Promoting Learner Transitions to Postsecondary Education and Work

Book Description

It has been estimated that of the nearly two million immigrants who enter the United States every year, nearly half have limited access to citizenship, job training, other postsecondary education, and jobs due to low literacy levels, limited formal schooling, and limited English language skills. Adult education programs serving this population can play an important role in helping learners develop the skills they need to succeed in postsecondary education and to obtain, retain, and advance in employment. Given the skills needed for the high-demand occupations of the future, it is increasingly important that adult education programs expand the scope of opportunities offered so that adults learning English are prepared with the language, knowledge, and skills they need to be successful, whether their immediate goals include gaining a vocational training certificate, an associate's degree, a bachelor's degree, or a specific job. This brief reviews the literature on the skills needed for adult English language learners to transition to academic study and employment and the time it takes to develop those skills. It then focuses on the results of a recent survey completed by the authors, which revealed instructors' perceptions of skills needed by learners in order to be successful in academic programs. Finally, the brief offers examples of activities and strategies that can be used at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of English as a second language (ESL) instruction to help learners develop these skills. This brief is written for state adult education staff, program administrators, professional development staff and teacher trainers, teachers, education researchers, and policy makers. It describes a process for adult education staff to use data to plan professional development for practitioners who work with adults learning English. (Contains 2 figures and 3 tables.).

Transition to Postsecondary Education for Students With Disabilities

Book Description

"As mandated by federal law, schools must assist students with disabilities in developing appropriate goals and transition plans for life after high school. Written for teachers and student assistance professionals, this comprehensive and practical book focuses on how the planning process can prepare students for the greater independence of postsecondary settings. Recognizing that students with disabilities have a wide range of needs, this resource discusses the transition requirements of various postsecondary options, including colleges, universities, career and technical training programs, and employment. Developed by highly regarded experts, this authoritative guide includes: the most up-to-date information on key legislation that affects transition services and the rights and responsibilities of students and professionals; advice for helping students document disabilities, develop self-advocacy skills, and seek accommodations; information about postsecondary resources on campus and in the community; students' personal stories and a look at the role of family involvement. An overview of transition considerations for middle school youth."--Publisher's website.

Transition to Postsecondary Education for Students With Disabilities

Book Description

"As mandated by federal law, schools must assist students with disabilities in developing appropriate goals and transition plans for life after high school. Written for teachers and student assistance professionals, this comprehensive and practical book focuses on how the planning process can prepare students for the greater independence of postsecondary settings. Recognizing that students with disabilities have a wide range of needs, this resource discusses the transition requirements of various postsecondary options, including colleges, universities, career and technical training programs, and employment. Developed by highly regarded experts, this authoritative guide includes: the most up-to-date information on key legislation that affects transition services and the rights and responsibilities of students and professionals; advice for helping students document disabilities, develop self-advocacy skills, and seek accommodations; information about postsecondary resources on campus and in the community; students' personal stories and a look at the role of family involvement. An overview of transition considerations for middle school youth."--Publisher's website.

Promoting Successful Transition to Adulthood for Students with Disabilities

Book Description

Comprehensively addressing the challenges of transition, this book provides practical knowledge and tools geared toward real-world educators. It presents clear guidelines for all aspects of team-based transition planning for individuals with various levels of disability, illustrated with vignettes of three secondary students who are followed throughout the book. The authors describe evidence-based practices for conducting assessments and promoting optimal outcomes in the areas of employment, postsecondary education, and independent living. Keys to family involvement, self-determination, interagency collaboration, and problem solving are highlighted. Several reproducible forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.

Enhancing Student Education Transitions and Employability

Book Description

This book explores student education transition and employability negotiation experiences in various contexts. It explores determinants of student transitions at three levels including macro, meso and micro but focuses on exploring affordances, constraints and strategies at the micro level. The framework underpinning the explorations at the micro level covers a range of different forms of capital including human, culture, social, identity, psychological and agentic. The book is unique in three ways. First, it consists of chapters about critical discussion, empirical research and practical guidance about student transition experiences. The critical discussion and empirical research chapters explore and obtain insights about the complexity of student transitions and develop conceptual frameworks that guide the development of applicable practices. The book is, therefore, a useful resource for policy makers, institutions, academics, professionals and students. Second, it provides insights about how student transitions are determined by a range of factors at different levels. These insights extend discussions about student transitions in the current literature which have mainly explored impacts of policies, institutional programmes and human capital. Finally, it is international in focus because it draws on research with different cohorts of students and graduates in different contexts. Insights provided in the book are, therefore, rich, diverse and comparative.

Teaching Adult ESL - Text

Book Description

Teaching Adult ESL is the first comprehensive yet practical overview of adult ESL teaching methodology for teachers and teachers in preparation.

