-neutral, and are supposed to bear no charge separation effects due to CME. We study the correlation between the neutral particle and charged hadron to investigate background for charged hadron correlation. In addition, the large angular momentum in heavy-ion collisions is predicted to lead to the Chiral Vortical Effect (CVE) which induces a baryon number separation, in analogy with the electric charge separation caused by CME. We carried out a study of [Lambda] - p correlations to search for the CVE. We present measurements of correlations for [Lambda] - h±, K0s - p, [Lambda] - p, in Au+Au collisions at 39GeV and 200GeV, to study the electric charge and baryon number separations across the reaction plane.

Quark--Gluon Plasma 3

Book Description

Annotation. Text reviews the major topics in Quark-Gluon Plasma, including: the QCD phase diagram, the transition temperature, equation of state, heavy quark free energies, and thermal modifications of hadron properties. Includes index, references, and appendix. For researchers and practitioners.

Quark-gluon Plasma And Heavy Ion Collisions: Procs Of A Meeting Held In The Framework Of The Activities Of Giselda, The Italian Working Group On Strong Interactions

Book Description

This book offers the unique possibility of tackling the problem of hadronic deconfinement from different perspectives. After general introductions to the physical issues, from both the theoretical and the experimental point of view, the book presents the most recent expertise on field theory approaches to the QCD phase diagram, many-body techniques and applications, the dynamics of phase transitions, and phenomenological analysis of relativistic heavy ion collisions.One of the major goals of this book is to promote interchange among those fields of research, which have traditionally been cultivated by different communities of physicists. The contributions in the book help in obtaining deep comprehension of this new state of matter, a system of deconfined quarks and gluons. At the same time the book offers a few examples of how the seeds of the deconfined state are looked for in the phenomenological analysis of the observables measured in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The main topics are dealt with in a pedagogical style, suitable for beginners as well as experienced researchers.

Quark-gluon Plasma, Heavy Ion Collisions And Hadrons

Book Description

This third book on Quark-Gluon plasma and heavy ion collisions follows the previous ones, published in 1988 and 2005, that described theoretical proposals for a large program, and then the QGP discovery at RHIC.The present one describes the rather mature field, with extensive program at RHIC and LHC colliders and corresponding theory. QGP turns out to be a strongly coupled medium made up of quarks and gluons, existing in exploding fireballs. It is the hottest form of matter created in a laboratory. Other subjects discussed in the book are QCD vacuum structure, including topological solitons and nonperturbative phenomena. It also includes some recent progress in theory of hadrons, bridging hadronic spectroscopy with partonic observables.

Physics And Astrophysics Of Quark-gluon Plasma - Proceedings Of The 2nd International Conference

Book Description

A notable feature of this volume is the emphasis on the role of quark matter as well as the cosmic QCD phase transition in cosmology and astrophysics. In addition, there are several review talks, both in experiment and theory, summarising the state of the art and projection for the near future in this important and rapidly evolving area. This book will serve as an important source for researchers and graduate students in the area of quark-gluon plasma physics, excited hadronic matter, astrophysics, cosmology and other related areas.

Measurements of Di-jet Π0-h± Correlations in Light-heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC-PHENIX

Book Description

The possible presence of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), the new state of matter created at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Au+Au and Pb+Pb collisions, is currently under investigation for smaller collisions systems such as light-heavy ions and even p+p. Long range angular correlations of particles produced in p+Pb, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au, show evidence of QGP collective flow, but another signature, QGP-induced jet energy loss effects has not been identified. To address this situation, in this dissertation, a recently introduced observable RI is employed in light-heavy ion collisions. RI is derived from two-particle correlation method commonly used to study jet modification from energy loss in Au+Au.

Quark-gluon Plasma 5

Book Description

This is the fifth volume in the series on the subject of quark-gluon plasma, a unique phase created in heavy-ion collisions at high energy. It contains review articles by the world experts on various aspects of quark-gluon plasma taking into account the advances driven by the latest experimental data collected at both the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The articles are pedagogical and comprehensive which can be helpful for both new researchers entering the field as well as the experienced physicists working on the subject.

Quark-gluon Plasma Five

Book Description

"This is the fifth volume in the series on the subject of quark-gluon plasma, a unique phase created in heavy-ion collisions at high energy. It contains review articles by the world experts on various aspects of quark-gluon plasma taking into account the advances driven by the latest experimental data collected at both the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The articles are pedagogical and comprehensive which can be helpful for both new researchers entering the field as well as the experienced physicists working on the subject."--