Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2008, Regional

Book Description

This annual conference is a global gathering of the world's leading scholars and practitioners. Among the attendees are participants from developing countries, think tanks, NGOs, and international institutions. These papers concern issues such as: Higher Education and International Migration in Asia: Brain Circulation; Interfaces in Higher Education: Two Sector in Sync?; Financing Higher Education: Lessons from developed economies, options for developing economies; Well-springs of Modern Economic Growth: Higher Education, Innovation and Local Economic Development; Higher Education, Innovation.

World Development Report 1994

Book Description

World Development Report 1994 examines the link between infrastructure and development and explores ways in which developing countries can improve both the provision and the quality of infrastructure services. In recent decades, developing countries have made substantial investments in infrastructure, achieving dramatic gains for households and producers by expanding their access to services such as safe water, sanitation, electric power, telecommunications, and transport. Even more infrastructure investment and expansion are needed in order to extend the reach of services - especially to people living in rural areas and to the poor. But as this report shows, the quantity of investment cannot be the exclusive focus of policy. Improving the quality of infrastructure service also is vital. Both quantity and quality improvements are essential to modernize and diversify production, help countries compete internationally, and accommodate rapid urbanization. The report identifies the basic cause of poor past performance as inadequate institutional incentives for improving the provision of infrastructure. To promote more efficient and responsive service delivery, incentives need to be changed through commercial management, competition, and user involvement. Several trends are helping to improve the performance of infrastructure. First, innovation in technology and in the regulatory management of markets makes more diversity possible in the supply of services. Second, an evaluation of the role of government is leading to a shift from direct government provision of services to increasing private sector provision and recent experience in many countries with public-private partnerships is highlighting new ways to increase efficiency and expand services. Third, increased concern about social and environmental sustainability has heightened public interest in infrastructure design and performance.

Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1995

Book Description

Annotation. The 1995 conference continued the tradition of holding a roundtable discussion related to the subject of the forthcoming annual World Development Report (*), in this case, economies in transition. The conference addressed four themes: redistribution with growth; demographic change and development; aid and development; and fiscal decentralization. Among the articles included in the 1995 proceedings are: - Argentina's Miracle? From Hyperinflation to Sustained Growth. Domingo F. Cavallo and Guillermo Mondino - Inequality, Poverty, and Growth: Where Do We Stand? Albert Fishlow - Government Provision and Regulation of Economic Support in Old Age. Peter Diamond - Is Growth in Developing Countries Beneficial to Industrial Countries? Richard N. Cooper - Fiscal Federalism and Decentralization: A Review of Some Efficiency and Macroeconomic Aspects. Vito Tanzi.

Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1998

Book Description

The 1998 Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, the tenth anniversary, was held at the Bank on April 20-21, 1998. The discussions focused on four areas of inquiry:1) the role of geography in countries'success, 2) the role of effective competition and regulatory policies, 3) the causes of financial crises and ways to prevent them, and 4) the effects of ethnic diversity on democracy and growth. The welcoming address by World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn, the opening remarks by chief Economist Joseph Stiglitz, and the tenth anniversary address by the International Monetary Fund Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer all focused both on the role of the conference and on the changing perspectives for development.