Problem Solving Mediation Training: Facilitator's Guide

Book Description

This problem-solving mediation training guide provides a comprehensive step-by-step walk through mediation using Christopher Moore's problem-solving model. Included in the manual is a case study, a role play, and activities. In addition to the aforementioned, facilitator notes are included to enhance the learner's experience. Participant guides are also available for purchase.

Problem Solving Mediation Training: Participant's Guide

Book Description

This problem-solving mediation training guide provides a comprehensive step-by-step walk through mediation using Christopher Moore's problem-solving model. Included in the manual is a case study, a role play, and activities.


Book Description

Mediation, A Training and Resource Guide for the Mediator, contains 626 pages of educational and training information for the mediator, complete with outstanding articles from well-known mediators throughout the United States. Although, some of the contents of the book is now obsolete or changed, it still contains worthy and important information for the needs of professional mediators. Consider this book a "collectors item."

Teach Myself to Mediate in 6 Lessons

Book Description

This manual is an easy-to-follow mediation training for individuals who may not have the time to attend a full 40-hour mediation training. This Teach Myself manual is convenient: You may study the lessons at any time. It is flexible: You may study at your own pace. In addition, there may not be trainings available in your area. This Mediation Training Program provides six 2-hour training sessions. The methods provided have been thoroughly tested and proven by the authors, who have been mediating and providing mediation training to youth and adults for over 28 years. This method has a documented record of accomplishment for improving relations and reducing conflict and its many ramifications. Mediation is a conflict resolution process that empowers the disputants by letting them solve their own problem with the assistant of mediators. Mediation is an effective alternative to bullying, fighting, verbal violence, and social isolation. Mediation reduces punishment, suspensions, expulsions, physical damage, emotional damage, and property damage. Mediation is an investment in the future. The foundation of this mediation process is a new 5-step model that strategically assists the mediators and disputing parties in achieving resolution and success.

The Conflict Resolution Training Program

Book Description

This training package presents proven interactive techniques and specific teaching tools for instituting systems of organizational conflict resolution. The authors introduce a hands-on method of learning and teaching organizational conflict resolution through the use of exercises, quizzes, surveys, games, role plays, and other interactive techniques that can be used by anyone engaged in teaching or practicing conflict resolution. All of these exercises have been developed and applied in the real world.

Everyday Mediation

Book Description

This mediation program provides eight training sessions. We provide the information and forms needed to set up and administer an effective In-House Mediation Program. BENEFITS: What's in it for me? You are the trainer. This mediation program will be available year-round, not just an hour session or lecture that fades over time. It's a mediation program to call you own! We have provided an easy-to-follow instructional manual. A few more of the many benefits of an In-House Mediation Program are listed below.It is an effective alternative to bullying, fighting, verbal violence, and rumors. It saves time, energy, and cost spent on conflict by reducing physical, emotional, and property damages. It is a low-cost and high-results way to eradicate conflict peacefully. It is convenient. The trainers may train ANY NUNBER of students at a time and at ANY TIME that works with their schedules. It prepares individuals to participate as a part of the solution--versus--a part of the problem. It is an investment in the future. We provide the information and forms needed to set up, administer, and maintain an effective In-House Mediation Program.

Youth Peer Mediation Training

Book Description

This mediation program provides eight 2-hour training sessions. The purpose of the Train-the-Trainer (TtheT?) manual is to provide easy-to-follow training instruction for inexperienced as well as experienced youth workers. For over 30 years we have been improving peer relations and reducing disruptive behavior. Over 85% of the average social service dollar is spent on treating PREVENTABLE PROBLEMS rather than on actual PREVENTION. Critical thinking and social skills training is a PREVENTION APPROACH. These skills prevent the deep-rooted reality of disempowerment that shows itself in low self-esteem. Learning these skills will change a verbal attack into a problem-solving discussion and prevent the advanced stage of a physical attack. Benefits: This Training Series . . .?Is a low-cost and high-results way to modify behavior.?Is convenient: You are the Trainer. You can train any number of participants at a time, at any time. ?Saves time, energy, and cost spent on disruptive behaviors.?Youth become a part of the solution -versus - a part of the problem.?Is an investment in the Future. We provide the information and forms needed to set up, administer, and maintain an effective In-House Youth Peer Mediation Program. This supplies are Trainer Manuals (1), Student Manuals (12), Posters (7), Mediation Reminder Cards (13), and Certificates (13).

Youth Peer Mediation

Book Description

Mediation is a conflict resolution process in which an impartial third party assists the participants in negotiating a consensual and informed settlement. Over 85% of the average social service dollar is spent on treating preventable problems rather than on actual prevention. Mediation skills development training is a prevention approach. These skills are, without a doubt, necessary to counter the deep-rooted reality of disempowerment that shows itself in low self-esteem. This mediation training program prepares participants to meet daily conflicts with improved critical thinking skills. It reduces the time, energy, and cost of physical, emotional, and property damage spent on conflict; thus allowing these resources to be channeled into positive activities. It creates an atmosphere of tolerance of diversity and individual differences, conflict resolution instead of conflict escalation, and building bridges instead of brick walls. The Purpose of the instructor's Train-the-Trainer (TTT) manual is to provide easy-to-follow instruction in peer mediation training for youth workers and other group leaders who are not formal trainers or who have little training experience. The methods provided have a documented track record and have been thoroughly tested and proven by the authors, who have been mediating and providing mediation training to youth and adults for over 30 years. YOUTH PEER MEDIATION INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE/ KIT B 20 Pack" Everything you need to develop your own mediation program! Start training your students & staff today." This training program provides the information and forms needed to set up and administer an In-House Youth Peer Mediation Program including recruitment of youth participants and adult assistants. This set includes the following Items: Youth Peer Mediation Trainer Manual - 3, Student Manual - 20, Mediation Forms (25 of each) - 16, Role Plays (15 of each) - 11, Posters - 7, Mediation Reminder Cards - 23, Certificates of Completion - 23.