Proceedings of the Summer Institute on Biological Control of Plant Insects and Diseases

Book Description

Pest management: history, current status and future progress; Ecological principles as a basis for pest management in the agroecosystem; Populations defined and approaches to measuring population; The life system concept as a guide to understanding population dynamics; Status of biological control procedures that involve parasites and predators; Identification and classification in pest management control; Criteria for determination of candidate hosts and for selection of biotic agents; Foreign exploration and importation of exotic arthropod parasites and predators; Production and supplemental releases of parasites and predators for control of insect and spider mite pests of crops.

Biological Control

Book Description

This text provides readers with an in-depth exploration of how biological control functions and how it can be safely employed to solve pest problems and enhance nature conservation. It covers the principles behind biological control techniques and their implementation, and incorporates practical examples from the biological control of a variety of pests. It contains detailed chapters on conserving natural enemies through environmental management, importation of new natural enemies for control of pests, augmentation of natural enemies through rearing and release, and the development and application of pathogens and biopesticides.

Proceedings of the Summer Institute

Book Description


Book Description

The idea of writing this book was conceived when, in the late 1960s, I began teaching a senior undergraduate class in general entomology. I soon realized that there was no suitable text for the class I intended to give. The so-called "general" or "introductory" texts reflected the traditional taxonomic approach to entomology and contained relatively little information on the physiology and ecology of insects. This does not mean that there were no books containing such information. There were several, but these were so specialized and de tailed that their use in an introductory class was limited. I hold a strong belief that an undergraduate general entomology course should provide a balanced treatment of the subject. Thus, although some time should be devoted to taxonomy, including identification (best done in the laboratory, using primar ily material which students themselves have collected, supplemented with specimens from the general collection), appropriate time should be given also to discussion of the evolution, development, physiology, and ecology of in sects. In the latter category I include the interactions between insects and Man because it is important to stress that these interactions follow normal ecological principles. Naturally, the format of this book reflects this belief. The book has been arranged in four sections, each of which necessarily overlaps with the others.

Theory and Practice of Biological Control

Book Description

The Theory and Practice of Biological Control covers conventional biological control achievement in the major crop types and in public health problems. Composed of five sections encompassing 28 chapters, this book discusses the basic information concerning developments in other biologically based alternatives to chemical pesticides. The first two sections discuss the philosophy, theory, scope, history, and the biological and ecological bases of biological control. These sections also deal with the impact of predators and the host relationships of parasitoids and pathogens. The following section presents the methodological aspects of biological control. Discussions on the variability of natural enemies as encountered in biological control work; the fitness of individuals and populations; the ways fitness is being or can be influenced by importation procedures; and the ability of imported natural enemies to adapt to the new environment are included. The fourth section outlines the accomplishments of conventional biological control in various types of crops, forests, and public health areas. Lastly, the various components of integrated pest control other than conventional biological control that forms the essential ways used in the integrated control approach are covered in the last section of the book. This book is an ideal source for plant pathologists and researchers, microbiologists, parasitologists, and public health professionals.