Protecting Your Innocence

Book Description

Inspired by lifes obstacles, poet Kimplachat Downs promotes the empowerment of women in her poetry collection, Protecting Your Innocence. She encourages women to tell their stories, resulting in the shedding of excess baggage, bitter pasts, and vague future views about love. The key mission is for women to find their way back home resuming the role that it is okay to be loved beyond their pain. Downs is an ambitious young woman with a story to tell, and she has found her passion in writing poetry for and about women. She offers inspiration to women, encouraging them to find hope as they move beyond their daily challenges. With her strong views and voice, she conveys a message of hope to the world of women. In her poetry, she draws from her personal pain, recalling the countless times she has been lost and drawn her strength from God and from those she holds closeher family and friends. Protecting Your Innocence provides guidance to women who need to know their worth and to discover who they truly are: women of substance.

Protecting Your Treasure

Book Description

Protecting Your Treasure contains a lesson often learned the hard way as we are sometimes forgetful of our age and role--with a simple ""no,"" the regret of having sex before being mature enough to endure its complications can be avoided. Sex at an early age is a slippery slope, which can leave self-esteem extremely low. While some choose paths that avoid the pitfalls of underage sex, others have seen devastating effects of sexual promiscuity. Some have been able to move forward through adulthood with dignity and integrity, but many have fallen into the traps of low self-esteem, social stigmatization, and even depression and other self-destructive behavior. But thanks to Protecting Your Treasure and its guiding quotes, you won't have to suffer such pain. Remember, ""A heart nurtured and protected flowers into a garden of love and respect.""

Protecting Innocence

Book Description

Every parent wants to protect their child from harm, but is there a way to prepare young children to be safe from sexual abuse without frightening them or damaging their innocence? Detective Diane Obbema, a 30-year veteran of law enforcement, offers critical choices that parents can make to fortify the protective boundaries around their children in her new book, Protecting Innocence.According to statistics, 93% of child victims know their molester, with most never telling anyone about their victimization. Understanding that children are most vulnerable to sexual assault between the ages of 7 and 13, Detective Obbema draws from her specialized training and investigation of hundreds of child sexual assault cases to give parents the skills they need to navigate this sensitive topic with their children before they reach this vulnerable age group and are approached by a molester.This book will help you ...* Make critical choices for protective boundaries around your child. * Be comfortable in parent-child conversations about private parts. * Teach respect for their bodies and to expect respect from others.* Ease your child's fears and build stronger confidence.* Recognize red flags indicating inappropriate interest in your child. * Understand a child's heart and mind when pressured by someone. * Build a trust that encourages your child to confide in you.* Learn 10 ways to be a more approachable parent.Detective Obbema also gives parents insight on how molesters operate by providing glimpses of what transpires in the interrogation room. By using illustrations from her real-life cases, she makes a powerful impression on parents to help them understand what happens inside a child's heart and mind when pressured by an offender. Parents learn where children are vulnerable to molesters and practical steps to thwart potential exploitation. Parents learn the power they have to foster respect for the human body within the home, and what negative influences they will need to confront.Protecting Innocence offers actual scripts for parent-child conversations to help parents feel comfortable in addressing topics many of them avoid. These dialogs teach the child proper names for intimate parts, what touches are okay and not okay, how to be assertive in uncomfortable situations, how to recognize and respond to internal feelings that warn of danger, and understanding good vs. bad secrets. These conversations help build a foundation of trust and openness between parent and child. This greater security gives a child confidence to talk with his or her parent any time... about anything.

Guardians of Innocence

Book Description

Guardians of Innocence: A Parent's Guide to Preventing Sexual Grooming In a world where safeguarding our children is paramount, "Guardians of Innocence" emerges as a powerful ally, arming parents with the knowledge and strategies they need to protect their precious ones from the shadows of sexual grooming. This guide is not just a book; it's a call to action, equipping guardians with the tools to create an unbreakable shield around their children's innocence. Benefits: Empowerment through Knowledge: Gain a deep understanding of the tactics used in sexual grooming, empowering you to recognize warning signs and take proactive measures to protect your child. Open Dialogues on Safety "Guardians of Innocence" facilitates open and honest conversations with your children about personal boundaries and safety, creating an environment where they feel heard and protected. Building Resilience: Arm your child with resilience against potential threats. This guide provides guidance on fostering emotional strength and a sense of self-worth to safeguard them against manipulation. Online Safety Strategies: Navigate the digital landscape with confidence. Learn effective strategies to monitor and manage your child's online activities, ensuring their virtual spaces remain safe and secure. Creating a Supportive Network: Discover the importance of building a supportive network within your community. "Guardians of Innocence" guides you on how to collaborate with other parents, educators, and community members to create a united front against sexual grooming. As a guardian, you hold the key to your child's safety and innocence. Order "Guardians of Innocence" now and become an empowered defender of your child's well-being. Equip yourself with the knowledge to prevent sexual grooming and create a secure environment where your child can thrive. Don't wait until it's too late. Act now and be a proactive guardian of innocence. Your child's safety deserves your commitment. Order your copy, take a stand, and let "Guardians of Innocence" be your guide in the crucial mission of protecting the ones you love.

