Economic Development, the Family, and Income Distribution

Book Description

This is a collection of essays by Simon Kuznets, winner of the 1971 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, published posthumously. It represents the primary concerns of his research at a late phase of his career, as well as themes from his earlier work. The first four chapters deal with 'modern economic growth'. Chapters five to seven introduce the main theme of the remainder of the volume: interrelations between demographic change and income inequality. Chapters eight to ten draw on a wider set of data to make comparisons of income inequality among societies at widely different levels of development. Chapter eleven returns to data for the United States to develop more fully the importance of differing childbearing patterns for income inequality. In the introduction Professor Richard Easterlin discusses the relationship of the essays to the balance of Kuznets's writings. In the afterword Professor Robert Fogel discusses the methodologies favoured by Kuznets.

Pierre Simon Laplace, 1749-1827

Book Description

Often called the Newton of France, Pierre Simon Laplace has been called the greatest scientist of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In this compact biography, Hahn illuminates the man in his historical setting. This book reflects a lifetime of thinking and research on a singularly important figure in the annals of Enlightenment science.

Psychological Theories for Environmental Issues

Book Description

Environmental psychology is an increasingly important area of research, focusing on the individual and social factors responsible for many critical human responses to the physical environment. With such rapid and widespread growth, the main theoretical strands have often been left unclear and their scientific and practical implications have been underdeveloped. This essential and stimulating book contextualizes and critically analyzes the main theoretical ideas. It compares the different theories, assessing each one's possibilities and limitations, and demonstrates how each approach has been used for the development of knowledge of environmental psychology. The research area infiltrates a broad selection of disciplines, including psychology, architecture, planning, geography, sociology, environmental issues, economics and law. It also offers significant contributions to a wide range of policy evaluations. It will prove invaluable to academics and practitioners from across these disciplines, above all those in planning, environmental studies, human geography and psychology.

Art and Visual Perception

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Books in Print

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