Prophecy of the Russian Epic

Book Description

The prophetic Russian epic, How the Holy Mountains Released the Mighty Russian Heroes from Their Rocky Caves, tells of a mighty spiritual battle for the destiny of the Russian people, involving the powerful spiritual beings of Christ, Mary-Sophia, the Archangel Michael, the Antichrist, and the terrible force of the fallen hierarchies of evil. With the help of anthroposophical insights, Prokofieff shows how the epic reveals the whole historical path of Russia from the past, through the present, and into the future.

Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of the New Mysteries

Book Description

In this revised and expanded edition of his classic debut, Sergei O. Prokofieff investigates the deepest mysteries of Rudolf Steiner’s life and individuality, from ‘the years of apprenticeship’ and ‘the great Sun period’ to ‘the path of the Teacher of Humanity’ and ‘the birth of the New Mysteries’. He discusses the earthly and supersensible aspects of the first Goetheanum, the implications of the Christmas Conference of 1923-24, and the Foundation Stone meditation that Steiner left as a legacy to members of the Anthroposophical Society. In his very personal Introduction, Prokofieff describes, in moving detail, the events in his life which led to his discovery of anthroposophy whilst living in Communist Russia, and how eventually he came to write this extraordinary study of Rudolf Steiner. The resulting volume – a work of secondary anthroposophical literature unprecedented in its depth and significance – was first published in Germany in 1982, meeting with equal amounts of acclaim, astonishment and controversy. It is published in this paperback edition to mark the 35th anniversary of the original publication.

The Encounter with Evil and Its Overcoming Through Spiritual Science

Book Description

In our everyday lives, we are constantly challenged by the phenomenon of evil in all its many manifestations. But how can we cope with this seemingly eternal hindrance? In the first of these three essays, Prokofieff suggests that we start by developing a knowledge of the forces of evil in order to learn how they work in human evolution. Such knowledge is, in itself, the beginning of the process of overcoming evil. In order that members of the Anthroposophical Society might go further along this path, Rudolf Steiner gave them the spiritual "Foundation Stone of the Good." This Foundation Stone which consists of light, imaginative form, and the substance of love can live in our hearts and souls as a firm foundation for esoteric work, and a creative contribution towards the overcoming of evil. Ultimately it can lead us to a conscious experience of Christ in the etheric realm of the earth. In the second and third essays, Prokofieff examines further themes relating to the etheric advent of Christ, and its connection with the Foundation Stone of the Good."

The Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy

Book Description

"We live today at a time when the full mystery of the Resurrection body can become manifest to human beings out of the inspirations of Michael.... This was accomplished by Rudolf Steiner not just in a theoretical sense but also practically, and came about through the establishing of a path, accessible to all human beings, which leads to a union with the forces of the Resurrection body." Sergei Prokofieff approaches the deepest mysteries of the Turning Point of Time (the Christ event) through Rudolf Steiner's spiritual research. At its heart stands the question of the restoration of the "phantom" of the physical body and its transformation into the resurrected body of Christ through the Mystery of Golgotha. The author draws a broad and differentiated picture of the tasks and possibilities that the Easter event--as well as Ascension and Pentecost--present, both for the individual and humanity. The final chapter considers the mystery of Easter Saturday, through which the two polar aspects of the Mystery of Golgotha--death and resurrection--interconnect, also explaining the relationship between the Earth Spirit and the interior of the Earth. An appendix tackles the phenomenon of stigmatization from a spiritual-scientific perspective.

The Spiritual Origins of Eastern Europe

Book Description

‘And however paradoxical it may seem today, the “Grail mood” is in the fullest sense to be found in Russia. And the future role that Russia will play in the sixth post-Atlantean epoch... rests firmly upon this unconquerable “Grail mood” in the Russian people.’ – Rudolf Steiner Although Eastern Europe has been part of the Christian world for more than a thousand years, its spiritual identity remains a mystery. This mystery, says Sergei Prokofieff, can only fully be solved by looking behind external events and seeking spiritual – meta-historical – dimensions of reality. In illuminating the maya of outer history, Prokofieff reveals the forces that have been at work to hinder the progress of mankind: the materialistic Brotherhoods of the West and the occult aspects of both Jesuitism and Bolshevism. These adversary groups have created a ‘karma of materialism’, that the eastern Slavic peoples have taken upon themselves out of their ‘exalted willingness for sacrifice’. Prokofieff shows how, from the earliest times, the future ‘conscience of humanity’ flowed from hidden mystery centres in Hibernia, to the eastern Slavic peoples. As a result, qualities of ‘compassion, patience and willingness for sacrifice’ developed in their souls, creating a truly Christian ‘Grail mood’. Despite incalculable suffering – from the persecutions of the Mongol hordes to the Bolshevik experiment of the last century – this quality has become an unconquerable force. Will humanity be able to use the present opportunity granted by this sacrifice to fulfil the primary purposes of the present cultural epoch? Can the future mysteries of the Holy Grail be fulfilled? In this momentous work, breathtaking in its scope and detail, the author attempts a truly esoteric approach, penetrating to the spiritual wellsprings of Eastern Europe in the light of Rudolf Steiner’s research.

