Prophets Without Honor

Book Description

PART I - The Camp David Process -- First Steps, Harsh Truths -- "A Secluded Northern Castle" -- Back to Square One -- Longing for Hizballah -- Forcing the Leaders' Hand -- A Conceivable Endgame? -- The Promise of an American Steamroller -- Inauspicious Beginnings -- Clinton: "We Have Exhausted the Beauty of this Place" -- A Gamechanger (or so it looked..) -- O Jerusalem (and its lies...) -- Saeb Erakat: "Arafat is Interested in a Crisis" -- Albright's Intermezzo; Clinton's Last Push -- Our Faintest Hour -- Arafat: "Barak Has Gone Beyond my Partner Rabin" -- Making Most of Success -- Moments of Grace on Precipice Edge -- PART II - A Savage War for Peace -- "With Our Blood and Soul We'll redeem Palestine" -- Diplomacy Under Fire -- Trapped in No-Win Conditions -- Neither Inspiring nor Intimidating -- "Take it or Leave It" - The Clinton Peace Parameters -- "A Crime Against the Palestinian People" -- Barak in a Cage of Doves -- Taba: "The Boss Doesn't Want an Agreement" -- Post Mortem -- Part III. 2001-2020: A Story of Promise and Deceit -- The Conversion of the Hawks -- The Impossible Triangle: Obama-Netanyahu-Abbas -- The Geneva Understandings as a Parable -- The Failed Zionization of Palestine -- The International Community - A Broken Reed -- The Occupation's Traits of Permanence -- PART IV. Denouements -- Ominous Unravellings -- Exit Oslo, Enter Madrid -- PART V. Defying the Logic of Conflict Resolution -- Palestine - A Comparative Perspective.

A Prophet Without Honor

Book Description

Adolph Hitler risked everything by ordering his small, raw military to reoccupy the Rhineland. It was a colossal bluff. German forces would have been forced to retreat if the French or British had offered the slightest opposition. But the bluff succeeded. History changed decisively. Examines the alternative course history might have taken had the Western powers been more alert.

Disciples' Literal New Testament

Book Description

If You Love God's Word You Will Love This New Testament! The Disciples' Literal New Testament sets you free from our artificial 460 year old chapter and verse structure, replacing it with paragraphing that reflects the flow of thought in the original Greek writings. Paragraph headings make that flow of thought explicit to you, speeding your understanding of the NT books. This translation retains the writing style of the apostles themselves, rather than transforming their Greek ways of writing into an elegant or contemporary English writing style, as has been beautifully done so many times. It is the same translation as the author's New Testament TransLine, first published by Zondervan in 2002. Now you can read the New Testament as the original writers intended it, and see it with a clarity formerly available only to those who could carefully study their Greek New Testament. You can even see the difference in writing style between Matthew, Mark and Luke! Used along with your standard Bible version, you will profit from both methods of translation. *Easily grasp the relationship of the whole and the parts of each book with the big-picture overview outlines that use the words of the original author. *Gain quick insight into the flow of thought from descriptive paragraph headings that summarize the main point of each paragraph in its context. *You can visually follow the apostles' thinking because the 'Intelligent Paragraphing' visually displays their main and subordinate thoughts. *The hindrance to your understanding caused by our artificial chapter and verse structure is eliminated by paragraphing based on the Greek writings. *You will more fully appreciate the minds and thinking patterns and intent of the original writers because the translation corresponds more closely to their words and their grammar and their sentence structure. *Deepen and expand your understanding of the New Testament by meditating on the notes containing alternative renderings, explanations of what is being said, and different views of the meaning.

Prophet Without Honour

Book Description

PROPHET WITHOUT HONOUR is the book containing the first chapter of the Anarchy Online story. It was published and released for the game launch in 2001, but has now also been made available for download.

A Prophet with Honor

Book Description

A comprehensive, sympathetic but frank biography of the most influential American evangelist in the twentieth century, written on the basis of unprecedented access to the Billy Graham archives.

