Prophet, Priest, and King

Book Description

Richard Belcher explores the Old Testament to define the basic functions of prophets, priests, and kings through an analysis of key texts. He then explains how these offices are fulfilled in Christ, understood in the context of his humiliation and exultation. A nuanced view of Christ's work through these offices points us to how the church, its leaders, and individual believers also fulfill these roles. Includes study questions.

God the Son Incarnate

Book Description

Nothing is more important than what a person believes about Jesus Christ. To understand Christ correctly is to understand the very heart of God, Scripture, and the gospel. To get to the core of this belief, this latest volume in the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series lays out a systematic summary of Christology from philosophical, biblical, and historical perspectives—concluding that Jesus Christ is God the Son incarnate, both fully divine and fully human. Readers will learn to better know, love, trust, and obey Christ—unashamed to proclaim him as the only Lord and Savior. Part of the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series.

The God who Goes Before You

Book Description

The God Who Goes before You provides a foundation for the study of leadership that looks at the topic with both feet firmly planted in the whole counsel of Scripture.

Priest, Prophet, King

Book Description

The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. But who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher whom many called the Messiah? In Priest, Prophet, King, you'll discover Jesus as the Anointed One - the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Using biblical insights and engaging stories, Father Barron affirms that we see Jesus most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament. This deeply biblical program presents the Old Testament foreshadowing of each of Jesus' three offices as priest, prophet and king and then describes how Jesus is the fulfillment of each as seen in the New Testament. The Study Guide includes commentary, Questions for Understanding, and Questions for Application. Through this presentation of Priest, Prophet, King, you will better understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture, and realize your own priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission.

The Heidelberg Catechism

Book Description

The Heidelberg Catechism is one of the finest creeds of the reformation period. A faithful teacher of millions, it has stood the test of time and is still, today, one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. This study guide to the Catechism includes 129 questions and answers, along with clear exposition and questions for review, further study, and discussion.

Leadership Roles of the Old Testament

Book Description

The Old Testament is an ancient collection of theological reflections of life with God that the church has claimed as authoritative Scripture. Whereas most introductory books march from Genesis to Malachi, this book engages four important leadership roles across the breadth of the Old Testament canon: king, prophet, priest, and sage. Despite the obvious differences between the societies of ancient Israel and modern America, lessons can be learned from our ancestors in the faith. This engaging volume is intended for people who want to know more about the Old Testament, whether in personal study, church groups, college classrooms, or seminary courses. The book may be used profitably in concert with Theological Themes of the Old Testament: Creation, Covenant, Cultus, and Character (Cascade Books, 2010).

King, Priest, and Prophet

Book Description

The doctrines of the atonement and the Trinity are central not only to the Christian faith but also to Christian systematic theology. Over the last decade or so, one or another theological interpretation of either of these doctrines has assumed pride of place among theologians. Before Robert Sherman, though, no theologian has ever dared to read the atonement in light of the Trinity. Most of the time atonement theories simply focus on the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, without any reference to Christ's relationship to the Father and the Spirit of the Trinity. But, as Sherman argues, Christ's atoning work is diverse and cannot be limited to one who ransoms our sins or to one who has victory over our sins (although in Sherman's view Christ's atoning work includes these tasks and more). He offers here a constructive theological proposal that connects Trinity with the rubrics of prophet, priest, and king to help explain Christ's atoning work. One can understand adequately neither Christ's multifaceted reconciliation of a complex humanity to God nor that reconciliations fundamental unity as God's gracious act apart form the Trinity. Without this framework, one will likely stress one person of the Trinity, one aspect of God's reconciling work, and/or one understanding of the human predicament to the exclusion of others and the detriment of theology, both systematic and pastoral. Sherman's constructive theological proposal suggests that we should recognize a certain correspondence and mutual support between the three persons of the Trinity, the three offices of Christ (king, prophet, priest), and the three commonly recognized models of his atoning work (Christus victor, vicarious sacrifice, moral exemplar). Sherman's book offers a well-nuanced and well-grounded constructive theology of Trinitarian atonement and is a significant addition to the Theology for the Twenty-First Century Series. Robert J. Sherman is Professor of Christian Theology at Bangor Theological Seminary in Maine. His work has appeared in such publications as the Scottish Journal of Theology, the International Journal of Systematic Theology, and The Journal of Religion.

Reformation Study Bible-ESV

Book Description

More than fifty scholars, under R. C. Sproul, collaborated to produce this study Bible to help readers understand the great doctrines of the Christian faith. Published by Ligonier Ministries, trade distribution by P&R Publishing.

The Marrow of Theology

Book Description

William Ames (1576 – 1633) was an English Protestant theologian who spent most of his life in the Netherlands. His work was hugely influential on the English Puritans of the following generations, especially in New England. His Marrow of Theology (originally entitled The Marrow of Sacred Divinity drawne out of the Holy Scriptures) is organized as follows: Book I I. Of the Definition, or Nature of Divinity II. Of the Distribution or Parts of Divinity III. Of Faith IIII. Of God, and His Essence V. Of the Subsistence of God VI. Of the Efficiency of God VII. Of the Decree, and Counsel of God VIII. Of Creation IX. Of Providence X. Of Special Gubernation About Intelligent Creatures XI. Of Man’s Apostacy, or Fall XII. Of the Consequences of Sin XIII. Of Original Sin XIV. Of Actual Sin XV. Of Corporal Death XVI. Of the Consummation of Death XVII. Of the Propagation of Sin XVIII. Of the Person of Christ, the Mediator XIX. Of the Office of Christ XX. Of Satisfaction XXI. Of the Life of Christ Being Humbled XXII. Of the Death of Christ XXIII. Of the Exaltation of Christ XXIV. Of the Application of Christ XXV. Of Predestination XXVI. Of Calling XXVII. Of Justification XXVIII. Of Adoption XXIX. Of Sanctification XXX. Of Glorification XXXI. Of the Church Mystically Considered XXXII. Of the Church Instituted XXXIII. Of the Extraordinary Ministers of the Church XXXIIII. Of the Holy Scripture XXXV. Of Ordinary Ministers, and Their Office in Preaching XXXVI. Of the Sacraments XXXVII. Of Ecclesiastical Discipline XXXVIII. Of the Administration of the Covenant of Grace Before the Coming of Christ XXXIX. Of the Administration of the Covenant From Christ Exhibited to the End of the World XL. Of Baptism and the Supper of the Lord XLI. To the End of the World Book II I. Of Observance in General II. Of Virtue III. Of Good Works IIII. Of Religion V. Of Faith VI. Of Hope VII. Of Charity VIII. Of Hearing of the Word IX. Of Prayer X. Of an Oath XI. Of a Lot XII. Of Tempting of God XIII. Of Instituted Worship XIIII. Of the Manner of Divine Worship XV. Of the Time of Worship XVI. Of Justice and Charity Toward Our Neighbour XVII. Of the Honour of Our Neighbour XVIII. Of Humanity Toward Our Neighbour XIX. Of Chastity XX. Of Commutative Justice XXI. Of Telling Truth. Veracity XXII. Of Contentment