Dictionary of Russian Literature

Book Description

This book, first published in 1957, provides essential information on the entire field of Russian literature, as well as a great deal on literary criticism, journalism, philosophy, theatre and related subjects. Russian literary tradition has tended to blur the distinctions between social and political criticism on one hand, and literary criticism on the other, and even, to an extent, the distinction between philosophy and literature. Although intended primarily as a reference work, this book also contains much critical analysis.

Occult Significance of Forgiveness

Book Description

A survey of recent history reveals the gloomy picture of an ongoing series of conflicts, wars, and general turmoil. Consequently, the human emotional landscape is littered today with angry, bitter, and vengeful thoughts, emotions, and actions. Even our modern justice systems are preoccupied only with finding and proving guilt and dealing out retribution, doing little to remedy the tragic situation. Nevertheless, many individuals and groups have always sought ways to break this vicious cycle of recrimination. When faced with the question of what we can do to change the world for the better, one of the most radical and challenging answers is to begin forgiving others for what they have done. In this powerful and moving book, Prokofieff shows how the forces that lead to forgiveness can be developed consciously and freely. Without preaching the morality of forgiveness, he presents spiritual facts that speak for themselves. From Tsarist Russia and the concentration camps of Nazi Germany to the infighting during the early years of the Anthroposophical Society, the author offers striking examples of those who have been able to forgive frequently terrible crimes. He provides multilayered analyses and shows the beneficial consequences of each act of forgiveness. As he develops his theme, the importance of forgiving not simply for personal salvation but for the advancement of human evolution is revealed in all its healing truth. Now available in paperback, The Occult Significance of Forgiveness has been read and loved by thousands of readers for years. It is perhaps the most valuable, accessible, and succinct of Prokofieff s works on inner development."

Valentin Tomberg and Anthroposophy

Book Description

Valentin Tomberg was for many years a strong proponent of Rudolf Steiner's spiritual science. He became a prominent lecturer and writer on anthroposophy--then, in 1945, he turned away from anthroposophy and converted to Roman Catholicism, subsequently authoring two influential texts on Catholicism. Nevertheless, a number of Tomberg's modern-day adherents maintain that he remained faithful to esoteric Christianity and to Rudolf Steiner's ideas. Prokofieff presents startling new research that, in his estimation, shows the hypothesis of Tomberg's followers to be misguided. His key evidence is a letter (reproduced in the book) that was handwritten by Tomberg in 1970. Using this text, Prokofieff attempts to show that Valentin Tomberg condemned and dismissed Rudolf Steiner and his spiritual path.


Book Description

TALENT, and SPIRITUALITY. Practical Psychology of Children’s Potential Self-development” by Natalie F. Vishnyakova Associate Professor of Psychology, The Doctor of the Psychological science. Practical Psychology of Children’s Potential SelfdevelopmentBook Brings Creative and Fun Description to Self-Help Potential, Practical Psychological of Children and Youyh Potential Self-development. “The ABC’s of CREATIVITY, TALENT, and SPIRITUALITY” is a helpful Psychology manual that allows its readers to test their levels of activities and discover their full potential as creative, intellectual, social and spiritual beings. With useful suggestions on how to evaluate the reader’s personality traits, author Natalie F. Vishnyakova’s work is the epitome of equipping the Children and average man with self-empowering advice and words of encouragement.

The Esoteric Significance of Spiritual Work in Anthroposophical Groups

Book Description

"The anthroposophical community seeks to lift human souls into supersensible realms so that they may enter the company of angels." --Rudolf Steiner Sergei Prokofieff traces the three stages of heavenly preparation of Anthroposophy--the "spiritual thunderstorm," the Michael School in the Sun sphere, and the "imagination-based cultus" in the spiritual word nearest the Earth. These events involved the nine spiritual hierarchies, associating them with the karma of the anthroposophic movement. The author goes on to elaborate the tasks of the Anthroposophical Society and indicates how these are connected with the spiritual hierarchies, the Michael movement, the Grail mysteries, the work of new group souls, and the "Foundation Stone Meditation." He shows that, in an esoteric sense, the General Anthroposophical Society was created so that people could learn to work with the gods. This is a vital booklet for all those who care deeply about the future of the Anthroposophical Society and the proper evolution of humanity.