Contemporary Spanish Fiction

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Examines the work of six novelists of the Generation X group of writers in Spain including Jose Angel Manas, Ray Loriga, Gabriela Bustelo, Ismael Grasa, Belen Gopegui, and Antonio Orejudo Utrilla.


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El Verdadero Origen de la Humanidad... El secreto mejor guardado por la Iglesia... Muchas son las culturas que nos hablan de la existencia de unos seres Reptilianos considerados como dioses: Los Anunnaki. Hay muchas evidencias, rastros que estos seres han dejado en nuestra historia. Los antiguos indicaron y representaron a estos dioses en sus pinturas, escritos, y por sobre todo, sus edificaciones, las cuales son imposibles de replicar en nuestra actualidad. Sus conocimientos tanto tecnológicos como su conciencia del universo influenciaron en nuestra historia... Incluso, hasta nuestros días... No volverás a ser el mismo luego de que conozcas los secretos de este libro...

Muchachas 3

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De la autora de Los ojos amarillos de los cocodrilos. Más de un millón de ejemplares vendidos en Francia. Para algunas, es la hora de la revancha. Para otras, la de la liberación. O de la esperanza. Todo se hace, se deshace, renace. Las muchachas avanzan con grandes zancadas. Nunca sabemos lo que está por llegar. Contenemos la respiración, cruzamos los dedos. ¡Vivan las muchachas!

Science, Culture and National Identity in Francoist Spain, 1939–1959

Book Description

This book examines the role that science and culture held as instruments of nationalization policies during the first phase of the Franco regime in Spain. It considers the reciprocal relationship between political legitimacy and developments in science and culture, and explores the ‘nationalization’ efforts in Spain in the 1940s and 1950s, via the complex process of transmitting narratives of national identity, through ideas, representations and homogenizing practices. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the volume features insights into how scientific and cultural language and symbols were used to formulate national identity, through institutions, resource distribution and specific national policies. Split into five parts, the collection considers policies in the Francoist ‘New State’, the role of women in these debates, and perspectives on the nationalization and internationalization efforts that made use of scientific and cultural spheres. Chapters also feature insights into cinema, literature, cultural diplomacy, mathematics and technology in debates on Catalonia, the Nuclear Energy Board, the Spanish National Research Council, and how scientific tools in Spain in this era fed into wider geopolitics with America and onto the UNESCO stage.

Encyclopedia of Latin American Theater

Book Description

Latin American culture has given birth to numerous dramatic works, though it has often been difficult to locate information about these plays and playwrights. This volume traces the history of Latin American theater, including the Nuyorican and Chicano theaters of the United States, and surveys its history from the pre-Columbian period to the present. Sections cover individual Latin American countries. Each section features alphabetically arranged entries for playwrights, independent theaters, and cultural movements. The volume begins with an overview of the development of theater in Latin America. Each of the country sections begins with an introductory survey and concludes with copious bibliographical information. The entries for playwrights provide factual information about the dramatist's life and works and place the author within the larger context of international literature. Each entry closes with a list of works by and about the playwright. A selected, general bibliography appears at the end of the volume.

Beyond Principles and Parameters

Book Description

Kyle Johnson University of Massachusetts at Amherst Ian Roberts University of Stuttgart An important chapter in the history of syntactic theory opened as the 70's reached their close. The revolution that Chomsky had brought to linguistics had to this point engendered theories which remained within the grip of the philologists' construction-based vision. Their image of language as a catalogue of independent constructions served as the backdrop against which much of transformational grammar's detailed exploration evolved. In a sense, the highly successful pursuit of th phonology and morphology in the 19 century as compared to the absence of similar results in syntax (beyond observations such as Wackemagel's Law, etc. ) attests to this: just noting that, for example, French relative clauses allow subject-postposing but not preposition-stranding while English relatives do not allow the former but do allow the latter does not take us far beyond a simple record of the facts. Prior to this point, th syntactic theory had not progressed beyond the 19 century situation. But as the 80's approached, this image began to give way to a different one: grammar as a puzzle of interlocking "modules," each made up of syntactic principles which cross-cut the philologist's constructions. More and more, "constructions" decomposed into the epiphenomenal interplay of encapsulated mini-theories: X Theory, Binding Theory, Bounding Theory, Case Theory, Theta Theory, and so on. Syntactic analyses became reoriented toward the twin goals of identifying the content of these modules and deconstructing into them the descriptive results of early transformational grammar.

