Statistical Physics, High Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematical Physics

Book Description

The Conference on Statistical Physics, High Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematical Physics was held in honor of Professor Chen-Ning Yang''s 85th birthday in Singapore in OctOCoNov 2007. The conference paid tribute to the breadth and depth of Professor Yang''s achievements in physics and science education since he received his Nobel Prize in Physics fifty years ago."

Proceedings Of The Conference In Honor Of C N Yang's 85th Birthday: Statistical Physics, High Energy, Condensed Matter And Mathematical Physics

Book Description

The Conference on Statistical Physics, High Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematical Physics was held in honor of Professor Chen-Ning Yang's 85th birthday in Singapore in Oct-Nov 2007. The conference paid tribute to the breadth and depth of Professor Yang's achievements in physics and science education since he received his Nobel Prize in Physics fifty years ago.This notable birthday volume is a collection of the presentations made at the conference by many eminent scientists who had worked closely with him or who have been influenced to some extent by his work.

Statistical Physics, High Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematical Physics

Book Description

The Conference on Statistical Physics, High Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematical Physics was held in honor of Professor Chen-Ning Yang's 85th birthday in Singapore in Oct-Nov 2007. The conference paid tribute to the breadth and depth of Professor Yang's achievements in physics and science education since he received his Nobel Prize in Physics fifty years ago. This unique and invaluable birthday volume is a collection of the presentations made at the conference by many eminent scientists who had worked closely with him or who have been influenced to some extent by his work. It covers a wide range of topics, ranging from statistical to high energy to mathematical physics.

CERN Courier

Book Description

Selected Papers II, with Commentaries

Book Description

This book is a collection of Professor Chen Ning Yang's personally selected papers (1971-2012) supplemented by his commentaries. Its contents reflect the professor's changing interests after he reached age sixty.

Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of the 90th Birthday of Freeman Dyson

Book Description

Is a graviton detectable? / F. Dyson -- Dark energy and dark matter in a superfluid universe / K. Huang -- Scaling the universe / N.E. Frankel -- The relativity of space-time-property / R. Delbourgo -- Monopole condensation and mass gap in SU(3) QCD / Y.M. Cho -- Quantum structure of field theory and standard model based on infinity-free loop regularization/renormalization / Y.-L. Wu -- Tenth-order QED contribution to the electron g - 2 and high precision test of quantum electrodynamics / T. Kinoshita -- The MoEDAL experiment at the LHC - A new light on the high energy frontier / J.L. Pinfold -- Leptonic CP violation and leptogenesis / S.T. Petcov -- What if the Higgs has brothers? / N.-P. Chang -- Heisenberg uncertainty relation revisited - Universality of Robertson's relation / K. Fujikawa -- Quantum systems based upon Galois fields - From sub-quantum to super-quantum correlations / L.N. Chang [und weitere] -- A solvable model of interacting many body systems exhibiting a breakdown of the Boltzmann equation / B.H.J. McKellar -- Yang-Baxter equation, Majorana fermions and three body entangling states / M.-L. Ge [und weitere] -- Overview of the study of complex shapes of fluid membranes, the Helfrich model and new applications / Z.-C. Ou-Yang and Z.C. Tu -- The importance of being integrable: Out of the paper, into the lab / M.T. Batchelor -- Freeman in 1948 / C. DeWitt-Morette -- Carbon humanism: Freeman Dyson and the looming battle between environmentalists and humanists / P.F. Schewe -- 'Dear Professor Dyson': Twenty years of correspondence between Professor Dyson and undergraduate students / D.E. Neuenschwander -- Freeman Dyson: Some early recollections / M. Longuet-Higgins -- Stability and variability / J.L. Lebowitz -- Freeman Dyson / E.H. Lieb -- Why has global warming paused? / W. Happer -- Deformed coherent state for multiparticle production mechanism / W.Y. Wang [und weitere] -- Noncommutative space-time from quantized twistors / J. Lukierski and M. Woronowicz -- Similarity solutions of Fokker-Planck equation with time-dependent coefficients and fixed/moving boundaries / C.-L. Ho -- Fermion quantum field theory in black hole spacetimes and information loss / S.A.B. Ahmad -- MESTIF - A study of the characteristics of matter-energy, space-time and information-field / J.A.K. Tan -- Superluminal propagation and acausality of nonlinear massive gravity / S. Deser [und weitere] -- An astronomer's view on climate change / D.C. Morton -- A quantum fluctuation operator for deep N-well MOSFET flicker noise modeling / E. Png -- Yang-Mills field as a subset of covariant derivative - A unified Yang-Mills field and Higgs field / W.S. Gan -- The DGP model revisited / K.F. Ng and S.C.C. Ng -- A search for primordial vortex remnants in the SDSS / A. Yang, Z.-J. Ong and A.H. Chan -- The high-Redshift galaxy counts-in-cells from the COSMOS survey / F.F. Foo, A. Yang and A.H. Chan -- Fundamental constraints on physical systems due to their own gravitation / S.K. Kauffmann -- Freeman Dyson and gravitational spin precession / N.D. Hari Dass