Assault on Innocence

Book Description

The Armor of God, maintaining and extending your covering, praying correctly to guarantee an answer, spiritual ramifications of fasting, and strongholds are some, but not all, of the subjects within these pages. The largest chapter in the book is on the Armor of God. You are shown why you cannot pray the Armor on. You are given detailed instructions on how we put it on and keep it on. This is one of the most in-depth teachings on the Armor of God that you will find. In other chapters, we will deal with understanding and answering fundamental questions: How do you maintain your covering, which is God's protection over believers? How do you extend your covering over your children? Why are your prayers not being answered? Christians have adopted rituals and traditions that are ungodly and are not aware of it. Do you realize that when we pray with palms together, it actually symbolizes a rejection of God? The palm prayer is nowhere in the Bible, and when you read about its origins, you will be shocked. Yet, palms together is how most parents teach their children to pray. Assault on Innocence breaks down Biblical teaching on the proper way to pray to ensure that our prayers are answered. How does fasting affect demonic spirits, and how is it tied into God's commandment that His people are not to drink blood? Assault on Innocence reveals the truth of why we fast: "You don't fast to move God, you fast to hear God. You do not fast to tell God what you need Him to do. You fast to quiet the flesh so you can hear clearly what God needs you to do." What is a strong hold, how are they built up, and even more importantly, how do we tear them down? What really happened with Cain and Able? How does the story of the two brothers hide one of the most powerful teachings on spiritual warfare in scripture, which deals with the spiritual contracts and covenants we sign with the enemy through our mouths? What happens spiritually when we sin? How to get delivered, and stay delivered? Assault on Innocence answers these vital questions. I had a vision and saw these words in big block letters in my mind: "Assault on Innocence." For those of you that have had visions, you know God will show you something and then will download more information into your spirit. Therefore, I knew this was the title of the book He wanted me to write. This is not just a book about protecting your children. Assault on Innocence is a detailed preparation guide for all Christians who want to know how to protect themselves and their families from the assaults of the enemy. God wants every believer to know that before you can effectively protect your children, you must first know how to protect yourself. This book is about spiritual warfare. Assault on Innocence differs from many other books in that it is totally scriptural based with testimonies to confirm Biblical teachings on each subject. If you are a Christian who has received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and you have noticed twitching or vibrations on your body the book tells you what they are, how they affect you, and how to resolve them. I have had someone reading the book call me screaming, blown away by what God gave me. I have had a minister open the book and jump because he felt the anointing all over his body. One reader proclaimed this book will change your life. One woman of God said, "Awesome download from heaven!" She went on to tell me that, "The book is truly a blessing!! That's from the heart. Not just to encourage you, but it's a fact." Please read and share with your friends and loved ones. I promise this book will be a blessing to you. Every Christian family needs to know the information contained within these pages. All glory to God! Who teaches like Him? No one! May the blessings of the Lord overtake you.

Saving Childhood

Book Description

In Saving Childhood, cultural critic Michael Medved and his wife, psychologist Diane Medved, provide positive and practical strategies for parents who struggle every day with a society that seems perversely determined to frighten and corrupt its young. They explore and explain today's assault on innocence, which now menaces our children from four directions--the media, schools, peers, and most destructively, parents themselves. This book provides both general and detailed suggestions on how to overcome each of these influences and give our children the most precious gift of all--a secure, hopeful, and protected childhood. The Medveds argue that the destruction of innocence among today's young arises From the good intentions of some of the most "enlightened" elements in this society, who believe we must warn children about--rather than protect them from--the harsh Facts of a cruel and often violent world. But Saving Childhood provides powerful evidence that a healthy society, and the psychological health of each individual, requires a period of nourishing and sheltering in order to instill confidence and security in each new generation. In this vital wake-up call, the Medveds provide a clear, practical, and uplifting blueprint for rescuing the enchantment of youth. They suggest that rather than stressing danger and despair to our children, we should emphasize gratitude, clear standards of behavior with predictable results, and a sense of home as sanctuary. Both shocking and hopeful, Saving Childhood empowers parents to restore the key elements of childhood innocence--security, a sense of wonder, and optimism--that should be honored as the precious birthright of every American child.

8 Ways to Create Their Fate

Book Description

Ten percent of students surveyed say they were abused at school - that is nearly 4.5 million U.S. students. That number doesn't begin to address the children who were abused in day care centers, boys and girls clubs, faith organizations, sports programs, and other youth-serving organizations. Child molesters need access in order to abuse and what better way to gain it than to work for an organization that serves youth? As a youth-serving organization leader, staff member, or parent, this book will guide you to create an environment where child molesters virtually cannot succeed without being caught and therefore won't want to work. We all play a part in the solution and these pages provide step-by-step instructions on your part. Are you ready to get started?

My Body Is a Gift from God

Book Description

Children of all ages are constantly exposed to damaging sexual content in media and in life. As a parent you try to be vigilant, but it's simply impossible to completely prevent. How do you protect your young children? How do you find the right words to start talking to them about healthy intimacy without frightening them or damaging their innocence? You start with this book. My Body is a Gift from God uses gentle language to teach parents and children how to begin protective, age-appropriate conversations in the emotionally safe setting of reading together. Notice how it helps you and your child easily converse about sexual topics, while fitting within and supporting your family's values. Potentially difficult topics like body image, healthy relationships, sexual abuse, pornography, and sexual peer pressure become accessible for young ages. Start now to protect your child while preserving their childhood innocence and promoting a sense of security and joy in their miraculous, wonderful body. This book will give you the words.

Purity Balls

Book Description