Clonal Forestry II

Book Description

Provided here are both underlying theory and recent results concerning the propagation and use of clones in research and in production forestry. State-of-the-art science and case histories treating production, testing, multiplication and deployment of clones are presented. Agroforestry, urban forestry and christmas-tree farming are covered, along with more traditional multiple-use forestry and high-intensity forestry for biomass, wood and fiber production. Clonal forestry is contrasted to the more recent developments of "family forestry", and the classical tree-improvement approach relying on seed-orchards. The history of clonal forestry is covered with reviews of several centuries experience with Sugi in Japan and poplars in Europe. The impacts and use of clones in the contexts of genetic conservation and biodiversity are discussed, as are the laws and regulations affecting clonal production and deployment.

Clonal Forestry II

Book Description

Provided here are both underlying theory and recent results concerning the propagation and use of clones in research and in production forestry. State-of-the-art science and case histories treating production, testing, multiplication and deployment of clones are presented. Agroforestry, urban forestry and christmas-tree farming are covered, along with more traditional multiple-use forestry and high-intensity forestry for biomass, wood and fiber production. Clonal forestry is contrasted to the more recent developments of "family forestry", and the classical tree-improvement approach relying on seed-orchards. The history of clonal forestry is covered with reviews of several centuries experience with Sugi in Japan and poplars in Europe. The impacts and use of clones in the contexts of genetic conservation and biodiversity are discussed, as are the laws and regulations affecting clonal production and deployment.

Functional Ecology of Woodlands and Forests

Book Description

Functional Ecology of Woodlands is firmly based on the factors which govern the composition of woodland communities, but goes on to explore the dynamics of interactions between various ecosystem components. This is an authoritative text on the functioning of forest ecosystems, which will also assist readers to reach informed decisions about issues such as the greenhouse effect, acid precipitation, the greening of cities and agroforestry.

Ecophysiology of Northern Spruce Species

Book Description

This manual offers foresters information to help them understand the performance of spruce seedlings after being planted on a reforestation site. It was written for university students taking a regeneration silviculture class, and foresters and researchers who work with spruce species.

Seedling physiology and reforestation success

Book Description

Proceedings of the Physiology Working Group Technical Session Society of American Foresters National Convention, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 16-20, 1983

Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests

Book Description

While the commitment to protect and restore forest ecosystems has become a policy goal in many countries since the Rio Conference, there is still no general consensus on what constitutes restoration. This authoritative reference presents the best practices for fostering increased sustainability, enhancing biodiversity, and repairing ecosystem func

Somatic Cell Genetics of Woody Plants

Book Description

Most forest tree species were considered recalcitrant a decade ago, but now with the improved in vitro techniques some progress has been made towards culture-of tree species. Micro propagation has been achieved from the juvenile tissues of a number of forest tree species. On the other hand, tissues from most mature trees are still very difficult to grow and differen tiate in vitro. Nevertheless, there has been slow but steady progress in the application of tissue culture technology for culture of tissues, organs, cells and protoplasts of tree species. As compared to most agricultural crops, and herbaceous plant species, trees are a different lot. They have long gene ration cycles. They are highly heterozygous and have a large reservoir of genetic variability. Because of this genetic variability, their response in vitro is also variable. On a single medium, the response of tissues from different trees (genotypes) of a single species may be quite different: some responding by induction of growth and differentiation, while others showing minimal or no growth at all. That makes the somatic cell genetics of woody plants somewhat difficult, but at the same time interesting.

Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry

Book Description

Since the first edition of our book "Tissue Culture in Fores try" in 1982 we have witnessed remarkable advances in cell and tissue culture technologies with woody perennials. In addition to forest biologists in government, industry, and universities, we now have molecular biologists, genetic engineers, and biochemists using cell and tissue cultures of woody species routinely. There fore, the time has come for an update of the earlier edition. In our present effort to cover new developments we have expanded to three volumes: 1. General principles and Biotechnology 2. Specific Principles and Methods: Growth and Development 3. Case Histories: Gymnosperms, Angiosperms and Palms The scientific barriers to progress in tree improvement are not so much lack of foreign gene expression in plants but our current inabili ty to regenerate plants in true-to-type fashion on a mas sive and economic scale. To achieve this in the form of an appro pr iate biotechnology, cell and tissue culture will increasing ly require a better understanding of basic principles in chemistry and physics that determine structural and functional relationships among molecules and macromolecules (proteins, RNA, DNA) within cells and tissues. These principles and their relationship with the culture medium and its physical environment, principles of clonal propagation, and genetic variation and ultrastructure are discussed in volume one.