Psalms for a Pilgrim People

Book Description

Cotter gracefully merges the beauty and poetry of the original Psalms with the reality of today's world in well-crafted, contemporary language.

The Church

Book Description

In this day when Christians and churches are widely dispersed throughout the world, the ques- tion ‘Who is the church?’ could easily be dismissed as irrelevant. In this publication, Bishop David Zac Niringiye pleads that as Jesus warned, we should not be in haste to conclude that any community with religious titles or forms and who speaks the right language of ‘Lord, Lord . . . ’ is authentic church. Taking his cue from Hebrews 11 and 12 the author addresses the motif of ‘the people of God’, looking first at the ancient people of Israel, beginning with Moses, then the new Israel and the covenant in Christ, born through the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and finally the life of the new community, the church, during the apostolic era. Through this biblical journey it is made clear that as the pilgrim people of God and the new community in Christ we must be marked by faith, love and hope, looking forward to the full consummation of the kingdom of God – justice, peace and joy, fully realized when ‘the new heaven and the new earth where righteousness dwells’ (2 Peter 3:13) is inaugurated.


Book Description

What is possibly the most exquisite single group of psalms - 120-134 - describe themselves as 'songs of ascents'. They recall the journeys of pilgrims from all over the land 'up' to Jerusalem to keep the feasts of the Lord. And as the people walked, they sang. God's people today may not make quite such a journey but, as Alec Motyer contests, in living the Christian life we have all embarked on a pilgrimage of the heart. The life of faith is to be lived on the move; through varying terrains but with a single destination - as we walk with eyes fixed on Jesus. A devotional read to hearten both weary and sure-footed travellers.

The Pilgrim Psalms

Book Description

These Songs of Degrees were the songs that the people of Israel would sing as they journeyed to Jerusalem for the three great feats every year. These are the Pilgrims traveling to God's Holy City to the very presence of God. They had issues to deal with, as we do, that would be a hindrance to reaching the presence of God. Let us make their songs our own, as we too are Pilgrims on our way to Heaven.

The Pilgrim Psalms

Book Description

Sacramental Life

Book Description

As David deSilva has experienced the ancient wisdom of the Book of Common Prayer, he's been formed spiritually in deep and lasting ways. In these pages, he offers you a brand new way to use the Book of Common Prayer, exploring how Christians can be spiritually formed by the sacraments of baptism, Eucharist, marriage and last rites.


Book Description

The Psalms show you how to relate to God as you pray your doubt, fears and anger. They show you how to respond to God in praise. In this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study you will find the best place to explore who you are and what God means to you.

Pilgrim People

Book Description

Come along on four major pilgrimages in Scripture —the journey of trust with Abraham and Sarah, the journey of freedom with Moses and the Hebrew people, the journey of exile and return with Israel, and the journey of discipleship with Jesus and his followers. God's call sometimes leads and sometimes sends, and the destinations can be new and wondrous or even dark and dangerous. What makes the journey a pilgrimage is God's abiding companionship. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayer and access to online lectures are included. 4 lessons.