Proceedings of the SCAI '89

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Assessment and Evaluation of Information Technologies in Medicine

Book Description

Title Page -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Introduction -- Part A: Methodological Aspects -- Evaluation of Automatic Health Information Systems What and How? -- Technology Assessment in Medical and Health Care Informatics: A Clarification of the Concept -- Supporting System Development with Technology Assessment -- The Conceptionof a Medical Computer System -- Verification and Validation -- Case Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Decision Support System Validation -- Approaches to Experimental Design -- Analysis of Costs of Information Systems -- Measuring Effects -- Methods for Data Acquisition -- From Assessment to Decision-Making -- Technology Assessment for Decision-Making in the Field of Informatics in Medicine and Health Care -- Part B: Examples from AIM Projects -- The Impact of Clinical Pilot Projects in R & D Programmes Supported by the EU -- Assessment and Evaluation of Knowledge-Based Expert Systems for Medical Diagnosis -- Evaluation in the TELEGASTRO-Project -- The KANDID Way to ESTEEM -- On the Evaluation of System Integration -- Protocol for the Clinical Functionality Assessment of a Workstation for Stereotactic Neurosurgery -- SAMMIE Software Applied to MultiModal Images and Education -- Technology Assessment in theEurIpacs Project -- Assessment of Workstations and PACS in AIM: The Experience of the MILORD Project -- Part C: Literature Overview -- Overview of Published Assessment and Evaluation Studies -- Literature on Assessment of Information Technology and Medical KBS Evaluation: Studies and Methodologies -- Authors List -- Authors Addresses

Current Trends in Knowledge Acquisition

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Knowledge acquisition has become a major area of artificial intelligence and cognitive science research. The papers in this book show that the area of knowledge acquisition for knowledge-based systems is still a diverse field in which a large number of research topics are being addressed. However, several main themes run through the papers. First, the issues of integrating knowledge from different sources and K.A. tools is a salient topic in many papers. A second major topic in the papers is that of knowledge modelling. Research in knowledge-based systems emphasises the use of generic models of reasoning and its underlying knowledge. An important trend in the area of knowledge modelling aims at the formalisation of knowledge models. Where the field of knowledge acquisition was without tools and techniques years ago, now there is a rapidly growing body of techniques and tools. Apart from the integrated workbenches already mentioned above, several papers in this book present new tools. Although knowledge acquisition and machine learning have been considered as separate subfields of AI, there is a tendency for the two fields to come together. This publication combines machine learning techniques with more conventional knowledge elicitation techniques. A framework is presented in which reasoning, problem solving and learning together form a knowledge intensive system that can acquire knowledge from its own experience.

Index of Conference Proceedings

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Proceedings in Print

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Advances in Production Management Systems

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This book is divided into four sections: invited papers, principles, systems and techniques. The invited papers form an extensive overview of the state-of-the-art of production management. The themes range from the everlasting hunt for better productivity to the implications of CIM architectures (particularly CIM-OSA) for production management. The other three sections of the book look at the various problems affecting production management. One of the characteristics of modern production management is the need for better principles, systems and techniques for interorganizational production management. Another topic of crucial relevance is the necessity to master not only repetitive manufacturing but also one-of-a-kind product manufacturing. From the managerial point of view, the forecast-based make-to-stock principles have proven insufficient, with market forces demanding fast and reliable deliveries of customer-oriented products. The goals of production management have been re-evaluated as a result.