Protection des données sur Internet

Book Description

La cybercriminalité croissante atteste de la difficulté de trouver un juste équilibre entre la sécurité, la protection de la vie privée et la liberté de naviguer sur le web. Cet ouvrage expose les menaces de confidentialité qui pèsent sur les technologies fixes et mobiles, plus particulièrement au niveau de la protection des données personnelles, qu’elles soient fournies volontairement par l’utilisateur ou recueillies à son insu. Illustré d’exemples et de décisions jurisprudentielles, il décline également l'ensemble des législations nationales et internationales destinées à protéger l’internaute tout en assurant l’ordre public. Enfin, ce livre énonce les règles de bonne conduite et alerte le lecteur sur les pièges dont il peut faire l’objet sur Internet.

Enjeux européens et mondiaux de la protection des données personnelles

Book Description

Cet ouvrage offre une analyse des grands enjeux en matière de protection des données à caractère personnel, à la lumière des dispositions de la proposition de règlement européen et des législations européennes en vigueur. Nous assistons actuellement à une véritable révolution sociale, économique et technologique. L’exploitation des données avec le big data, l’internet des objets, va changer le monde. Face aux avancées, mais également aux inquiétudes que cette révolution suscite, il est important de s’appuyer sur les droits fondamentaux. Ainsi l’ouvrage revient sur la jurisprudence tant de la Cour de justice européenne que celle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Une attention particulière est également donnée au champ d’application territorial de la proposition de règlement et au transfert des données. L’ouvrage met également en relief la perception américaine des règles de protection des données personnelles par rapport aux dernières négociations entre l’Europe et les Etats-Unis ; il traite en particulier du droit à l’oubli, du profilage ou de la notification des failles de sécurité ; il met en exergue les défis de la protection des données personnelles dans le domaine des services financiers, notamment en matière de fraude au paiement. L’ouvrage s’intéresse ainsi non seulement aux mesures à prendre par les entreprises pour respecter les règles de protection des données, mais aussi à la façon des autorités de les faire respecter. Un ouvrage qui propose une approche aussi bien juridique que pratique sur le sujet. À PROPOS DE L'ÉDITEUR Larcier Group, composé des marques d’édition juridique prestigieuses que sont Larcier, Bruylant, Promoculture-Larcier, propose des solutions documentaires adaptées aux besoins spécifiques de tous les professionnels du droit belge, luxembourgeois et français (avocats, magistrats, notaires, juristes d’entreprise,...). Fournisseur historique et privilégié de toutes les sources du droit, son offre éditoriale est composée, notamment, de la base de données juridique la plus complète de Belgique (Strada lex), de plus de 300 nouvelles monographies par an, plus de 70 revues juridiques, plusieurs collections de Codes, de logiciels de calculs et d’un riche catalogue de formations. Larcier Group est l’éditeur numéro 1 dans le segment juridique en Belgique.À côté de ce segment juridique, Larcier Group s’adresse également aux professions économiques et aux professions RH en Belgique avec sa marque Larcier Business et son offre éditoriale principalement numérique.Avec Indicator, Larcier Group fait partie, depuis juin 2016, du Groupe Éditions Lefebvre- Sarrut, à présent leader en Belgique sur tous les segments de l’édition juridique et fiscale.

Information and Communications for Development 2018

Book Description

The Information and Communications for Development series looks in depth at how information and communications technologies are affecting economic growth in developing countries. This new report, the fourth in the series, examines the topic of data-driven development, or how better information makes for better policies. The objective is to assist developing-country firms and governments in unlocking the value of the data they hold for better service delivery and decision making and to empower individuals to take more control of their personal data. We are undoubtedly experiencing a data revolution in which our ability to generate, process, and utilize information has been magnified many times over by the machines that we increasingly rely upon. This report is about how the data revolution is changing the behavior of governments, individuals, and firms and how these changes affect the nature of development: economic, social, and cultural. How can governments extract value from data to improve service delivery in the same way that private companies have learned to do for profit? Is it feasible for individuals to take ownership of their own data and to use it to improve their livelihoods and quality of life? Can developing-country firms compete with the internet majors on their own turf and be even more innovative in their use of data to serve local customers better? Though the report is aimed primarily at government policy makers, it also has great relevance for individuals concerned about how their personal data is used and how the data revolution might affect their future job prospects. For private sector firms, particularly those in developing countries, the report suggests how they might expand their markets and improve their competitive edge. For development professionals, the report provides guidance on how they might use data more creatively to tackle long-standing global challenges, such as eliminating extreme poverty, promoting shared prosperity, or mitigating the effects of climate change. The report’s chapters explore different themes associated with the supply of data, the technology underlying it, and the demand for it. An overview chapter focuses on government use of data and presentation of definitions. Part I of the report then looks at the “supply side†? of the data sector, with chapters on data connectivity and capacity (where data comes from, how it is stored, and where it goes) and data technology (specifically big data analytics and artificial intelligence) and how this is contributing to development. Part II looks at the sector’s “demand side,†? with a chapter on people’s use of data and another that examines how firms use digital platforms in the data economy and how that contributes to competitiveness. Part III brings together the policy implications for developing-country stakeholders, with a chapter considering government policies for data, including data protection and privacy. A closing Data Notes appendix looks at statistical indicators associated with the use of data and presents the 2018 update of the Digital Adoption Index (DAI), a composite indicator introduced in the 2016 World Development Report: Digital Dividends.

