Proceedings 76th Annual Conference on Taxation : Seattle, Washington, October 2-5, 1983 : and Minutes of the Annual Meeting Held Wednesday, October 4, 1983

Book Description

Contributions by various authors dealing with the following topics: Fiscal and monetary policies for the mid-1980s; Growth of the public sector: measurement and explanation; Unitary apportionment after container; Current issues in intergovernmental fiscal relations; Recent work in economics: implications for practitioners and administrators; Local choices for revenue diversification in an environment of fiscal limitation; The federal budget process: time for further reform?; State tax administration; Current problems in local finance; Current topics in federal tax law.

Proceedings 74th Annual Conference on Taxation : Chicago, Illinois, October 4-8, 1981 : and Minutes of the Annual Meeting Held Wednesday, October 7, 1981

Book Description

Contributions by various authors dealing with the following topics: The economic recovery program: a panel discussion; What tax practitioners and administrators should know about recent theoretical and empirical work in economics; Current development in state taxation and emerging role of user charges; Employee and fringe benefits; Public pension funds; Utility and railroad taxation; International tax study; State tax studies: issues and experience; Taxes for social policy; Intergovernmental aspects and dynamics of tax limitations and grants.

Proceedings 75th Annual Conference on Taxation : Cincinnati, Ohio, October 24-27, 1982 : and Minutes of the Annual Meeting Held Wednesday, October 27, 1982

Book Description

Contributions by various authors dealing with the following topics: Our tax system - how bad is it and what changes should be made?; Property and public utility taxation; What practitioners and administrators should know about recent work in economics; 1982 federal tax changes; Tax limitations: issues and prospects - a panel discussion; Restructuring state and local fiscal systems; Tax future of financial institutions; Tax education in accounting, law and economics of public finance; Pension systems - public & private.