Número Especial Sobre Reforma Del Sector de la Salud

Book Description

The newest issue of the Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health is devoted entirely to the subject of health sector reform in North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean. The special, 150-page double issue of Ju

Health in the Americas 2002

Book Description

The 2002 edition of this quadrennial publication presents a regional analysis of the health situation and trends in the Americas region, as well as for each of the 47 countries and territories in the region. It is published in two volumes and covers mainly the years from 1997-2000. This edition focuses upon the inequalities in health. Volume One looks at issues dealing with leading health and health-related indicators, ranging from mortality and changes in life expectancy to the relationship between health and income distribution. It also considers current health conditions and trends including disease prevention and control, health promotion and environmental protection. Volume Two examines each country's overall health conditions, including institutional organisation, health regulations and the overall operation of health services.

Social Protection in Health Schemes for Mother, Newborn and Child Populations

Book Description

This publication is the product of a joint initiative between PAHO/WHO, USAID, SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) and AECI, initiated in 2004/05 to identify options for extending social protection in health to mothers, newborns, and children in Latin American Countries. It relies strongly on concepts and methodologies developed since 2000 by PAHO and SIDA and on the conceptual developments of the ILO (International Labour Organization) - PAHO Joint Initiative on Extension of Social Protection in Health.

Welfare and Social Protection in Contemporary Latin America

Book Description

Social protection serves as an important development tool, helping to alleviate deprivation, reduce social risks, raise household income and develop human capital. This book brings together an interdisciplinary team of international experts to analyse social protection systems and welfare regimes across contemporary Latin America. The book starts with a section tracking the expansion of social assistance and social insurance in Latin America through the state-led development era, the neoliberal era and the pink-tide. The second section explores the role played by local and external actors modelling social policy in the region. The third and final section addresses a variety of contemporary debates and challenges around social protection and welfare in the region, such as gender roles and the empowerment of CCT beneficiaries, and welfare provision for rural outsiders. The book touches on key topics such as conditional cash transfer programmes, trade union inclusionary strategies, transnational social policy, state-led versus market-led welfare provision, explanatory factors in the emerging dualism of social protection institutions, social citizenship rights as a consequence of changing social policy architecture and different poverty reduction strategies. This interdisciplinary volume will be of interest to economists, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists and historians working on social protection in Latin America, or interested in welfare systems in the global south.

Diversity of Capitalisms in Latin America

Book Description

“One of the definite merits of this book is to cleverly mix a theoretical breakthrough with a meticulous historical and empirical account of the transformations of some key Latin American countries. First, it is at the frontier of a research agenda initiated back to the end of the 1970s, second it clearly distinguishes between an ideal-type approach and the complexity of any specific national configuration and its transformation in history. Furthermore, the author provides decisive arguments against a pure economic determinism too frequently supposed to govern institutions building and reforms. Last but not least, the book culminates by an impressive analysis of the crises that quite any Latin America society experiences at the end the 2010s.” -Robert Boyer, Institut des Amériques, Paris, France. This book defends the idea that there are significant structural and institutional differences between the countries in Latin America. Building off the results of a four-year research project, Bizberg argues against the idea that in Latin America there is one single type of capitalism—a hierarchical one—that is entangled in a vicious cycle. Rather, there are clusters of countries that have had similar historical trajectories, analogous structures, or comparable reactions to changes to the world economy, but have not all followed the same mode of development. Just as analysts have found a variety of capitalisms in developed countries, it is possible to identify the emergence of different types of capitalism in Latin America since the 1980s debt crisis. These varieties of capitalism are defined according to categories—including the articulation to the world economy, the role of the State, the structure of the political system and the action of civil society—which give rise to distinct wage relations, comprising the industrial relations system and the welfare regime.

