Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering

Book Description

This book highlights recent findings in industrial, manufacturing and mechanical engineering, and provides an overview of the state of the art in these fields, mainly in Russia and Eastern Europe. A broad range of topics and issues in modern engineering are discussed, including the dynamics of machines and working processes, friction, wear and lubrication in machines, surface transport and technological machines, manufacturing engineering of industrial facilities, materials engineering, metallurgy, control systems and their industrial applications, industrial mechatronics, automation and robotics. The book gathers selected papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE), held in Moscow, Russia in May 2018. The authors are experts in various fields of engineering, and all papers have been carefully reviewed. Given its scope, the book will be of interest to a wide readership, including mechanical and production engineers, lecturers in engineering disciplines, and engineering graduates.

Proceedings of the 2000 Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division: In-cylinder flows and combustion processes

Book Description

The proceedings of the September 2000 conference are presented in three slim volumes, each with its own title indicating the scope of the material covered: v.1, In-Cylinder Flows and Combustion Processes (17 contributions); v.2, Large Bore Engine Designs, Natural Gas Engines, and Alternative Fuels (

Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering

Book Description

Erstmals eine umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis und Grundlage für weiterführende Studien und Forschung im Bereich der Automobiltechnik. Die Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering ist die erste umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis dieses Fachgebiets und legt den Grundstein für weitere Studien und tiefgreifende Forschung. Weitreichende Querverweise und Suchfunktionen ermöglichen erstmals den zentralen Zugriff auf Detailinformationen zu bewährten Branchenstandards und -verfahren. Zusammenhängende Konzepte und Techniken aus Spezialbereichen lassen sich so einfacher verstehen. Neben traditionellen Themen des Fachgebiets beschäftigt sich diese Enzyklopädie auch mit "grünen" Technologien, dem Übergang von der Mechanik zur Elektronik und den Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung sicherer, effizienterer Fahrzeuge unter weltweit unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Das Referenzwerk behandelt neun Hauptbereiche: (1) Motoren: Grundlagen; (2) Motoren: Design; (3) Hybrid- und Elektroantriebe; (4) Getriebe- und Antriebssysteme; (5) Chassis-Systeme; (6) Elektrische und elektronische Systeme; (7) Karosserie-Design; (8) Materialien und Fertigung; (9) Telematik. - Zuverlässige Darstellung einer Vielzahl von Spezialthemen aus dem Bereich der Automobiltechnik. - Zugängliches Nachschlagewerk für Jungingenieure und Studenten, die die technologischen Grundlagen besser verstehen und ihre Kenntnisse erweitern möchten. - Wertvolle Verweise auf Detailinformationen und Forschungsergebnisse aus der technischen Literatur. - Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit der FISITA, der Dachorganisation nationaler Automobil-Ingenieur-Verbände aus 37 Ländern und Vertretung von über 185.000 Ingenieuren aus der Branche. - Erhältlich als stets aktuelle Online-Ressource mit umfassenden Suchfunktionen oder als Print-Ausgabe in sechs Bänden mit über 4.000 Seiten. Ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Bibliotheken und Informationszentren in der Industrie, bei Forschungs- und Schulungseinrichtungen, Fachgesellschaften, Regierungsbehörden und allen Ingenieurstudiengängen. Richtet sich an Fachingenieure und Techniker aus der Industrie, Studenten höherer Semester und Studienabsolventen, Forscher, Dozenten und Ausbilder, Branchenanalysen und Forscher.

Diesel Emissions and Their Control, 2nd Edition

Book Description

Engineers, applied scientists, students, and individuals working to reduceemissions and advance diesel engine technology will find the secondedition of Diesel Emissions and Their Control to be an indispensablereference. Whether readers are at the outset of their learning journey orseeking to deepen their expertise, this comprehensive reference bookcaters to a wide audience.In this substantial update to the 2006 classic, the authors have expandedthe coverage of the latest emission technologies. With the industryevolving rapidly, the book ensures that readers are well-informed aboutthe most recent advances in commercial diesel engines, providing acompetitive edge in their respective fields. The second edition has alsostreamlined the content to focus on the most promising technologies.This book is rooted in the wealth of information available on, where the “Technology Guide” papers offer in-depth insights. Eachchapter includes links to relevant online materials, granting readers accessto even more expertise and knowledge.The second edition is organized into six parts, providing a structuredjourney through every aspect of diesel engines and emissions control: Part I: A foundational exploration of the diesel engine, combustion, andessential subsystems. Part II: An in-depth look at emission characterization, health andenvironmental impacts, testing methods, and global regulations. Part III: A comprehensive overview of diesel fuels, covering petroleumdiesel, alternative fuels, and engine lubricants. Part IV: An exploration of engine efficiency and emission controltechnologies, from exhaust gas recirculation to engine control. Part V: The latest developments in diesel exhaust aftertreatment,encompassing catalyst technologies and particulate filters. Part VI: A historical journey through the evolution of dieselengine technology, with a focus on heavy-duty engines in the NorthAmerican market. (ISBN 9781468605693, ISBN 9781468605709, ISBN 9781468605716, DOI: 10.4271/9781468605709)

Advances in Internal Combustion Engines and Fuel Technologies

Book Description

This book highlights the important need for more efficient and environmentally sound combustion technologies that utilise renewable fuels to be continuously developed and adopted. The central theme here is two-fold: internal combustion engines and fuel solutions for combustion systems. Internal combustion engines remain as the main propulsion system used for ground transportation, and the number of successful developments achieved in recent years is as varied as the new design concepts introduced. It is therefore timely that key advances in engine technologies are organised appropriately so that the fundamental processes, applications, insights and identification of future development can be consolidated. In the future and across the developed and emerging markets of the world, the range of fuels used will significantly increase as biofuels, new fossil fuel feedstock and processing methods, as well as variations in fuel standards continue to influence all combustion technologies used now and in coming streams. This presents a challenge requiring better understanding of how the fuel mix influences the combustion processes in various systems. The book allows extremes of the theme to be covered in a simple yet progressive way.