The Data Protection Officer

Book Description

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation created the position of corporate Data Protection Officer (DPO), who is empowered to ensure the organization is compliant with all aspects of the new data protection regime. Organizations must now appoint and designate a DPO. The specific definitions and building blocks of the data protection regime are enhanced by the new General Data Protection Regulation and therefore the DPO will be very active in passing the message and requirements of the new data protection regime throughout the organization. This book explains the roles and responsiblies of the DPO, as well as highlights the potential cost of getting data protection wrong.

Computers, Privacy and Data Protection: an Element of Choice

Book Description

This timely interdisciplinary work on current developments in ICT and privacy/data protection, coincides as it does with the rethinking of the Data Protection Directive, the contentious debates on data sharing with the USA (SWIFT, PNR) and the judicial and political resistance against data retention. The authors of the contributions focus on particular and pertinent issues from the perspective of their different disciplines which range from the legal through sociology, surveillance studies and technology assessment, to computer sciences. Such issues include cutting-edge developments in the field of cloud computing, ambient intelligence and PETs; data retention, PNR-agreements, property in personal data and the right to personal identity; electronic road tolling, HIV-related information, criminal records and teenager's online conduct, to name but a few.

Deep Diving into Data Protection

Book Description

This book celebrates the 40th anniversary of the creation of the CRID and the 10th anniversary of its successor, the CRIDS. It gathers twenty-one very high quality contributions on extremely interesting and topical aspects of data protection. The authors come from Europe as well as from the United States of America and Canada. Their contributions have been grouped as follows: 1° ICT Governance; 2° Commodification & Competition; 3° Secret surveillance; 4° Whistleblowing; 5° Social Medias, Web Archiving & Journalism; 6° Automated individual decision-making; 7° Data Security; 8° Privacy by design; 9° Health, AI, Scientific Research & Post-Mortem Privacy. This book is intended for all academics, researchers, students and practitioners who have an interest in privacy and data protection.

Data Protection without Data Protectionism

Book Description

This open access book offers a new account on the legal conflict between privacy and trade in the digital sphere. It develops a fundamental rights theory with a new right to continuous protection of personal data and explores the room for the application of this new right in trade law. Replicable legal analysis and practical solutions show the way to deal with cross-border data flows without violating fundamental rights and trade law principles. The interplay of privacy and trade became a topic of worldwide attention in the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations concerning US mass surveillance. Based on claims brought forward by the activist Maximilian Schrems, the ECJ passed down two high-profile rulings restricting EU-US data flows. Personal data is relevant for a wide range of services that are supplied across borders and restrictions on data flows therefore have an impact on the trade with such services. After the two rulings by the ECJ, it is less clear then ever how privacy protection and trade can be brought together on an international scale. Although it was widely understood that the legal dispute over EU-US data flows concerns the broad application of EU data protection law, it has never been fully explored just how far the EU’s requirements for the protection of digital rights go and what this means beyond EU-US data flows. This book shows how the international effects of EU data protection law are rooted in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and that the architecture of EU law demands that the Charter as primary EU law takes precedence over international law. The book sets out to solve the problem of how the EU legal data transfer regime must be designed to implement the EU’s extraterritorial fundamental rights requirements without violating the principles of the WTO’s law on services. It also addresses current developments in international trade law – the conclusion of comprehensive trade agreements – and offers suggestion for the design of data flow clauses that accommodate privacy and trade.

Privacy, Data Protection and Data-driven Technologies

Book Description

This book brings together contributions from leading scholars in law and technology, analysing the privacy issues raised by new data-driven technologies. Highlighting the challenges that technology poses to existing European Union (EU) data protection laws, the book assesses whether current legal frameworks are fit for purpose, while maintaining a balance between supporting innovation and the protection of individual’s privacy. Data privacy issues range from targeted advertising and facial recognition, systems based on artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain, and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, to technologies that enable the detection of emotions and personal care robots. The book will be of interest to scholars, policymakers and practitioners working in the fields of law and technology, EU law and data protection.

African Data Privacy Laws

Book Description

This volume presents analyses of data protection systems and of 26 jurisdictions with data protection legislation in Africa, as well as additional selected countries without comprehensive data protection laws. In addition, it covers all sub-regional and regional data privacy policies in Africa. Apart from analysing data protection law, the book focuses on the socio-economic contexts, political settings and legal culture in which such laws developed and operate. It bases its analyses on the African legal culture and comparative international data privacy law. In Africa protection of personal data, the central preoccupation of data privacy laws, is on the policy agenda. The recently adopted African Union Cyber Security and Data Protection Convention 2014, which is the first and currently the only single treaty across the globe to address data protection outside Europe, serves as an illustration of such interest. In addition, there are data protection frameworks at sub-regional levels for West Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa. Similarly, laws on protection of personal data are increasingly being adopted at national plane. Yet despite these data privacy law reforms there is very little literature about data privacy law in Africa and its recent developments. This book fills that gap.