Hacia la cobertura universal en salud y la equidad en América Latina y el Caribe

Book Description

En las ultimas tres decadas, muchos pafses en America Latina y el Caribe han reconocido el tema de la salud como un derecho humano. Desde inicios de la decada del 2000, 46 millones de personas adicionales, de los pafses estudiados, gozan de la protecci6n de programas de salud con explfcitos derechos a recibir atenci6n. Las reformas han venido acompafiadas por un incremento en el gasto publico del sector salud, financiado en gran pa rte por los ingresos fiscales generales que priorizan o estan dirigidos explfcitamente hacia las poblaciones sin capacidad de pago. Los compromisos polfticos se han traducido en general en presupuestos mas elevados yen leyes aprobadas que circunscriben los fondos destinados al sector salud. En la mayorfa de los pafses se ha priorizado la atenci6n primaria en salud por su costo efectividad y han adoptado metodos de adquisici6n que incentivan la eficiencia y la transparencia en los resultados y que les dan a los administradores del sector salud un mayor apalancamiento para dirigir a los proveedores hacia la . consecuci6n de las prioridades de salud publica. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances. aun subsisten las disparidades en el financiamiento y calidad de los servicios de los subsistemas de salud. Cumplir con el compromiso de la cobertura universal de salud exigira esfuerzos concertados para mejorar la generaci6n de los ingresos fiscales de manera sostenible y de elevar la productividad y efectividad del gasto. En el re po rte Hacia la cobertura universal en salud v la equidad en America Latina v el Caribe: Evidencia de poises seleccionados. los autores sefialan que la evidencia tomada de un analisis de 54 encuestas de hogares corrobora que las inversiones en la ampliaci6n de la cobertura estan generando resultados. A pesar que los pobres aun presentan los peores fndices de salud en comparaci6n con los ricos, las disparidades se han reducido en gran medida, especialmente durante las primeras etapas de vida. Los pafses han alcanzado elevados niveles de cobertura y equidad en la utilizaci6n de los servicios de salud maternoinfantil. El panorama se torna mas lleno de matices y no tan positivo cuando se trata de la salud en adultos y de la prevalencia de condiciones y enfermedades cr6nicas. La cobertura de las intervenciones de enfermedades no transmisibles no es muy alta y la utilizaci6n de los servicios se inclina hacia aquellos que gozan de una mejor posici6n. La prevalencia de las enfermedades no transmisibles no ha mostrado el comportamiento esperado en vista de la cafda en las tasas de mortalidad: un mayor acceso a los servicios de diagn6stico por pa rte de los segmentos mas ricos podrfa encubrir cambios en la prevalencia real. Los gastos de salud provocados por situaciones catastr6ficas han ido en descenso en la mayorfa de los pafses. El panorama en torno a la equidad, sin embargo es mixto, apuntando hacia limitaciones en la medida. Si bien la tasa de empobrecimiento a causa de gastos de salud es baja, con tendencia decreciente en terminos generales, entre dos y cuatro millones de personas en los pafses estudiados aun caen por debajo de la lfnea de la pobreza despues de haber incurrido en gastos de salud. Los esfuerzos para darle un seguimiento sistematico a la calidad de la atenci6n en la region, apenas dan sus primeros pasos. Sin embargo, un repaso a la literatura revela graves deficiencias en la calidad de la atenci6n de salud, asi como sustanciales diferencias entre los diversos subsistemas. Elevar la calidad de la atenci6n y asegurar la sostenibilidad de las inversiones en salud siguen siendo una agenda inconclusa.

Reassembling Social Security

Book Description

The reform of social security pensions and healthcare is a key issue for the modern world, and in many ways Latin America has acted as a social laboratory for the reform of these systems. From the reforms that took place in Chile in 1981, most pension and health care systems in the region have seen reform, and been fully or partially privatized. Many other countries considering reform of their own systems have been influenced by the policies implemented in Latin America. Yet despite the importance and influence of these reforms, until now there has not been an integrated and comprehensive analysis of the changes and their effects. This book is the result of four years of painstaking work, data collection, field research and international collaboration, and so fills the vacuum in the literature with a systematic comparison of pension and healthcare reforms in the 20 Latin American countries. It identifies reform models, and elaborates taxonomies to facilitate their understanding and comparison. Some key features of the reforms to emerge are: labour force and population coverage, equity and solidarity, sufficiency and quality of benefits, state regulation, competition and degree of privatization, efficiency and administrative costs, social participation in management, financing sources and long-term sustainability. Effects of the reforms on social security principles are measured based on recent standardized statistics and other information. Goals or assumptions of the reforms are contrasted with actual outcomes, and the pros and cons of private versus private provision assessed. Detailed policy recommendations are offered to correct current problems and improve pension and healthcare systems. This is the first book to comprehensively study these influential reforms in Latin America's pension and health care systems, and as such will be of importance to academics and researchers interested in social security and welfare policy, pensions, health care, and public policy; Social security, pension, and health care policy-makers; And social security, pension, and health care consultants and practitioners. Published in association with PAHO

Latin American Social Policy Developments in the Twenty-First Century

Book Description

This book explores the scope of reforms and changes in the social protection systems in Latin America that have started at the beginning of the 21st century. It describes how and to what extent changes in social protection systems and social policies have occurred in the region in recent decades. Taking a comparative approach, the volume identifies the triggers for the transformations and how such pressures are received by the welfare regime, or a specific policy sector, to finally yield a given type of reform. The analysis is characterized by the presence of certain factors that explain the development of social protection systems in Latin America, such as economic growth, the consolidation of democratic political regimes, and the region’s Left Turns. The book also examines to what extent common challenges and processes induced by international institutions have led to convergence among countries or welfare regimes, or whether each maintains its own identity.