History of Design and Design Law

Book Description

For the first time, this book provides an up-to-date history of product design and product design law covering 17 countries — Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), Russia, the United States, Brazil and Australia — selected for their innovative or influential approach to design or design protection. Each country is the subject of two chapters — one on the history of design and the other on the history of design law — authored by experts in design and intellectual property (IP) law. This unique interdisciplinary approach explains why and how various national design protection systems (that can include design, copyright, trade mark, competition and civil laws) developed, making it an ideal book for students, researchers and lawyers. The book also serves as an international survey of different national policy and legal responses to historical developments and specific design and legal issues allowing readers to consider their advantages and disadvantages — and so is also recommended for policy and law makers, as well as organizations that administer IP rights. Topics include the subject matter of design protection; procedural and substantive requirements; design registration; infringement; and the overlap of design rights and other IP rights. The chapters on design history provide further context to the historical development of these legal concepts by considering major design movements, key designers and iconic designs and the current state of design. The chapters highlight the connected and often complementary relationship between the two histories, not only for each country, but at the regional and international level, often as a result of government policies, trade, colonialism, immigration and globalisation. Design and design practice continue to become more global and evolve with developments in technology. At the same time, design laws are not internationally harmonized and continue to develop at the national level, with a number of significant changes occurring in recent years. This timely book shows how the lessons of the past continue to inform the future direction of design and the legal systems developed to protect it.

Intellectual Property and Private International Law

Book Description

'Intellectual property and private international law' was one of the subjects discussed at the 18th International Congress of Comparative Law held in Washington (July 2010). This volume contains the General Report and 20 National Reports covering Canada, US, Japan, Korea, India and a number of European countries (Austria, France, Germany, UK, Spain etc). The General Report was prepared on the basis of National Reports. The national reporters not only describe the existing legal framework, but also provide answers for up to 12 hypothetical cases concerning international jurisdiction, choice-of-law and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in multi-state IP disputes. Based on their answers the main differences between legal systems as well as the shortcomings of the cross-border enforcement of IP rights are outlined in the General Report. The Reports in this volume analyse relevant court decisions as well as recent legislative proposals (such as the ALI, CLIP, Transparency, Waseda and Korean Principles). This book is therefore a significant contribution to the existing debate in the field and will be a valuable source of reference in shaping future developments in the cross-border enforcement of IP rights in a global context.

Injunctions in Patent Law

Book Description

Patents are important tools for innovation policy. They incentivize the creation and dissemination of new technical solutions and help to disclose their working to the public in exchange for limited exclusivity. Injunctions are important tools of their enforcement. Much has been written about different aspects of the patent system, but the issue of injunctions is largely neglected in the comparative legal literature. This book explains how the drafting, tailoring and enforcement of injunctions in patent law works in several leading jurisdictions: Europe, the United States, Canada, and Israel. The chapters provide in-depth explanation of how and why national judges provide for or reject flexibility and tailoring of injunctive relief. With its transatlantic and intra- European comparisons, as well as a policy and theoretical synthesis, this is the most comprehensive overview available for practicing attorneys and scholars in patent law. This book is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Exclusive Jurisdiction in Intellectual Property

Book Description

Exclusive jurisdiction rules related to intellectual property rights cases are insufficiently supported by the arguments usually invoked in their favor. Benedetta Ubertazzi argues that such rules are even contrary to the public international law provisions on the avoidance of a denial of justice and should therefore be abandoned.--

Employees’ Intellectual Property Rights

Book Description

In today’s knowledge-based global economy, most inventions are made by employed persons through their employers’ research and development activities. However, methods of establishing rights over an employee’s intellectual property assets are relatively uncertain in the absence of international solutions. Given that increasingly more businesses establish entities in different countries and more employees co-operate across borders, it becomes essential for companies to be able to establish the conditions under which ownership subsists in intellectual property created in employment relationships in various countries. This comparative law publication describes and analyses employers’ acquisition of employees’ intellectual property rights, first in general and then in depth. This second edition of the book considers thirty-four different jurisdictions worldwide. The book was developed within the framework of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), a non-affiliated, non-profit organization dedicated to improving and promoting the protection of intellectual property at both national and international levels. Among the issues and topics covered by the forty-nine distinguished contributors are the following: • different approaches in different law systems; • choice of law for contracts; • harmonizing international jurisdiction rules; • conditions for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments; • employees’ rights in copyright, semiconductor chips, inventions, designs, plant varieties and utility models on a country-by-country basis; • employee remuneration right; • parties’ duty to inform; and • instances for disputes. With its wealth of information on an increasingly important subject for practitioners in every jurisdiction, this book is sure to be put to constant use by corporate lawyers and in-house counsel everywhere. It is also exceptionally valuable as a thorough resource for academics and researchers interested in the international harmonization of intellectual property law.


Book Description

The rules presented in this volume of the "Principles of European Law" deal with sales contracts. The sales contact has served as the paradigm for contracts in general. Moreover, it is also probably the most common contract, and certainly the most common consumer contract, that there is. In fact, sales come in all shapes and sizes: ranging from the purchase of the daily newspaper at the news-stand or the groceries in the supermarket, through to the purchase of a new car and to commodity sales on highly specialised markets. Furthermore, there are many mixed transactions that contain a certain element of sale, such as distribution contracts or all sorts or manufacturing contracts.

Intellectual property in the digital age

Book Description

L'era digitale ha rivoluzionato il regno della proprietà intellettuale, portando sia opportunità senza precedenti che sfide significative. “La proprietà intellettuale nell'era digitale” si addentra nelle complessità di questa trasformazione, esplorando l'impatto delle tecnologie digitali sulla legge e sulla pratica della proprietà intellettuale. Il libro copre un'ampia gamma di argomenti, tra cui la protezione dei contenuti digitali, l’esecuzione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale online e il ruolo delle tecnologie emergenti come l'intelligenza artificiale e la blockchain nella gestione della proprietà intellettuale. Attraverso un mix di analisi teorica e casi pratici, questo libro fornisce una comprensione approfondita di come la digitalizzazione stia influenzando la proprietà intellettuale, offrendo spunti preziosi per professionisti legali, accademici e politici. DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-364-7