New Developments in Physical Education and Sport

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Continuous professional development is of great importance if one is to develop quality professional work. This book contains some of the latest research advances related to the field of Physical Education and Sports. In today's globalized world, continuous and permanent education is necessary and essential to complement the initial training and previous experience. In this book, you can find a wide range of works focused on innovative teaching methodologies and psychological variables to take into account to improve classes and training. These studies on the most forward-looking technological advances in physical activity and sports are useful for those who seek to be up-to-date on this type of research. In addition, these studies will be useful to consult regarding current lifestyle, the creation of healthy habits, the promotion of physical activity in one’s free time, and the importance of leading an active life.

Physical Education, Health and Education Innovation

Book Description

Today's society demands to train children and adolescents who develop in an environment based on respect and the promotion of educational values. This aspect is especially relevant to promoting physical activity and its relationship with healthy habits, such as the consumption of unprocessed foods, the reduction of a sedentary lifestyle and the improvement of adherence to sports. In this sense, the World Health Organization warns that the current rates of overweight and obesity are very high and that we must combat them. From formal education, you can help improve healthy habits with educational programs and especially in Physical Education, a subject where the work of physical, social and cognitive well-being has special relevance. Since the 20th century, studies and research that have aimed to combat unhealthy habits in educational centres and sports schools have increased. Not only by promoting physical activity within the school, but above all by seeking to generate adherence towards the future of students and athletes.

Handbook of Research on the Influence and Effectiveness of Gamification in Education

Book Description

Gamification is an increasingly popular technology that has been utilized across a number of fields such as business, medicine, and education. As education continues to turn toward online teaching and learning, gamification is one of many new technologies that have been proven to assist educators in providing holistic and effective instruction. Additional research is required to ensure this technology is utilized appropriately within the classroom. The Handbook of Research on the Influence and Effectiveness of Gamification in Education considers the importance of gamification in the current learning environment and discusses the best practices, opportunities, and challenges of this innovative technology within an educational setting. Covering a wide range of critical topics such as engagement, serious games, and escape rooms, this major reference work is essential for policymakers, academicians, administrators, scholars, researchers, practitioners, instructors, and students.

Educación 4.0 en la época de pandemia y pospandemia : retos y oportunidades

Book Description

El libro que aquí se presenta Educación 4.0 en la época de Pandemia y Pospandemia: retos y oportunidades representa un esfuerzo consistente y pertinente que expone lecciones, aprendizajes y áreas de oportunidad que tienen las organizaciones de educación superior a partir del uso generalizado de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic), durante y posterior a la pandemia por COVID-19. Esta obra está dirigida a los docentes y actores involucrados en los procesos educativos, pues no es conveniente dar vuelta a la hoja y retomar las antiguas prácticas presenciales y tradicionales después de todo el aprendizaje acumulado que se gestó durante esta etapa de contingencia, sino que estas experiencias nos conduzcan hacia escenarios de la Educación 4.0, indispensable para la conformación de ciudadanos del México del siglo XXI. DOI:

Proceedings of IAC 2020 in Venice

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Virtual International Academic Conference in Venice 2020