Censorship and Ideology

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Gigantesco: Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos - Volume 1

Book Description

Este libro contiene 350 cuentos de 50 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Elegida sabiamente por el crítico literario August Nemo para la serie de libros 7 Mejores Cuentos, esta antología contiene los cuentos de los siguientes escritores: - Abraham Valdelomar - Antón Chéjov - Antonio de Trueba - Arturo Reyes - Baldomero Lillo - César Vallejo - Charles Perrault - Edgar Allan Poe - Emilia Pardo Bazán - Fray Mocho - Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer - Horacio Quiroga - Joaquín Díaz Garcés - Joaquín Dicenta - José Martí - José Ortega Munilla - Juan Valera - Julia de Asensi - Leonid Andréiev - Leopoldo Alas - Leopoldo Lugones - Oscar Wilde - Ricardo Güiraldes - Roberto Arlt - Roberto Payró - Rubén Darío - Soledad Acosta de Samper - Teodoro Baró - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez - Washington Irving - Alfred de Musset - Marqués de Sade - Saki - Marcel Schwob - Iván Turguéniev - Julio Verne - Émile Zola - Villiers de L'Isle Adam - Mark Twain - León Tolstoi - Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Ambrose Bierce - Mijaíl Bulgákov - Lewis Carroll - Arthur Conan Doyle - James Joyce - Franz Kafka - H. P. Lovecraft - Machado de Assis - Guy de Maupassant

Gran Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos: Volumen 2

Book Description

Este libro contiene 70 cuentos de 10 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Los cuentos fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados por el crítico August Nemo, en una colección que encantará a los amantes de la literatura. Para lo mejor de la literatura mundial, asegúrese de consultar los otros libros de Tacet Books. Este libro contiene: - Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer:El rayo de luna. La ajorca de oro. La corza blanca. Maese Pérez el organista. Tres fechas. La rosa de pasión. La cruz del Diablo. - Horacio Quiroga:El vampiro. A la deriva. La cámara oscura. La gallina degolada. Nuestro primer cigarro. Tacuara-Mansión. Van-Houten. - Joaquín Díaz Garcés:De pillo a pillo. Director de veraneo. Juan Neira. Incendiario. Rubia... Huevos importados. Los dos pátios. - Joaquín Dicenta:Conjunciones. El cojito. El nido de gorriones. La desdicha de Juan. Todo en nada. Nochebuena. Un idilio en una jaula. - José Martí:El Padre las Casas. Las ruinas índias. Nené traviesa. La exposición de París. Bebé y el señor don Pomposo. La historia del hombre, contada por sus casas. La muñeca negra. - José Ortega Munilla:La capeta en el invierno. La espada y el arado. Cisóforo el mago. Los marineros de Ciérvana. El grumete. Los gritos de la calle. El "botones". - Juan Valera:El Bermejino pré-histórico. El pescadorcito Urashima. El Sr. Nichtverstehen. La reina madre. La cordobesa. El Duende-Beso. Quien no te conozca que te compre. - Julia de Asensi:La casa donde murió. El aeronauta. La fuga. Victoria. Sor María. Cosme y Damián. La vocación. - Leonid Andréiev:Ante el tribunal. Lázaro. ¡No hay perdón! Valía. El mistério. Sobremortal. Un extranjero. - Leopoldo Alas:"Flirtation" legítima. En la droguería. Viaje redondo. Benedictino. Cuento futuro. En el tren. Mi enterro.

Public Pages

Book Description

Public reading programs are flourishing in many Latin American cities in the new millennium. They defy the conception of reading as solitary and private by literally taking literature to the streets to create new communities of readers. From institutional and official to informal and spontaneous, the reading programs all use public space, distribute creative writing to a mass public, foster collective rather than individual reading, and provide access to literature in unconventional arenas. The first international study of contemporary print culture in the Americas, Public Pages reveals how recent cultural policy and collective literary reading intervene in public space to promote social integration in cities in Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Chile. Marcy Schwartz looks at broad institutional programs such as UNESCO World Book Capital campaigns and the distribution of free books on public transportation, as well as local initiatives that produce handmade books out of recycled materials (known as cartoneras) and display banned books at former military detention centers. She maps the connection between literary reading and the development of cultural citizenship in Latin America, with municipalities, cultural centers, and groups of ordinary citizens harnessing reading as an activity both social and literary. Along with other strategies for reclaiming democracy after decades of authoritarian regimes and political violence, as well as responding to neoliberal economic policies, these acts of reading collectively in public settings invite civic participation and affirm local belonging.