Equity-Based Career Development and Postsecondary Transitions

Book Description

Former First Lady, Michelle Obama believes that every individual should have some type of postsecondary education or training beyond high school to achieve economic and personal success (Reach Higher Initiative, Better Make Room, 2019). Educational attainment (e.g., a high school diploma, college degree, or postsecondary training) provides career opportunities for advancement into leadership positions and benefits such as health insurance and retirement (Heckman, 2000). Additionally, an individual with a college degree can make over one million dollars more over a lifetime in salary than someone with a high school diploma (Carnevale, Cheah, & Hanson, 2015). Acquiring a college degree can lead to employment opportunities and is considered an asset in the U.S. economy (Washington, 2010). However, certain populations encounter barriers to attaining an education, particularly a postsecondary education, leading to a disparity in receiving the aforementioned benefits. Some of these populations include African American students, LGBTQ students, and students with disabilities. There is a dearth of information and research on providing guidance on implementation, research, and best practices in equity-based career development, college readiness, and successful postsecondary transitions for minoritized, at risk, or vulnerable populations. The editors of this volume invited authors with research and practice expertise around various student populations in preparing them for college and career readiness as well as postsecondary transitions. This book is the first of its kind to discuss career development and postsecondary transitions from an access and equity perspective. Further, this text serves as a call to action to ensure the United States’ most vulnerable populations has an opportunity to successfully transition into multiple postsecondary options after high school.

Improving School-to-Work Transitions

Book Description

As anxieties about America's economic competitiveness mounted in the 1980s, so too did concerns that the nation's schools were not adequately preparing young people for the modern workplace. Spurred by widespread joblessness and job instability among young adults, the federal government launched ambitious educational reforms in the 1990s to promote career development activities for students. In recent years, however, the federal government has shifted its focus to test-based reforms like No Child Left Behind that emphasize purely academic subjects. At this critical juncture in education reform, Improving School-To-Work Transitions, edited by David Neumark, weighs the successes and failures of the '90s-era school-to-work initiatives, and assesses how high schools, colleges, and government can help youths make a smoother transition into stable, well-paying employment. Drawing on evidence from national longitudinal studies, surveys, interviews, and case studies, the contributors to Improving School-To-Work Transitions offer thought-provoking perspectives on a variety of aspects of the school-to-work problem. Deborah Reed, Christopher Jepsen, and Laura Hill emphasize the importance of focusing school-to-work programs on the diverse needs of different demographic groups, particularly immigrants, who represent a growing proportion of the youth population. David Neumark and Donna Rothstein investigate the impact of school-to-work programs on the "forgotten half," students at the greatest risk of not attending college. Using data from the 1997 National Longitudinal Study of Youth, they find that participation by these students in programs like job shadowing, mentoring, and summer internships raise employment and college attendance rates among men and earnings among women. In a study of nine high schools with National Academy Foundation career academies, Terry Orr and her fellow researchers find that career academy participants are more engaged in school and are more likely to attend a four-year college than their peers. Nan Maxwell studies the skills demanded in entry-level jobs and finds that many supposedly "low-skilled" jobs actually demand extensive skills in reading, writing, and math, as well as the "new basic skills" of communication and problem-solving. Maxwell recommends that school districts collaborate with researchers to identify which skills are most in demand in their local labor markets. At a time when test-based educational reforms are making career development programs increasingly vulnerable, it is worth examining the possibilities and challenges of integrating career-related learning into the school environment. Written for educators, policymakers, researchers, and anyone concerned about how schools are shaping the economic opportunities of young people, Improving School-To-Work Transitions provides an authoritative guide to a crucial issue in education reform.

Adult Basic Education to Community College Transitions Symposium. Proceedings Report

Book Description

A college education is becoming more and more of a necessity in today's competitive economy: ninety percent of the fastest-growing jobs require postsecondary education or training. U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings has called on states, institutions and the federal government to work together to carry out the recommendations of "A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education" in order to make postsecondary education more affordable and effective. The Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education called together leading thinkers in the field of adult education to generate a national dialogue on postsecondary transitions with regard to adult basic education (ABE) students. This publication recaps an Office of Vocational and Adult Education-sponsored ABE to Community College Transitions Symposium held in Washington, DC, on September 14, 2006. At the symposium, nationally recognized adult education experts shared their ideas about how to help adult learners transition successfully to postsecondary learning. The symposium was organized into two roundtable discussions. The first roundtable, "Why Are We Here? The Challenge of ABE to Community College Transition," focused on challenges faced by ABE programs in promoting transitions to community colleges and identified student, organizational, and policy challenges. Panelists for the first discussion included John Comings, Davis Jenkins, Israel Mendoza, and Jerry Rubin. The second roundtable, "Where Are We Going? Promising Approaches to Promote ABE to Community-College Transition," focused on organizational and academic approaches to making ABE more successful in promoting college transitions. Participants for the second discussion were: Johannes Bos, Debra Bragg, Ding-Jo Currie, Silja Kallenbach, and David Seith. Judith Alamprese provided a summary and recommendations for potential next steps, including: (1) Creating a system of lifelong learning that promotes the concept that learning is an ongoing part of adults' lives and that many adults will need to develop new skills or knowledge as they grow older; (2) Clearly articulating and systematically coordinating the components of career pathways to include academic training, career awareness and planning, and the provision of support services; (3) Building the awareness of incumbent workers about opportunities for participation in postsecondary education and the payoff in the workplace from their development of new or enhancement of existing skills; (4) Continuing to educate community colleges and state policymakers about the issues of ABE learners' transition to community college; and (5) Conducting rigorous experiments to test promising approaches to facilitating ABE learners' enrollment in and completion of postsecondary programs. Cheryl Keenan provided closing remarks calling for further research and demonstrations projects to assess conclusively the practices that promote and sustain postsecondary transitions among ABE students. Three appendixes include: (1) Panelist and Presenter Biographies; (2) Participant List; and (3) ABE to Community College Transitions Project. [This report was prepared by MPR Associates, Inc. for the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education.].