Publications of LASL Research, 1967--1971

Book Description

This bibiography is a compilation of unclassified publications of work done at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) for the years 1967 through 1971. Papers published in those years are included regardless of when they were actually written. Publications received too late for inclusion in earlier compilations are also included. Declassification of previously classified reports is considered to constitute publication. All classified issuances are omitted. The bibliography includes LASL reports, papers released as non-LASL reports, journal articles, books, chapters of books, conference papers (whether published separately or as part of conference proceedings issued as books or reports) papers published in congressional hearings, theses, and U.S. patents. Papers are included in the following categories: accelerators, aerospace studies, analytical technology, astrophysics, atomic physics, biology and medicine, chemical kinetics, chemistry, cryogenics, crystallography, engineering and equipment, EPR and NMR studies, equation of state and shock studies, explosives and detonations, fission physics, health and safety, hydrodynamics and radiation transport, instruments, mathematics and computers, mediumenergy physics, metallurgy and ceramics technology, molecular spectroscopy, Moessbauer effect, neutronics and criticality studies, nuclear physics, nuclear safeguards, optics and lasers, organic chemistry, physics, plasma physics, propulsion systems, reactor technology, solid state science, theoretical physics, thermionics, -waste disposal, and miscellaneous. Author, report number, and KWIC indexes are included. (RWR).

Government Reports Index

Book Description

The Fingerprint

Book Description

The idea of The Fingerprint Sourcebook originated during a meeting in April 2002. Individuals representing the fingerprint, academic, and scientific communities met in Chicago, Illinois, for a day and a half to discuss the state of fingerprint identification with a view toward the challenges raised by Daubert issues. The meeting was a joint project between the International Association for Identification (IAI) and West Virginia University (WVU). One recommendation that came out of that meeting was a suggestion to create a sourcebook for friction ridge examiners, that is, a single source of researched information regarding the subject. This sourcebook would provide educational, training, and research information for the international scientific community.