Pseudepigraphic Perspectives: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Book Description

This volume of symposium papers examines the attribution of books to great figures in antiquity: Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Levi, Moses, Ezekiel, Daniel and others. The authors offer fine literary studies of these pseudepigraphical writings, assess the uses of pseudonymity and anonymity in the Dead Sea Scrolls and rabbinic literature, and explore the theological, social and historical implications of the different attributions and approaches. The consequences of assigning the origins of evil to humans (Adam and Eve) or to demons (the generations of Enoch and Noah) and the significance of each author's choice of pseudepigrahical pseudonym for identifying his social context are among the important issues addressed.

Pseudepigraphic Perspectives

Book Description

A collection of papers on writings attributed to Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Levi, Moses, Ezekiel and Daniel. They offer fine literary studies, assess the uses of pseudonymity and anonymity in the Scrolls and rabbinic literature, and explore their theological, social and historical implications.

The Embroidered Bible: Studies in Biblical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in Honour of Michael E. Stone

Book Description

This Festschrift contains forty-one original essays and six tribute papers in honour of Michael E. Stone, Gail Levin de Nur Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies and Professor Emeritus of Armenian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The volume’s main theme is Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, envisioned in its broadest sense: apocryphal texts, traditions, and themes from the Second-Temple period to the High Middle Ages, in Judaism, Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Islam. Most essays present new or understudied texts based on fresh manuscript evidence; the others are thematic in approach. The volume’s scope and focus reflect those of Professor Stone’s scholarship, without a special emphasis on Armenian studies.

Regards Croises Sur La Pseudepigraphie Dans l'Antiquite / Perspectives on Pseudepigraphy in Antiquity

Book Description

"Qu'il s'agisse d'ecrire sous le nom de Pythagore, d'Orphee, de la Pythie, ou encore de Paul de Tarse ou d'Enoch, les Anciens usaient de noms d'emprunt celebres pour s'exprimer. Phenomene fondamental de l'Antiquite, la pseudepigraphie n'a cependant fait l'objet d'aucune monographie avant les annees 1970, avec le livre de Wolfgang Speyer, Die literarische Falschung im heidnischen und christlichen Altertum (1971), et les Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, Pseudepigrapha I. Pseudopythagorica - Lettres de Platon - Litterature pseudepigraphique juive (1972). Le sujet a alors suscite les critiques de plusieurs savants. Plus recemment, la somme que Bart Ehrman a consacree a la question, Forgery and Counterforgery (2013), par les vives reactions qu'elle a provoquees - parfois critiques, parfois elogieuses - a contribue a relancer le debat. Le present volume se propose de revenir sur ces importantes syntheses, en les abordant sous l'angle de figures precises, ainsi que d'epoques, de langues et de regions diverses. Il vise aussi a elargir la recherche en mettant a l'epreuve les differentes theories enoncees dans la litterature savante. Il est desormais devenu essentiel d'etendre et de remodeler cette notion de pseudepigraphie qui touche egalement a celles d'"" auctorialite "", d'inspiration poetique, d'intention des auteurs antiques et de genres litteraires."

Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism

Book Description

2020 Center for Biblical Studies Book Award (Reference Works) This book introduces readers to a much-neglected and misunderstood assortment of Jewish writings from around the time of the New Testament. Dispelling mistaken notions of "falsely attributed writings" that are commonly inferred from the designation "pseudepigrapha," Daniel Gurtner demonstrates the rich indebtedness these works exhibit to the traditions and scriptures of Israel's past. In surveying many of the most important works, Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism shows how the pseudepigrapha are best appreciated in their own varied contexts rather than as mere "background" to early Christianity or emerging rabbinic Judaism. Foreword by Loren T. Stuckenbruck.

Sapiential Perspectives: Wisdom Literature in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Book Description

The papers in this volume were originally read at the Sixth International Orion Symposium. The primary focus of the volume is on the wisdom texts from Qumran that have been fully edited only in recent years, especially 1Q/4QMysteries and 4QInstruction. Prior to the discovery of the Scrolls, our knowledge of wisdom literature in the Second Temple period was limited to contemporary biblical books, apocryphal works, and pseudepigraphical writings. These recently published compositions now allow for a more nuanced picture of wisdom literature and its impact on and interaction with other genres. In addition to shedding light on the world of their authors, these texts illustrate how biblical wisdom was reused in new contexts, and provide a missing link between earlier and later sapiential compositions.

Studia in Veteris Testamenti pseudepigrapha

Book Description

The fragments of Aramaic Levi Document are presented for the first time as a single coherent whole. This book, which will move the study of this pivotal document to a new level, includes original texts, translation, introduction and extensive and detailed commentary.

Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

Book Description

This collection presents the sacred legends and spiritual reflections of numerous works that were lost, neglected, or suppressed for many centuries.

Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament As Part of Christian Literature

Book Description

This book analyses the Christian transmission of the Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, in particular the case of the "Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs" and the Greek "Life of Adam and Eve,"