Prophet Without Honor

Book Description

Glen Taylor's colorful political career, which ran its course from 1944 to 1956, saw him rise from a barnstorming musician to candidate for the vice-presidency of the United States on the 1948 Progressive party ticket. In this illuminating study, Mr. Peterson delineates the life and public career of this man who, though relatively unknown, articulated and fought for many of the policies that later became widely accepted by the American people-policies such as equal civil rights on the domestic front and the application of cooperation rather than containment on the foreign front. Taylor, a dedicated liberal and humanitarian, was devoted to such ideological causes to which, in part at least, he sacrificed his political future, when he refused to abandon them when they became unpopular. Elected to the United States Senate from Idaho on the Democratic ticket in 1944, Taylor became convinced that the social, economic, and political problems facing the country in the postwar period, such as unemployment, inadequate housing, and spiraling inflation, demanded a rapid renewal of the New Deal. He saw the role of the federal government as the initiator of reforms and the guarantor of individual rights. In the area of foreign policy Taylor earned for himself the label of "maverick liberal" by opposing the Truman administration's foreign policy. He criticized the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO as contributing to the Cold War. In the span of years that saw the rise of Joseph McCarthy, Taylor vigorously articulated his conviction that the United States and the Soviet Union not only should share the responsibility for troubled world conditions but should work together for a peaceful solution. For this stand many of Taylor's contemporaries categorized him as a Communist dupe. Of little more popular appeal in postwar America was Taylor's strong belief in civil rights, particularly as it related to black Americans-even at one time finding himself under arrest in Alabama for attempting to enter a segregated black church. In providing the details here of the career of this maverick figure in American politics, Mr. Peterson portrays a life that not only demonstrates the hallowed right to dissent but also dramatically proves that many persons discredited by their contemporaries contributed substantially to a quality life for all Americans.

A Species in Denial

Book Description

A SPECIES IN DENIAL is the revolutionary bestseller by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith. In it the author presents a series of essays addressesing the crux issue before us as a species of the human condition, our capacity for good and evil, describing how humans have coped with the dilemma of the human condition by living in denial of it. Griffith then explains the biological reason for the human condition, thus ending the need for the denial and maturing humanity to psychological freedom from its historic insecure human-condition-afflicted state. With a foreword by Templeton Prize winning biologist Charles Birch, this book provides a deeply insightful examination of science, religion, politics, men and women, psychiatry and mythology.

Touch Not My Anointed

Book Description

“I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him“. Deuteronomy 18:18-19 (NKJV). Touch Not My Anointed is a fascinating true story of a woman who has had prophetic dreams her whole life. When she was only 4 she had a dream that her family home would be destroyed. A few weeks later, a tornado tore through her neighborhood and demolished their home. Since then she has periodically received dreams that she believes come from God. Dreams that tell of the future. Through years of bible study and prayer she has learned to recognize the voice of God within her heart. In this book she reveals the nature of God and what He has taught her. Ann C. Hutchinson reveals powerful truths about: Prophetic visions. Insights into receiving and understanding your dreams. What is the anointing? Eliminating obstacles and people who keep you from receiving God’s best. The revelation of who God is, and how much He loves you. The value of spending quality time with the Lord every day. Insight on how to receive God’s blessings. What it means to be in love with the Father. Insights on knowing who your real enemies are. Go ahead, get started reading this vibrant, honest story! It’s a book you won’t want to miss! Be prepared to have a fire ignited in you, and a growing desire to spend quality time with the Lord!

The Honour of Prophets

Book Description

Every human being seeks salvation in some form or another. The concept of salvation holds pivotal importance in matters of religion. A faith unable to deliver its followers from sin is worthless, yet the progress and benefit of society depends on this very salvation. So where should one turn to attain it? In this work, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, explains that since human nature is weak, salvation can only be attained through a mediator who, owing to their perfect relationship with God and deep sympathy for humanity, can serve as a link between God and man. In every era, God has conferred salvation upon humanity through His prophets, but none can match the unparalleled status held by the Prophet of Islam in this respect, who was the paragon of perfection. In the present age, it is this pure and blessed prophet who is the only intercessor that can grant humanity a living relationship with God and free mankind from the shackles of sin. The author presents an exquisite exposition on the philosophy of divine intercession, sinlessness, forgiveness, human frailty and his advent as the Promised Messiah.

Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels

Book Description

The authors build on their earlier social-scientific works and enhance the highly successful commentary model they developed in their social-scientific commentaries. This volume is a thoroughly revised edition of this popular commentary. They include an introduction that lays the foundation for their interpretation, followed by an examination of each unit in the Synoptics, employing methodologies of cultural anthropology, macro-sociology, and social psychology.